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04-22-2013, 08:33 AM
this thread is i would say mostly for you dear devs who can make the call and switch things up a little
while the rougues have upgrades bonechill bows (bonechill was the best bow in kraken) and upgraded blades (incandescent) both coming from crates/chest
the warriors have upgraded swrod and axe who were best at kraken (storm sword and captains axe) both coming from crates/chest

us mages have an upgraded gun that was a downgrade from the best kraken gun (oracle crystal > ice ribs), absolutely no useful staff coming from crates/chest
as if we werent already suffering from not being op (and everyone knows that dont pretand not to).
the only good staff we can find now is an elite boss staff which is cool but rare and much like the firesquid not many will obtain it.
my question is why cant you make a good weapon like the good ol' flamestrike that comes from chests, why must we get a nerfed gun from crates?
i want to see the ice ribs buffed and a new good sorc staff lvl 30-31 that can be looted from crates/chests.
thnx =]

if we give enough attention to this matter changes might happen, i believe so and fml for caring so much lol.

04-22-2013, 10:34 AM
i definitely agree.
mages has always been the weakest class but after this update it has gotten ridiculous.
many of my mages friends quit due to that.
its impossible to play if you dont use plat and cant afford the best armor or weapon.
something should be done so playing a mage will be still fun.

04-22-2013, 12:31 PM
this thread is i would say mostly for you dear devs who can make the call and switch things up a little
while the rougues have upgrades bonechill bows (bonechill was the best bow in kraken) and upgraded blades (incandescent) both coming from crates/chest
the warriors have upgraded swrod and axe who were best at kraken (storm sword and captains axe) both coming from crates/chest

us mages have an upgraded gun that was a downgrade from the best kraken gun (oracle crystal > ice ribs), absolutely no useful staff coming from crates/chest
as if we werent already suffering from not being op (and everyone knows that dont pretand not to).
the only good staff we can find now is an elite boss staff which is cool but rare and much like the firesquid not many will obtain it.
my question is why cant you make a good weapon like the good ol' flamestrike that comes from chests, why must we get a nerfed gun from crates?
i want to see the ice ribs buffed and a new good sorc staff lvl 30-31 that can be looted from crates/chests.
thnx =]

if we give enough attention to this matter changes might happen, i believe so and fml for caring so much lol.

I can understand your anger but i can assure you give it time because while we are talking devs are probally at working re balancing classes and weapons or atleast thinking about it.. making these threads out of anger will just put Devs underpressure. :)

i definitely agree.
mages has always been the weakest class but after this update it has gotten ridiculous.
many of my mages friends quit due to that.
its impossible to play if you dont use plat and cant afford the best armor or weapon.
something should be done so playing a mage will be still fun.

Actually the Sorcerer is not the weakest class. Tbh i think they are all of the same pro's and con's in there skills and abilitys but again.. give it some time.

04-22-2013, 12:56 PM
[QUOTE=Cremated;1062815]I can understand your anger but i can assure you give it time because while we are talking devs are probally at working re balancing classes and weapons or atleast thinking about it.. making these threads out of anger will just put Devs underpressure. :)

im not trying to put anyone under pressure with this thread im just stating the obvious things i think and hope they will fix

04-22-2013, 01:21 PM
I had posted the same thing in another thread here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?94384-The-New-Sorcerer-Nerf). The sorcerer class is not weakest in PVE but they are for PVP. The PVP leader boards is more than enough proof to back this point up. Rogues dominate kills, warriors flags and mages deaths.

I do hope the devs feel the pressure because when warriors pressured they got results and fast from their nerf. I don't want to have to add to my death count further for this oversight. A sorcerers primary source for all of their damage has been nerfed in comparison to other classes and previous level caps. Even the procs on this new gun is inferior only procing from a charged attack.

04-22-2013, 01:24 PM
[QUOTE=Cremated;1062815]I can understand your anger but i can assure you give it time because while we are talking devs are probally at working re balancing classes and weapons or atleast thinking about it.. making these threads out of anger will just put Devs underpressure. :)

im not trying to put anyone under pressure with this thread im just stating the obvious things i think and hope they will fix

I know you dont intend to but intending isnt the key because you are.

I had posted the same thing in another thread here (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?94384-The-New-Sorcerer-Nerf). The sorcerer class is not weakest in PVE but they are for PVP. The PVP leader boards is more than enough proof to back this point up. Rogues dominate kills, warriors flags and mages deaths.

I do hope the devs feel the pressure because when warriors pressured they got results and fast from their nerf. I don't want to have to add to my death count further for this oversight. A sorcerers primary source for all of their damage has been nerfed in comparison to other classes and previous level caps. Even the procs on this new gun is inferior only procing from a charged attack.

Again they probably are trying to re balance classes.. patience is the key.

04-22-2013, 01:36 PM

I know you dont intend to but intending isnt the key because you are.

Again they probably are trying to re balance classes.. patience is the key.

No offense intended but Mages have been patient for months. Within hours after warriors were nerfed I saw so many rage post it wasn't funny. They received a special patch within a day. I'm personally not going to rage post and threaten to quit but my patience as a paying customer is wearing thin.

If nobody post or talks about the issue nothing will be done because devs will prioritize the issue below others (I'm a software developer, I know). The old phrase "The squeaky will gets the grease" holds true 9 out of 10 times. I waited through another expansion to see an imbalanced situation get worse and I'm squeaking now.

04-22-2013, 01:44 PM

No offense intended but Mages have been patient for months. Within hours after warriors were nerfed I saw so many rage post it wasn't funny. They received a special patch within a day. I'm personally not going to rage post and threaten to quit but my patience as a paying customer is wearing thin.

If nobody post or talks about the issue nothing will be done because devs will prioritize the issue below others (I'm a software developer, I know). The old phrase "The squeaky will gets the grease" holds true 9 out of 10 times. I waited through another expansion to see an imbalanced situation get worse and I'm squeaking now.

