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10-08-2010, 01:32 AM
1. No, I'm not a noob hoping to figure out the methodology to a quick-fix for loads of gold.

2. I'm not a total noob, been an MMO gamer for 6 or so years. Please leave the trolling and condescending comments out of your replies.

3. The reason for me asking is because who ever coined the term 'Farming' in MMO Gaming, used it to refer to the easier of two or more methods of making money on a game. However, a lot of gamers call anything that gets them money farming so it's a loose term.

From what I've heard there's 2, possibly 3, methods of farming on PL. I was kicked the other day from a dungeon because they said I was 'farming'. To my knowledge I wasn't doing anything extra ordinary so I'm a bit confused as to what 'farming' means to the community of PL.

Please & Thankies,


10-08-2010, 01:43 AM
If you were booted with reason "farming", I would think that means they were farming and either you were too low level, wrong class, or they already had a group going and one of them was just a bit late and they were saving his "seat".

10-08-2010, 01:50 AM
If you were booted with reason "farming", I would think that means they were farming and either you were too low level, wrong class, or they already had a group going and one of them was just a bit late and they were saving his "seat".

Ah, so I wasn't actually farming then lol.

Although I'm thankful for your reply, my initial question remains unanswered. What exactly is farming in PL? A friend of mine told me it was someone who basically did dungeoun runs and killed until they got what they wanted, then split. A random 45 bear told me farming is where 1 character or a team of characters rushes the bosses for the dropped items then leaves. Then another person told me it was someone who sits behind his team doing nothing collecting gold and XP.

MurMur is making a DurDur face at the moment. I'm confused lol.

10-08-2010, 01:52 AM
what i know there are 2 types of farming:

farming pinks: rush bosses
farming xp: join easier levels with many easy enemys for power leveling

10-08-2010, 01:55 AM
Farming, where you run a map, and then redo the map, until you die of boredom or the item drops.

Rushing is legging it past the trash mobs and killing the boss/s if the then remake the same map and rush again then it's a style of farming.

10-08-2010, 01:57 AM
what i know there are 2 types of farming:

farming pinks: rush bosses
farming xp: join easier levels with many easy enemys for power leveling

Uhm, gold farming?

10-08-2010, 02:12 AM
i know.. i only didnt wanted to put it... gold farming is relative... i could be together to both other farming types... when you farm xp you got money nearby.. when you farm pinks for selling you got money.. but who of us is joining levels to farm only money...?
and in wich levels u got a lot of money...?

10-08-2010, 09:44 AM
Uhm, gold farming?

Uh, doesnt work.

10-08-2010, 10:12 AM
Uh, doesnt work.

This has become less of an issue, but many characters in the swamps days would go to lower maps alone to kill mobs specifically for gold to pay for pots. This may become more important now that people are relying on elixers to get through maps.

10-08-2010, 10:15 AM
'Farming' is simply redoing a map you have beaten for any other purpose then to advance to the next map. This can be done to get more XP (main reason), to get more or better items, or to get more gold. In essence, it is the main reason we all play the game, and also the reason the game is still fun once you hit the level cap.

10-08-2010, 10:57 AM
'Farming' is simply redoing a map you have beaten for any other purpose then to advance to the next map.

Welllllllll....you could also be redoing a low-level to help newer folks out. Heaven knows you're not going to get rich or XP running the Dark Forest once you're past those levels. And after the final tome quest, I really didn't want to see Balefort again for a very, very long time. ;) But for the most part, The Fluff's got it right--XP/rares/salable items or a combination of some or all of the above.

10-08-2010, 11:00 AM
definition of farming equals royce oh sorry wrong topic

10-08-2010, 11:27 AM
definition of farming equals royce oh sorry wrong topic

lol ........

10-08-2010, 11:28 AM
Welllllllll....you could also be redoing a low-level to help newer folks out. Heaven knows you're not going to get rich or XP running the Dark Forest once you're past those levels. And after the final tome quest, I really didn't want to see Balefort again for a very, very long time. ;) But for the most part, The Fluff's got it right--XP/rares/salable items or a combination of some or all of the above.

Now it is useless, but back in the swamps days I used to run Dark Forest solo to pay for pots for my spamming AOE mage.

10-08-2010, 11:36 AM
true this all sounds good to mee.. but im like i dont farm but i have like 100 pinks and i dont knwo what to do with them.. and i dont just wanna sell them to the game cause thats a waste.. so if someone wants to buy any or if someone does not have enough gold and needs one just message me in game i would be glad to give someone something if they need.. :)

IGN = Angeluscustos

10-08-2010, 11:46 AM
The one who said "standing behind doing nothing is farming" was wrong. That's called leeching.

10-08-2010, 11:52 AM
true this all sounds good to mee.. but im like i dont farm but i have like 100 pinks and i dont knwo what to do with them.. and i dont just wanna sell them to the game cause thats a waste.. so if someone wants to buy any or if someone does not have enough gold and needs one just message me in game i would be glad to give someone something if they need.. :)

IGN = Angeluscustos

I used to try to sell my pinks, but now that the having the old prefixes on a new weapon automatically makes it pink some of them are just awful. I have been giving these away in town to really low players for fun. An example is the Level 50 Conqueror's Djinn Spear. NO way that should be considered rare.

10-08-2010, 04:52 PM
Kill a boss, Wipe the blood off ur hands, Rinse Repeat