View Full Version : sts, what about achievements and pets? It doesnt make sense

04-21-2013, 03:24 PM
Okay so I love that we added achievements for pets, as I made this suggestion a lot during beta.. However it seems very inconsistent in it. The pet achievements are all about season 1 for the most part... ?? that should be fixed (plus would make people more apt to buy all these platinum pets) sop why cant we add these to achievements

--season 1 all pets (this has been already done)
--season 2 all pets (dead city pets, thsi was done)
--season 3 all pets (kraken pets )
--season 4 all pets (nordr pets)
--season 5 all pets (mage world)

etc... ripmaw, and slag should not be included in this (as rip is no longer avaialble) Right now there is no incentive to get all the pets like in season 1...

also more story token pets!!!! or specific weapons/armor that cannot be found in world only through story tokens...

also whats the deal with hammerjaw.. why does it have an achievement as an arcane pet and glacian doesnt, yet they both have same rare drop rate??
SO if me and another player both get arcance drops, he gets hammerjaw, I get glacian, hes now ahead of me on Leaderboard?? that makes no sense at all. Either add glacian as an achievement, or just take away hammer achivement all together. (achievments should be available to everyone) Id like to know sts feedback on these topics so I would apprecitate the response... thank you..

04-21-2013, 03:52 PM
Well season 2 was the Dead City expansion, and they did have achieves (wrath and snag). But overall im not upset with not having the new achievements, not to say it isnt inconsistent tho, its just the less achieves to get with plat the better. But yes some more story token pets wouldnt hurt. Does glacian really not give achieve if u loot him tho? I do know that u wont get achieve from opening arcane pets, u have to loot an arcane item to get that achieve. Is that what ur thinking of?

04-21-2013, 04:07 PM
Well season 2 was the Dead City expansion, and they did have achieves (wrath and snag). But overall im not upset with not having the new achievements, not to say it isnt inconsistent tho, its just the less achieves to get with plat the better. But yes some more story token pets wouldnt hurt. Does glacian really not give achieve if u loot him tho? I do know that u wont get achieve from opening arcane pets, u have to loot an arcane item to get that achieve. Is that what ur thinking of?

no I checked and I guess I did get arcane achievment :)

04-23-2013, 12:30 AM
no I checked and I guess I did get arcane achievment :)

Yep, sometimes u just have to log out and back in to register getting an achieve.:)