View Full Version : Hopefully - mage to get re-spwan at checkpoint

10-08-2010, 01:03 AM
Guy’s was in on some useful discussion with one of de devs - cinco - to be sure - and he seem’d to like the suggestion that Mage should get Re-spawn at checkpoint.

This should solve a whole bunch of minor and major ‘issues’ some of us have been facing in the new campaign - mage missing out on loot. Not making it in-time to rez the rest of the party resulting in a re-match with boss at cost of potions and elixirs and most importantly - time in general. Even warriors and or archers what have more of a sense of fair-play than to lie around as opposed to walk of shame with magey also miss out on loot. I know.

Soo. . .really hope this actually fall’s through. It should be a quick patch. I don’t know what it would take. But seem’s like we have so many effects in AO3 that adding a check point between any two stone pillars (so many spread throughout the dungeon - many perfectly lined up even). So you go left - past a checkpoint - die - rez there. Go right - activate next checkpoint and so on and so forth.

Mage’s Only. To keep the team functionality alive. That was the kicker.

Fingers crossed.

10-08-2010, 09:02 AM
Please!!!! I am so. fricking. tired. of making that walk for the Keeper. I keep out of the way, run over to res someone and the Keeper gets moved/loses aggro and I one-shot die. Run back. Lather, rinse, repeat. Arrrrrgh! Thanks, Arjun, for giving me hope.

10-08-2010, 12:02 PM
PLEASE honestly I've even started to use speedpots...

10-08-2010, 12:48 PM
If I remember correctly what Cinco said, it was just that they might consider a teleport type elixer, or even just a souped up speed elixer to run back super fast, so mages would still be kinda screwed (as usual), and have spend money to stay near the boss, while other characters can just rely on the mage to do so, and then rez them...

10-08-2010, 01:24 PM
What I remember was how i sez it. .. cinco him say that they did concider checkpoints but ditched the idea. Cause why keep mage then? But when was suggested ONLY mage at checkpoint he was like . . . hmmmmm. . .

So . . .there is hope.
Plus I ask paul (of the octopus) he say mage will get re-spawn in checkpoint. Sooon. Very soon.

10-08-2010, 02:25 PM
idea here: make it a mage's passive skill on the upcoming skill overhaul...

10-08-2010, 04:12 PM
If it were a skill, passive or not, I'd be happy to burn some mana for some more speed. I'd be even happier not to have to make the long walks, quickly or otherwise. I'd still like to put my request in for a pony (ponies!!!!!).

10-08-2010, 06:30 PM
idea here: make it a mage's passive skill on the upcoming skill overhaul...

Upcoming skill overhaul? You heard something I haven't?

10-08-2010, 07:54 PM
We could really use better use of the mana shield skill. It doesn't take long to drain all your mana and then your dead. If you don't die you have no mana left to heal yourself or your team and then your dead. Enchantresses should get major update so that all the points poured into INT are not wasted because we can't fight and have to watch from the cheap seats.
I have a lvl 42 bird and a lvl 45 enchantress, mostly DEX and INT respectively, and my bird can stand toe to toe in AO2 with most baddies, but my enchantress must hang back even in AO1 on some baddies, not talking just the bosses. INT needs to give more to skills than it does.

10-08-2010, 07:57 PM
I have had a little think about this and here's my suggestion.

You cast the spell and a menu pops out with the names of those in your party on it. You select one of the members and are instantly teleported to them. Depending on your proficiency you will be stunned for a period of time when you arrive. See image below for how this may work:


Taken from the Skill & Attribute Overhaul (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?9105-Skill-amp-Attribute-Overhaul) document:

This spell allows the caster to select a member of their party and teleport directly to them. Depending on the proficiency of the spell, they will be stunned for a short to very long period of time when they arrive at their new location.

10-08-2010, 09:32 PM
Would not mind teleport type of thing at all, but would rather see an enchantresses buff give them hundreds more hitpoints for e few seconds and then wear off. This would allow them to run in to a battle, heal/revive, do fireblast to blow back enemies and give those revived a second or two to spam some pots to get back to full health, then enchantress could run away again. Make them feel like they need some skill to play rather than just heal from a distance or simply not go into a room for fear of being one shotted.

10-08-2010, 10:06 PM
I like the teleport idea.

Or just have a non-Mage cast a temp mount on the mage's body

10-08-2010, 11:31 PM
Whatever gets us to the loot!

10-09-2010, 01:05 AM
I think they can sell lots of plat by releasing a revive potion.
Pop up when dead with the option to use, if you have one. Instant self revive.

10-09-2010, 09:25 AM
Would not mind teleport type of thing at all, but would rather see an enchantresses buff give them hundreds more hitpoints for e few seconds and then wear off. This would allow them to run in to a battle, heal/revive, do fireblast to blow back enemies and give those revived a second or two to spam some pots to get back to full health, then enchantress could run away again. Make them feel like they need some skill to play rather than just heal from a distance or simply not go into a room for fear of being one shotted.

Ummmm, yeah. The aliens with the big guns and the green swords are a bit of a problem even if we mages sit in the back of the bus. Between them making me a one hit kill and they or the alien magic guys draining my mana down to zip (and whoever's doing it--I don't like you), it's a little hard to do my job. Last night a group of us were in Captive Audience and I was trying to res a team member. Between a (not very helpful) mana shield and hitting both mana and health pots simultaneously and constantly, I managed to get them revived and.....dead. Hitting res was just enough delay in pot-whalloping for the end of me. Sigh. Back in a few guys. It's a long walk. That's as a lvl 48 mage with 71 armor total and a mana pool of 390. One hit=dead and/or not enough mana to do anything. Playing "Res team-mate, die, walk back, repeat" is not exactly fun.

10-09-2010, 09:37 PM
It's more fun if you only have to run a short distance? I don't enjoy getting killed at all, esp. one shotted at that level. Would be nice if something were to give us a fighting chance rather that a short walk.

10-09-2010, 09:55 PM

10-12-2010, 12:41 AM
How much for shirt - I take two. . .if is on discount!?!