I do strongly understand, honestly.
But if you think about it Sorcerer's time will come in the sorcerer expansion when Arcane item comes and its all about you Sorcerers so wait till then before making complaints ok? :)

04-22-2013, 02:41 PM
My main is a Mage and I'm sorry to all the other mages but I dont feel the same way. As a Mage our job is a medic and crowd control. I worked hard to get the equipment I have running elites and working the CS to make money. My dps is nearly 310 and my dmg is just under 240. No it isn't the best but i do feel as though i play my role as crowd control and medic just fine.I do understand about PvP however. I don't even enter anymore I die enough as is in PvE. Our time will come when the next expansion comes out. I'm also sure the devs are working on or thinking about everything you are all saying. If you feel you aren't dealing enough dmg then respec to all dmg skills with no lifegiver or shield.

One more thing about plat, do the offers for it. Also you do not need plat for anything. Putting in the time will get you the items you want. Making friends to help you run elites, guilds for better deals, and playing the CS are going to be your best ways to achieve these end game items.

04-22-2013, 03:16 PM

I do strongly understand, honestly.
But if you think about it Sorcerer's time will come in the sorcerer expansion when Arcane item comes and its all about you Sorcerers so wait till then before making complaints ok? :)

Only time will tell. Unfortunately, the arcane sorcerer's item is not going to change anything for 99% of the sorcerers out there...

04-22-2013, 03:36 PM
mage crowd control..hm..they just cant handle all the attention they get

04-22-2013, 05:15 PM
Well a good tank should have all aggro. Mage takes aggro when we use lifegiver and that is usually the only time I die, unless tank isn't taunting enough and I aggro mobs. Its all about having a good party who knows what they are doing and work well together. Find yourselves a steady group and I guarantee different results.

04-22-2013, 05:22 PM
If I remember correctly, oracle was a step back from watch rifle, and now ribs is a step back from oracle. I agree with mata and jb, we have been waiting for months, and haven't seen any sign of improvement. And grimmy's right, an arcane weapon only matters for a very lucky few.

And as for this just-be-patient mantra, nothing will change if we keep up the illusion that everyone's just fine with getting downgraded every season. :chargrined: No anger here, only a tiny smidgen frustration at times. ;)

04-22-2013, 08:50 PM
medic and crowd control... both very important things but tbh this game seriously lacks versatility if thats all mages are going to be good at, why can't mages be in the front lines, why can't we handle the heat? So many games are racists to mages lol, just wish there was a way for a mage to be like warriors or rogues and the same for the other classes. Sorcerers shouldn't equate to clerics, there should be sub-classes.. that would cause a lot of work to be done tho :/

04-23-2013, 01:07 AM
thnx everyone for contributing to this matter.
us mages really have been waiting patiently for months now and instead of getting buffed we're just getting nerfed
i know atleast one dev have looked at this thread and read the comments, now please do something about it... this game is supposed to be fun and a medic class just isnt fun
im pretty rich in game and my gear is pretty good as far as mage gear goes and still.. everyone knows how fast and easily we die.
not to mention my main concern about the other classes weapon buff compared to the mages weapon nerf.
devs please take care of this, please give us a good staff from crates/chests and none of that low dps low dmg staffs, please give us a decent gun with higher dmg and that doesnt only proc on a full charge.
not asking for alot, just what the other classes already have.

04-23-2013, 01:28 AM
Another thing is ive been called: smurf,dwarf,gnome and mini! Cant there be something making it clear that sorcerers are known as Nott!

04-23-2013, 02:09 AM
Just for the developer, maybe you should make this game more balance, most of players here in AL has no capacity to buy platinums,

but dont think those players who not using platinums are not important in AL, like the players who making purchased in your platinum bundle...

IMO i think almost 70% players of AL dont use plat for their characters and they still played because AL was good game and challenging..

But do you think they still play when they saw the reality that AL in game character has imbalance class?

For example in PVP, Most rouges dominates the CTF Just Using Deprave Blades a quiet low price on the market, and some warriors too.. with nice armor def, HP boosting.

But look on the mages class what we got here? a staff not good in pvp and pve?

If you will advice us to buy like firesquid staff... you know how much the firesquid staff cost... most of us cant avail those kind of weapon...

And how about the skills? like lifegiver?.... we need to sacrifice to death every time we heal with lifegiver our fellow players on the party...

Simply because it attracts aggro...

Imagine guys the low def and low hp mages pull the mobs with that skill and after casting, Boom! instant death.

If mages dont want to get an instant death just buy plats and avail pets with good stats and buy again another plats pet and trade it to gold to have a mythic armors, helm and weapon so he can survived.

We all know you need those buyers of your platinum to make this game running, But pls give kind consideration to those players who not using plats.

Because we help this game to be more lively everytime some newbie entering windmore map looking for somebody to ask a few questions, helping them by telling which is the right way to do on leveling, give some golds for their pots.

Most of us tell to our friends this game was nice, and they tried it, and after a few hours of playing they pass the good news to others that AL was fun to play, we do that to attract more players to keep this game alive, and i hope guys you get my point.

What i say here what if 70% of players who dont used platinum dont play anymore, because of imbalance community?
imbalance game, armor, skills, weapon etc etc.

The economy of this game will be goin down for sure, and the players left are those who spent their real money in game and if that happens maybe they started to ask themselves why they left us?

Its simply because those quitters can't play equally to those platinum user and all those players left in game starting to think... thats why most of players quit because of imbalance AL community

04-23-2013, 02:41 AM
Hope the devs give us attention regarding this matter

04-23-2013, 06:56 AM
This is exactly what I wanted to say, the rogues just dominate pvp and how about flags? WARRIORS! Mages? Hmmm.. Lets see, NOTHING! I do not want to be the medic class, supporting the group with heal and hiding behind, afraid to die while the rogues start killing and getting kills and the warriors starts mashing mobs with a hammer and gets kills too. Mages get.. DEATHS! Mods, please take a thought into this, maybe til the next expansions for sorc but either have a change of skills or improvement of skills and stats. Better weapons.. Watch Rifle gets worse -> Oracle gets worse -> Ice bibs (gets worse) -> until a weapon is the same as a splintered stick? We mages can't keep being the underdog, we should be just as strong as the warrior and as the rogue. I hope sts will do something about this fast, this can't wait until the sorcerer expansion, it has to be done now!

