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View Full Version : Elite Nordr Boss Drops

04-21-2013, 09:28 PM
I think there may be an mistake with the dps of the legendary weapons dropped from the elite nordr bosses. The entombed hammer of fatality has dps of 59.1 at level 31 while the level 31 storm sword of potency from locked crates has dps of 72.2. Last season I know the boss dropped weapons started out similarly underpowered and then received a bump in damage by update. Is this the same case here? Even worse, the level 26, flameberge has dps of 63, which is higher then the level 31 hammer which is again 59.1 dps. It doesn't seem to make sense that the top level 26 boss dropped legendary item dropped from Pirate maps, is stronger then the top boss dropped legendary level 31 item dropped from Nordr maps. Hopefully this is a simple mistake. Thanks.

04-21-2013, 11:52 PM
Thanks for posting this. I'll include this in my report and have the devs look into it.

04-22-2013, 12:30 AM
Look at dmg and proc chances.
Dmg affect skills output, so imho it's the best wepon actually.

But yeah, some buff in dps would be nice :-)

04-22-2013, 09:59 AM
Hi. I just wanted to point out that the new rod has the same problem.

Please look into this. Thank you

04-22-2013, 10:14 AM
the 2h Hammers have a higher damage output in most cases, and a slower attack speed so they are intended for buffing skill damage and not to lead in DPS.

DPS vs Damage is an important distinction, as Damage has a direct effect on skills used and DPS is generally only a point of reference for spamming normal attacks. I believe someone made a guide on this in the forums, so it should be noted these items are as designed.

04-22-2013, 12:49 PM
Sounds logical. Just wanted to make sure. Thanks for clarifying.