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View Full Version : Best Level To Open Crates?

04-20-2013, 01:59 PM
So I was thinking about opening a couple crates and was wondering what level I should open them at, level 1-30?

04-20-2013, 02:08 PM
All the twinkin levels that are popular

Edit: if u make a level 5 and open chest, i need bone chil set and radiant helm and snow storm sword an northorn tower sword an shield, all level 5 for warrior only

04-20-2013, 02:18 PM
Open at 30 as the items sell easier than at 31 since it takes a long time to get that last level and people choose to do a mini upgrade at 30 to speed things up. The chance of getting arcane or mythics is so low that you might as well be able to cut your losses as you open to find junk along the way.

If you're planning on making or collecting low level twinks, then start a new character and open at the level you want! Personally I found that one level below the cap is best for resale value on most items.

04-20-2013, 02:27 PM
Never. If you must at the lvl you need gear till you get the best

04-20-2013, 02:53 PM
I mean which level items from crates are more popular

08-12-2013, 08:38 AM
lol. prolly 16-21 are most popular. under level 16 is harder to sell, but goes for more usu.

08-12-2013, 09:08 AM
lol. prolly 16-21 are most popular. under level 16 is harder to sell, but goes for more usu.

No more necroing frok m you.

Always the elite or PvP levels.

08-12-2013, 09:23 AM
im new to forums of any type. learning the ettiquitte, ty.

08-12-2013, 09:25 AM
im new to forums of any type. learning the ettiquitte, ty.

One good thing to do is search for "new posts", which gives you a listOf the most recent threads. Also, anything more than about a month old that hasn't had any new responses is kind of obsolete (there are exceptions, of course, but this is a general rule)

08-15-2013, 02:34 AM

Oh wait.