04-23-2013, 07:34 AM
Other than being sniped by another Rogue, a lot of my deaths have come from Sorcerers. It seems that Clock is one of my worst enemies, whether dropped solely for me, or strategically placed in the middle of a group fight, the snare and DoT are quite effective.

Often times when I see a Sorc and press an attack I usually get a Fireball to the face, a Clock dropped on my head, a shot of Lightning and an Ice Bolt before I die. Many times, the stuns from these skills leave me unable to retaliate, so I just watch helplessly while a Sorc nukes me to death.

Remember that Sorcs seem to have this uncanny ability to spark up Lightning or Fireball at the perfect instant to wipe an entire group and get all the kills - at least the Sorcs I run with seem to do that to me all the time.

I have to check the stats on the new Sorc guns, but it seems that in this expansion, DMG and Skill DMG seem to be the focus more so than DPS. At least that is the case with the best Warrior and Rogue weapons.

04-23-2013, 07:57 AM
I do strongly understand, honestly.
But if you think about it Sorcerer's time will come in the sorcerer expansion when Arcane item comes and its all about you Sorcerers so wait till then before making complaints ok? :)

Yay... an item that 1 out of 1000 will have. That will make everything better for sorcererr?

04-23-2013, 10:07 AM
and not a single dev wishes to respond here telling us changes will be made?
how much longer do you want mages to feel like a sub-class, it honestly feels like the sts team has some kind of a weird personal vendetta against mages

looking through the new nordr jewel stats it seems as if its less good than the rouges new incandescent blades, with a lil more dmg but far less dps, and we gotta buy plat for loot elixir to loot it from an elite boss
all the rouges have to do is open chests/crates.

seriously wtf? will it change if we complain more? because we will.

04-23-2013, 10:18 AM
A big problem with the community is that its very disjointed. People post a loooot of complaints without any real possible solutions.

On top of that, everyone likes to make their own threads about things rather than adding to a conversation already ongoing.

04-23-2013, 10:26 AM
A big problem with the community is that its very disjointed. People post a loooot of complaints without any real possible solutions.

On top of that, everyone likes to make their own threads about things rather than adding to a conversation already ongoing.

im not entirely sure where your'e going with this but iv'e offered a few solutions, i think the "mage" community should rise up and maybe help put this matter on the top of the sts team "to do" list.
im not just complaning, i felt like something needed to be said and done cause all my friends do is complain to eachother in game which doesnt change anything as we've seen...

04-23-2013, 10:34 AM
im not entirely sure where your'e going with this but iv'e offered a few solutions, i think the "mage" community should rise up and maybe help put this matter on the top of the sts team "to do" list.
im not just complaning, i felt like something needed to be said and done cause all my friends do is complain to eachother in game which doesnt change anything as we've seen...

Oh I'm not saying you in particular are complaining. Just that the majority of threads are doing just that. You could see how it would be easy for developers to time out the few good threads because of the countless bad threads.

04-23-2013, 10:49 AM
Just for the developer, maybe you should make this game more balance, most of players here in AL has no capacity to buy platinums, but dont think those players who not using platinums are not important in AL like the players who making purchased in your platinum bundle. IMO i think almost 70% players of AL dont use plat for their characters and they still played because AL was good game and challenging, but do you think they still play when they saw the reality that AL in game character has imbalance class? for example in PVP Most rouges dominate the CTF Just Using Deprave Blades a quiet low price on the market, and some warriors too with nice armor def, HP boosting. But look on the mages class what we got here? a staff not good in pvp and pve? if you will advice us to buy like firesquid staff you know how much is this, most of us cant avail those kind of weapon, and how about the skills? like lifegiver? we need to sacrifice to death every time we heal with lifegiver our fellow players on the party because it attracts aggro, imagine guys the low def and low hp mages pull the mobs with that skill and after casting, Boom! instant death. If mages dont want to get an instant kill just buy plats and avail pets with good stats and buy again another plats pet and trade it to gold to have a mythic armors so he can survived. we all know you need those buyers of your platinum to make this game running. but give consideration to those players like me who not using plats because we help this game more lively everytime some newbie entering windmore map, helping them by telling which is the right way to do on leveling, give some golds for their pots. most of us tell to our friends this game was nice, and they tried it, and after a few hours of playing they pass the good news that AL was fun to play, we do that to attract more players to keep this game alive, and i hope guys you get my point. What i say here what if 70% of players who dont used platinum dont play anymore because of imbalance community? imbalance game, armor, skills, weapon etc etc. the economy of this game will be goin down for sure, and the players left are those who spent their real money in game and if that happens maybe they started to ask themselves why they left us? its simply because those quitters can't play equally to those platinum user and all those players left starting to think thats why most of players quit because of imbalance AL community

Again, STS are working to rebalance the game whatever it takes hence previous patches. Also you estimated 70% but i think a lot of people in game are buying plats; I have seen new players with slag and bundles loads of times around Arlor. When you created mage did you expect it to be a huge damage dealer compared to an assassin, I think not? Mages have a good balanced class since they have a strong heal skill, lots of stuns, and good proc's. I know they nerfed the new weapon but just give it some time until STS come to their senses!

04-23-2013, 10:51 AM
A big problem with the community is that its very disjointed. People post a loooot of complaints without any real possible solutions.

On top of that, everyone likes to make their own threads about things rather than adding to a conversation already ongoing.

And yes less of the thread making that has already been created...

04-23-2013, 10:58 AM
dear cremated i feel like you've been playing a different game or you're playing some kind of a SUPER SMURF that doesn't pull aggro after using lifegiver
read the comments people made, read them carefully and dont be quick to judge, some of the most intelligent players on al use a sorc so dont treat us like raging apes that want to be a super class
the sorc class have always been lesser to other classes, how much more do you want us to wait? and i love when people say "next expansion mage arcane weapon" like i give a... you and me both know that the sorc arcane weapon wont effect 99% of us
im not gonna sit and wait, we want changes made.

to sum it up, waiting patiently doesnt help, we know that by now, devs you should really take this thread more seriously its not as simple as its title.

04-23-2013, 11:00 AM
Again, STS are working to rebalance the game whatever it takes hence previous patches. Also you estimated 70% but i think a lot of people in game are buying plats; I have seen new players with slag and bundles loads of times around Arlor. When you created mage did you expect it to be a huge damage dealer compared to an assassin, I think not? Mages have a good balanced class since they have a strong heal skill, lots of stuns, and good proc's. I know they nerfed the new weapon but just give it some time until STS come to their senses!

Yah new character but not new players. same account with high character on the slot meaning they make new character for a certain pet who they think that pets was good for a certain character. i hope Cremated the developers give some attention on this, thanks for your reply ^_^

04-23-2013, 11:03 AM
dear cremated i feel like you've been playing a different game or you're playing some kind of a SUPER SMURF that doesn't pull aggro after using lifegiver
read the comments people made, read them carefully and dont be quick to judge, some of the most intelligent players on al use a sorc so dont treat us like raging apes that want to be a super class
the sorc class have always been lesser to other classes, how much more do you want us to wait? and i love when people say "next expansion mage arcane weapon" like i give a... you and me both know that the sorc arcane weapon wont effect 99% of us
im not gonna sit and wait, we want changes made.

to sum it up, waiting patiently doesnt help, we know that by now, devs you should really take this thread more seriously its not as simple as its title.

I got your point here bro

04-23-2013, 11:15 AM
Just for the developer, maybe you should make this game more balance, most of players here in AL has no capacity to buy platinums, but dont think those players who not using platinums are not important in AL like the players who making purchased in your platinum bundle. IMO i think almost 70% players of AL dont use plat for their characters and they still played because AL was good game and challenging, but do you think they still play when they saw the reality that AL in game character has imbalance class? for example in PVP Most rouges dominate the CTF Just Using Deprave Blades a quiet low price on the market, and some warriors too with nice armor def, HP boosting. But look on the mages class what we got here? a staff not good in pvp and pve? if you will advice us to buy like firesquid staff you know how much is this, most of us cant avail those kind of weapon, and how about the skills? like lifegiver? we need to sacrifice to death every time we heal with lifegiver our fellow players on the party because it attracts aggro, imagine guys the low def and low hp mages pull the mobs with that skill and after casting, Boom! instant death. If mages dont want to get an instant kill just buy plats and avail pets with good stats and buy again another plats pet and trade it to gold to have a mythic armors so he can survived. we all know you need those buyers of your platinum to make this game running. but give consideration to those players like me who not using plats because we help this game more lively everytime some newbie entering windmore map, helping them by telling which is the right way to do on leveling, give some golds for their pots. most of us tell to our friends this game was nice, and they tried it, and after a few hours of playing they pass the good news that AL was fun to play, we do that to attract more players to keep this game alive, and i hope guys you get my point. What i say here what if 70% of players who dont used platinum dont play anymore because of imbalance community? imbalance game, armor, skills, weapon etc etc. the economy of this game will be goin down for sure, and the players left are those who spent their real money in game and if that happens maybe they started to ask themselves why they left us? its simply because those quitters can't play equally to those platinum user and all those players left starting to think thats why most of players quit because of imbalance AL community


dear cremated i feel like you've been playing a different game or you're playing some kind of a SUPER SMURF that doesn't pull aggro after using lifegiver
read the comments people made, read them carefully and dont be quick to judge, some of the most intelligent players on al use a sorc so dont treat us like raging apes that want to be a super class
the sorc class have always been lesser to other classes, how much more do you want us to wait? and i love when people say "next expansion mage arcane weapon" like i give a... you and me both know that the sorc arcane weapon wont effect 99% of us
im not gonna sit and wait, we want changes made.

to sum it up, waiting patiently doesnt help, we know that by now, devs you should really take this thread more seriously its not as simple as its title.

I am trying to understand your posts but maybe if you put some paragraphs in your threads i could understand!

04-23-2013, 11:27 AM
Why is the level 26 oracle better than the level 30 ice ribs? The ice ribs have higher damage and can freeze opponents

04-23-2013, 11:27 AM

I am trying to understand your posts but maybe if you put some paragraphs in your threads i could understand!

Just for the developer, maybe you should make this game more balance, most of players here in AL has no capacity to buy platinums,

but dont think those players who not using platinums are not important in AL, like the players who making purchased in your platinum bundle...

IMO i think almost 70% players of AL dont use plat for their characters and they still playing because AL was good game and challenging..

But do you think they still play when they saw the reality that AL in game character has imbalance class?

For example in PVP, Most rouges dominates the CTF Just Using Deprave Blades a quiet low price on the market, and some warriors too.. with nice armor def, HP boosting.

But look on the mages class what we got here? a staff not good in pvp and pve?

If you will advice us to buy like firesquid staff... you know how much the firesquid staff cost... most of us cant avail those kind of weapon...

And how about the skills? like lifegiver?.... we need to sacrifice to death every time we heal with lifegiver our fellow players on the party...

Simply because it attracts aggro...

Imagine guys the low def and low hp mages pull the mobs with that skill and after casting, Boom! instant death.

If mages dont want to get an instant death just buy plats and avail pets with good stats and buy again another plats pet and trade it to gold to have a mythic armors, helm and weapon so he can survived.

We all know you need those buyers of your platinum to make this game running, But pls give kind consideration to those players who not using plats.

Because we help this game to be more lively everytime some newbie entering windmore map looking for somebody to ask a few questions, helping them by telling which is the right way to do on leveling, give some golds for their pots.

Most of us tell to our friends this game was nice, and they tried it, and after a few hours of playing they pass the good news to others that AL was fun to play, we do that to attract more players to keep this game alive, and i hope guys you get my point.

What i say here what if 70% of players who dont used platinum dont play anymore, because of imbalance community?
imbalance game, armor, skills, weapon etc etc.

The economy of this game will be goin down for sure, and the players left are those who spent their real money in game and if that happens maybe they started to ask themselves why they left us?

Its simply because those quitters can't play equally to those platinum user and all those players left in game starting to think... thats why most of players quit because of imbalance AL community

04-23-2013, 11:37 AM
Not paragraphs, your just spacing lines. Organise your post :P


Tell me you still didnt understand what im talkin about here?

Remember this saying

"Practice makes perfect, but no bodies perfect, so why practice" by Ai Ai Delas Alas


04-23-2013, 12:27 PM
Again, STS are working to rebalance the game whatever it takes hence previous patches. Also you estimated 70% but i think a lot of people in game are buying plats; I have seen new players with slag and bundles loads of times around Arlor. When you created mage did you expect it to be a huge damage dealer compared to an assassin, I think not? Mages have a good balanced class since they have a strong heal skill, lots of stuns, and good proc's. I know they nerfed the new weapon but just give it some time until STS come to their senses!

Your right. Of course sts is working to rebalance certain parts of the game. But im not sure if they are too worried about this topic specifically. If they truely are working to help out mages i would like to think they would post a reply to a thread like this saying that they understand and they are working on getting stuff out their to help us, instead of just letting us waste our time rambling of how its unfair. :)

You keep saying give them time. And yes its complicated to balance out games like this, but even with how complicated it is, how hard would it have been to give mages an easier way to get weapons worth a flip? Both the other classes got it, thats just a decision sts made. And how hard would it have been to not nerf the only good weapons u can get from the power they should have been? :) Sts has not shown any comfort that they are doing anything to help mages, in their actions and their words. So their is good reason to bring this up as a concern, and it doesnt help having u try to lessen the severity to the subject by repeating urself in multiple posts saying an obvious statement. If u disagree then just agree to disagree. But u urself said....
until STS come to their senses So u think their out of their senses? It sounds like we agree. ;) U dont have to make an argument where there does need to be one.

04-23-2013, 12:40 PM
Hey guys,

There are a couple of mage issues that I know are on the radar, like the absorption value of the shield skill. Sorcerers are a class that takes a decent bit of skill - rather than a warrior that can be pretty good by going all str and mashing buttons. I don't think the Sorcerer will ever be "go all int and charge in, mashing your buttons" kind of class. Thanks for the input on the weapons. Keep in mind that DPS is generally not as good for a Sorcerer, since higher base damage does more for your skills.

04-23-2013, 12:55 PM
Hey guys,

There are a couple of mage issues that I know are on the radar, like the absorption value of the shield skill. Sorcerers are a class that takes a decent bit of skill - rather than a warrior that can be pretty good by going all str and mashing buttons. I don't think the Sorcerer will ever be "go all int and charge in, mashing your buttons" kind of class. Thanks for the input on the weapons. Keep in mind that DPS is generally not as good for a Sorcerer, since higher base damage does more for your skills.

thank you very much for replying here sam, that was my initial reason for making this thread, a reply from a dev.
you address the fact that shield should be buffed and i agree, but the burning issue is, as many of us mages agreed on, how hard is it give us a good staff from crates/elite chests?
just like the rouges and their incandescent blades or the warriors and the storm sword.

furthermore im comparing the rouge bonechill bow to the sorc's gun and the bow is just flat out better.

i truly appreciate the response but i think the problem may be deeper than you might think.

04-23-2013, 01:08 PM
Hey guys,

There are a couple of mage issues that I know are on the radar, like the absorption value of the shield skill. Sorcerers are a class that takes a decent bit of skill - rather than a warrior that can be pretty good by going all str and mashing buttons. I don't think the Sorcerer will ever be "go all int and charge in, mashing your buttons" kind of class. Thanks for the input on the weapons. Keep in mind that DPS is generally not as good for a Sorcerer, since higher base damage does more for your skills.

hi sam how about the lifegiver? we dont have good armor def, we cant handle the long range mobs when we started to cast the skill. its like cats & mouse chase. rouges and warrior treat us, as their personal nurse aid to heal their wound. and if we die they said 'Noob Mage" "That Smurf Sucks" "That Mage is worthless" because after casting lifegiver were deads T_T

04-23-2013, 02:40 PM
Hey guys,

There are a couple of mage issues that I know are on the radar, like the absorption value of the shield skill. Sorcerers are a class that takes a decent bit of skill - rather than a warrior that can be pretty good by going all str and mashing buttons. I don't think the Sorcerer will ever be "go all int and charge in, mashing your buttons" kind of class. Thanks for the input on the weapons. Keep in mind that DPS is generally not as good for a Sorcerer, since higher base damage does more for your skills.

I'm glad someone with an opinion that matters said it. :p Of course to be fair, tanking and actually protecting your teammates in pve does take some thought. But I still LOL'ed.

Anyway, thank you Sam for putting your STS presence on this thread. Apart from sub-par shield and Nordr guns, the regen component on Lifegiver is downright useless because it doesn't scale. It was fantastic to regen 50 MP and 100 HP at level 6. Not so fantastic at level 31. Make curse a more attractive choice? Increase duration and add damage over time? Maybe a life transfer to the party upon hit? I dunno haha.

Well now that Sam has at least posted here, this thread can continue in a more constructive manner. Thanks Matanofx for starting the discussion.

04-23-2013, 03:18 PM
my post got deleted? aw!

04-23-2013, 03:23 PM
I'm glad someone with an opinion that matters said it. :p Of course to be fair, tanking and actually protecting your teammates in pve does take some thought. But I still LOL'ed.

Anyway, thank you Sam for putting your STS presence on this thread. Apart from sub-par shield and Nordr guns, the regen component on Lifegiver is downright useless because it doesn't scale. It was fantastic to regen 50 MP and 100 HP at level 6. Not so fantastic at level 31. Make curse a more attractive choice? Increase duration and add damage over time? Maybe a life transfer to the party upon hit? I dunno haha.

Well now that Sam has at least posted here, this thread can continue in a more constructive manner. Thanks Matanofx for starting the discussion.

its like HP absorb when HIT? ^_^

04-23-2013, 03:23 PM
Apart from sub-par shield and Nordr guns, the regen component on Lifegiver is downright useless because it doesn't scale. It was fantastic to regen 50 MP and 100 HP at level 6. Not so fantastic at level 31.

Lifegiver doesn't do a flat 50 MP and 100 HP, it's all based on the Sorcerers damage and intelligence, so as your stats go up, so does the efficiency of Lifegiver.

I'm not saying that Sorcerers couldn't use some quality of life changes though (as do the other classes but Sorcerer probably the most), it's just a matter of us finding the time and resources to get to it.

04-23-2013, 03:25 PM
Lifegiver doesn't do a flat 50 MP and 100 HP, it's all based on the Sorcerers damage and intelligence, so as your stats go up, so does the efficiency of Lifegiver.

I'm not saying that Sorcerers couldn't use some quality of life changes though (as do the other classes but Sorcerer probably the most), it's just a matter of us finding the time and resources to get to it.

thanks Swede

04-23-2013, 03:48 PM
Thank you for the reply, Swede. Sorry for my mistake on the flat values for Lifegiver regen upgrades. That's just approximately how much I was getting at the L21 cap. At the cost of two skill points, the gain was so insignificant that I never bothered to revisit those Lifegiver upgrades.

I guess we will see. Hope you guys have something good planned for the faithful smurfs.

04-24-2013, 01:20 PM
Thank you for the reply, Swede. Sorry for my mistake on the flat values for Lifegiver regen upgrades. That's just approximately how much I was getting at the L21 cap. At the cost of two skill points, the gain was so insignificant that I never bothered to revisit those Lifegiver upgrades.

I guess we will see. Hope you guys have something good planned for the faithful smurfs.

Still Hoping.... T_T

04-24-2013, 08:36 PM
I know its easy for warriors and rogues to say that each class is equal but for months the sorceror has been the worst class please read this sts because if something doesnt change in next expansion im stopping arcane legends

04-25-2013, 12:14 AM
I know its easy for warriors and rogues to say that each class is equal but for months the sorceror has been the worst class please read this sts because if something doesnt change in next expansion im stopping arcane legends

i feel the same way

04-25-2013, 12:37 AM
Lifegiver doesn't do a flat 50 MP and 100 HP, it's all based on the Sorcerers damage and intelligence, so as your stats go up, so does the efficiency of Lifegiver.

I'm not saying that Sorcerers couldn't use some quality of life changes though (as do the other classes but Sorcerer probably the most), it's just a matter of us finding the time and resources to get to it.

I dont know about everyone else but it seems sorcerers would rather have a playable class than a new cap every 7 weeks. I would like to dust off my sorcerer and play on chrome since my digitizer is fudged on phone lol i can barely type without it freaking out and locking up and randomly pressing buttons so cant play PL but thats my opinion ive been gear towards my warrior because it has less mana for skills. Rogues mana for skills is terrible yeah, this thread is about sorcerers but theres other flaws in the other classes.

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

04-27-2013, 01:16 AM
The changes that are needed to make this sorcerer a true sorcerer as in WoW or Evercrack are too much. Development will not change that much. They created this class as if it were a mash of an enchanter, necromancer, and wizard at the same time still giving us only 4 skills to use macro, and the same limited skill points as other classes . Our classes are not medics, that's for tanks to do. If we were medics our shield would go to entire party and at that point we mightest well be called paladins. Crowd control yes and currently that is all this class does correctly. Mages are meant to be mana whores dishing out the MOST damage of all classes by a long shot. we shouldn't be a dps, we're not shaman, or rogues. When I put stats into INT my dmg should go up if I'm a mage, not when I put it in DEX . Just like when a war puts stats in STR his dmg should go up, not just his health . Stats need to be dependent on the class your dealing with, until that happens everyone drop your mage and go to rogues, dex Increases the most stats and dex is most beneficial to rogues it's as simple as that.

Sent from my weapon of choice.

04-27-2013, 07:02 AM
I agree mage sucks :(
Well... Off i am to make a rogue( knowing my luck with picking classes itll get nerfed before i reach cap ;) )

04-27-2013, 11:19 AM
I agree mage sucks :(
Well... Off i am to make a rogue( knowing my luck with picking classes itll get nerfed before i reach cap ;) )

i feel the same way... no luck for us to hear because were to small like smurf ^_^

04-29-2013, 04:30 AM
The changes that are needed to make this sorcerer a true sorcerer as in WoW or Evercrack are too much. Development will not change that much. They created this class as if it were a mash of an enchanter, necromancer, and wizard at the same time still giving us only 4 skills to use macro, and the same limited skill points as other classes . Our classes are not medics, that's for tanks to do. If we were medics our shield would go to entire party and at that point we mightest well be called paladins. Crowd control yes and currently that is all this class does correctly. Mages are meant to be mana whores dishing out the MOST damage of all classes by a long shot. we shouldn't be a dps, we're not shaman, or rogues. When I put stats into INT my dmg should go up if I'm a mage, not when I put it in DEX . Just like when a war puts stats in STR his dmg should go up, not just his health . Stats need to be dependent on the class your dealing with, until that happens everyone drop your mage and go to rogues, dex Increases the most stats and dex is most beneficial to rogues it's as simple as that.

Sent from my weapon of choice.

with comments like that and many others, seeing how many of my mage friends just stopped playing

how do you not respond to our feedback? fixing lifegiver and shield is just a drop in the ocean.

all the top richest players are rouges or warriors, if you attempt to make sorc a sub-class you should have said so in the begining when i chose sorc.

im not one to change classes, however i am one to just stop playing when the fun stops.

04-29-2013, 04:40 AM
Sorc takes more skill, it does in a lot of games, which is why I always go for it.

Yes, we could use some boosts, but I don't think we're as bad as so many people make it out to be. Stop trying to be the healer, we're not healers. Stop trying to be the cannon, we're not cannons. Start being crowd control, we're damn good at it.

I solo elite maps (mainly just mount, trying to get the brut staff, only have potency right now), if we were so weak how is that possible? I have a mix of gear, max damage (I have 278.something) is only when I'm running in a party with really good people. Most of the time I run around with lower damage (217.7-238.something) but over 3k hp (3209 is the max I have, can't afford the lvl 31 robe that adds 13 more hp) and I can survive a few hits. Solo mount, I can take on 10 guys and live (yes, there's a good amount of pot guzzling every 10 seconds or so). It requires knowing your skills, and knowing what your class is capable of doing. Time Shift is the best shield we have, stun them and drop time, keep them away from you, run in just to hit. Once you get the timing down you can keep them from hitting you most of the time. Bosses take a bit more practice, but the wolf is pretty easy. I used to solo elite palm as well as a few others.

04-29-2013, 06:41 AM
Sorc takes more skill, it does in a lot of games, which is why I always go for it.

Yes, we could use some boosts, but I don't think we're as bad as so many people make it out to be. Stop trying to be the healer, we're not healers. Stop trying to be the cannon, we're not cannons. Start being crowd control, we're damn good at it.

I solo elite maps (mainly just mount, trying to get the brut staff, only have potency right now), if we were so weak how is that possible? I have a mix of gear, max damage (I have 278.something) is only when I'm running in a party with really good people. Most of the time I run around with lower damage (217.7-238.something) but over 3k hp (3209 is the max I have, can't afford the lvl 31 robe that adds 13 more hp) and I can survive a few hits. Solo mount, I can take on 10 guys and live (yes, there's a good amount of pot guzzling every 10 seconds or so). It requires knowing your skills, and knowing what your class is capable of doing. Time Shift is the best shield we have, stun them and drop time, keep them away from you, run in just to hit. Once you get the timing down you can keep them from hitting you most of the time. Bosses take a bit more practice, but the wolf is pretty easy. I used to solo elite palm as well as a few others.

i hate to repeat myself over and over so ill just say read what i wrote when i posted this thread, its not even about what the role of a sorc is in the game.
just the simple little nerfs we get time and time again for no reason cause we werent OP to begin with, and i havent heard many players complain about "omg sorces are too good this is unfair"

04-29-2013, 10:38 AM
Sorc takes more skill, it does in a lot of games, which is why I always go for it.

Yes, we could use some boosts, but I don't think we're as bad as so many people make it out to be. Stop trying to be the healer, we're not healers. Stop trying to be the cannon, we're not cannons. Start being crowd control, we're damn good at it.

I solo elite maps (mainly just mount, trying to get the brut staff, only have potency right now), if we were so weak how is that possible? I have a mix of gear, max damage (I have 278.something) is only when I'm running in a party with really good people. Most of the time I run around with lower damage (217.7-238.something) but over 3k hp (3209 is the max I have, can't afford the lvl 31 robe that adds 13 more hp) and I can survive a few hits. Solo mount, I can take on 10 guys and live (yes, there's a good amount of pot guzzling every 10 seconds or so). It requires knowing your skills, and knowing what your class is capable of doing. Time Shift is the best shield we have, stun them and drop time, keep them away from you, run in just to hit. Once you get the timing down you can keep them from hitting you most of the time. Bosses take a bit more practice, but the wolf is pretty easy. I used to solo elite palm as well as a few others.

dude, did you thought that all this sorc complaints played sorc class for a day?
i understand you just want to give your points but for all this time most player knows sorc class are the weakest and needs more UPs. check those rogues and warriors, their dmg is almost near to your top dmg.

04-29-2013, 11:28 AM
i hate to repeat myself over and over so ill just say read what i wrote when i posted this thread, its not even about what the role of a sorc is in the game.
just the simple little nerfs we get time and time again for no reason cause we werent OP to begin with, and i havent heard many players complain about "omg sorces are too good this is unfair"

What nerfs?

04-29-2013, 02:01 PM
dude, did you thought that all this sorc complaints played sorc class for a day?
i understand you just want to give your points but for all this time most player knows sorc class are the weakest and needs more UPs. check those rogues and warriors, their dmg is almost near to your top dmg.

Warriors top dmg is prob better than sorcs, but everyone should think the next expansion, the sorcerer expansion:D

04-29-2013, 03:42 PM
Warriors top dmg is prob better than sorcs, but everyone should think the next expansion, the sorcerer expansion:D

but that is how long? month ago?

04-29-2013, 07:48 PM
What nerfs?

i believe its
timeshift's root (though i understand the reason why, having root means 100% no challenge)
mana replinish from lifegiver. before the nordr patch lifegiver give 1k+ mana now it is cut down to 50%,atleast.

04-30-2013, 02:50 AM
What nerfs?

ill just talk about the simple things that can be easily explained.
there was a watch rifle, then we got a less dmg oracle crystal and now we got even lower dmg ice ribbs... totally nerfed compared to the rouges bonechill bow.
and why is the bonechill staff so much worse than the incandecent blades? same crate/chest but rougues are getting much better weapons id really like to know why

in order to get decent dmg and dps mages have to kill elite bosses repeatedly while others get really awesome weapons from crates and chests.

i appreciate any involvement, even asking "what nerfs?" show me that you care =]

04-30-2013, 02:27 PM
ill just talk about the simple things that can be easily explained.
there was a watch rifle, then we got a less dmg oracle crystal and now we got even lower dmg ice ribbs... totally nerfed compared to the rouges bonechill bow.
and why is the bonechill staff so much worse than the incandecent blades? same crate/chest but rougues are getting much better weapons id really like to know why

in order to get decent dmg and dps mages have to kill elite bosses repeatedly while others get really awesome weapons from crates and chests.

i appreciate any involvement, even asking "what nerfs?" show me that you care =]

Swede you know who's little nerfs where talking about here.. imo replying 'what nerfs?" some kinda sarcastic...

04-30-2013, 02:47 PM
Swede you know who's little nerfs where talking about here.. imo replying 'what nerfs?" some kinda sarcastic...

gosh i hope it wasnt a sarcastic remark, id feel like a dweeb lol

04-30-2013, 03:19 PM
Haha nah, I highly doubt Swede was being sarcastic. That would just be bad form. I'm sure he was just trying to get a clear summary on what exactly everyone was talking about.

If you look at the thread from the outside, the topics go in so many directions that it's hard to tell exactly what everyone is talking about. That is of course, unless you were a dedicated mage player. :)

04-30-2013, 09:24 PM
What nerfs?

Well, for one, shield went from 15sec CD to 30sec CD. For two, Fireball stun nerf in PvP. For three, now we get weapons that don't work as well for us at cap as the weapons from the last few caps. Nothing seems to be on par with what they used to be. For four, the guns no longer have a push back proc. Instead we get electricity & other stuff. If you wanted to give us more electricity than FIX the Lightning skill, not add lightning to weapons. For five, Ensorcelled ring vs Cobalt ring... Really? Come on yall. This shouldn't even need an explination! For six, Pendants... Again shouldn't need an explination.. I mean come on ppl, show us some love.

Oh and btw, as I made a thread about: Nerf the aggro we get from using heal pls.

05-02-2013, 02:21 PM
someone answer already! make a change! say youre going to make a change! something...

so many of my good friends are leaving this game clearing the way for more noobs who ask for gold
the community of this game is changing and breaking apart. so many players commented in this thread and suggested improvement ideas with little to no response.

i urge you to wake up sts before its too late and all you have left is a dying community with nothing but a few paying costumers in al.

05-03-2013, 07:11 PM
For all the reason mentioned I have practically gave up cappin my sorc this time. I PvP, I'm in a PvP guild and when I see warrios with 400+ DMG (no not many buy most still have higher DMG then sorc) I know my sorc is not going to do well pvpin. My fix was "if you can't beat, em join em and tbh I've only put maybe 30k into my lvl 27 warrio and already have about the same amount of DPS and DMG of my sorc that I put a whole lot more work into. This is really sad, I love the sorc class but sts is really giving us the chunky peanut butter and screwin us over. Yea next cap us sorc cap blah blah but when a arcane weapon that only a few will have comes out that's only going to fix a few issues. Come on sts, there is more to be fixed on sorc then skills and being pure int. A warrio can be pure str and work fine, a rouge can be pure dex and be fine, a sorc.....Sam you just basically said we can't be pure, why is that?

05-06-2013, 07:26 AM
For all the reason mentioned I have practically gave up cappin my sorc this time. I PvP, I'm in a PvP guild and when I see warrios with 400+ DMG (no not many buy most still have higher DMG then sorc) I know my sorc is not going to do well pvpin. My fix was "if you can't beat, em join em and tbh I've only put maybe 30k into my lvl 27 warrio and already have about the same amount of DPS and DMG of my sorc that I put a whole lot more work into. This is really sad, I love the sorc class but sts is really giving us the chunky peanut butter and screwin us over. Yea next cap us sorc cap blah blah but when a arcane weapon that only a few will have comes out that's only going to fix a few issues. Come on sts, there is more to be fixed on sorc then skills and being pure int. A warrio can be pure str and work fine, a rouge can be pure dex and be fine, a sorc.....Sam you just basically said we can't be pure, why is that?

Exactly. I agree with you completely & would love that question answered as well.

05-06-2013, 09:54 PM
Why does everyone say the Ice Ribs are the best gun? Clearly at level 31 the Borean Cage Rifle of Brutality is the best gun.

Borean Cage Rifle of Brutality
96.7 DPS 17 STR 34 INT (-7.8 Damage compared to Nordr Jewel of Brutality)

Ice Ribs of Assault (Brutality is even worse damage wise)
92.9 DPS 18 DEX 36 INT (-14.9 Damage compared to Nordr Jewel of Brutality)

The best weapon for sorcerer at level 31 is Nordr Jewel of Brutality which has the best damage of any staff or gun.

123.7 DPS 18 STR 36 INT

What I don't get is why the Nordr Jewel of Brutality has higher damage then the Ice Ribs or Borean Cage Rifle.. I thought guns should have higher damage and lower dps but staffs have lower damage and higher dps. So I have been using the Nordr Jewel of Brutality over the Borean Cage Rifle and sometimes I pull out the rifle when fighting certain bosses. But that means going lower damage for my skills. But when something moves around so much its hard to hit it with the staff and you can't fire when running away. I wish they'd boost the damage on the Borean Cage Rifle.

05-06-2013, 11:50 PM
I noticed that too Falmear & even some other players mentioned on one of threads that there is an issue with the staff and rifles having an unbalanced issue. It should remain consistant with all the other caps, rifles having morr dmg vs dps and staffs being vice versa.

05-07-2013, 03:49 AM
its a bit "weird" that the best gun is the gun purchased in store isnt it? i mean the best gun should be one looted from crates.

not to mention the borean cage rifle still deals alot less demage than the bonechill bow even tho its better than the ice ribs.. goes to show how deep the gun nerf is.

devs used to comment here but when faced hard question they rather not, how sad =[