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View Full Version : AO3: map 3

10-08-2010, 11:43 AM
I have been levelling one map at a time, mostly doing map 1 for level 45 and 46, and map 2 for level 47, and now I am level 48 and ready for map 3.

But it seems I am still too squishy (pure dex bird with Isis armor & helm, and L45 Scarab bow of Osiris). Everyone else my level is, too. It feels like Frozen Nightmare in there, where you just die and take the walk of shame over and over. People leave after a few deaths and then I have to wait for more to come.

And there aren't many people playing this map. I would love to join a game and complete the party, but there rarely is one.

So far, to me, map 3 has been an exercise in futility.

Is there a strategy? What am I missing?


10-08-2010, 11:49 AM
suck it up and level in any ao3 game you can get in while not everyones not lv 50, cause then games become strictly farming and youd have to wait till everyone has all the gear and start leveling their alts. all the games are starting to become farm only so hurry while u can

10-08-2010, 11:54 AM
I thought that thought, but I prefer to play the game as designed. So, I'm level 48 and doing map 3.

If anyone has any strategy ideas, please share. :)

10-08-2010, 11:59 AM
There are strategies for the boss. The only strategies for the map in general are the typical ones. Take it slow, don't get too many mobs riled at once. Have a good group, mages heal constantly, bears tank (carefully), archers target healers, then other threats.
Anyway, add my tank Royce-Fnord if you have not already. I think that's who I will level next.

10-08-2010, 12:06 PM
Will do. Who could ever stand against the Tofu-Ninja?! ;)

10-08-2010, 12:13 PM
I believe you are talking about the map Captive Audience. If so, here are some strategies:
1) Make sure your group knows to NOT touch the blue prison cells, as these release tough old bosses that do not drop loot.
2) At the end of each hallway are the three mini bosses together (Sniper, Bezerker and ~other~). The key here is to clear the room before them where you can see them, but do not disturb them. Then get one warrior to carefully becon ONE into the room and have the group gang that one before it's leash kicks in. Then just repeat for the other two.
3) I believe the main boss for this one is actually quite easy, as you can just use the AO2 technique. Clear the room, then stomp him into the corner and have the group unleash on him.

Hope these help!

10-08-2010, 12:23 PM
Oh good stuff fluff. I thought it was crush the keeper. That boss is much harder so I always think that map comes after this one...

10-08-2010, 05:02 PM
2) At the end of each hallway are the three mini bosses together (Sniper, Bezerker and ~other~). The key here is to clear the room before them where you can see them, but do not disturb them. Then get one warrior to carefully becon ONE into the room and have the group gang that one before it's leash kicks in. Then just repeat for the other two.

Oh, is THAT what we were doing wrong? The three hallways lead back to the same area and there are three mini-bosses in it? I guess that's why a level 49 was saying "one at a time" and then just left after we got wiped. :embarassed:

I'll have to look more closely.

10-08-2010, 05:07 PM
And always target the yellow aliens first. They be deadly.

10-08-2010, 05:11 PM
If you want to level, easiest way is to stick to Map 2, easy mobs, it's hard to die. Keeper is second toughest boss though, leave him alone.

10-08-2010, 06:45 PM
Lol I was in the sane boat snake. Ended up takin me an hour to complete it:

One pally(me)(also used like 3 or 4 armor pots near end and with bosses.)
3 mages
1 bird

We died like 400 times lol. Good thing we ha all that Rez :p.

Edit: beat strategy is to isolate each and every enemy. Especially yellows(hate em). And kill as fast as possible, spamming heal all the time lol

10-09-2010, 02:53 AM
That worked. Isolate and gang up on them.

10-09-2010, 11:36 AM
OK, this is the next day and I must say, this level should be avoided unless you have a cooperative team. I have joined four games that were in this level and they were mostly chaos, team wipes, and angry departures. I tried several times to say that on the MB they say to work together, isolate, get the green guys first, and don't break the glass. But the bears kept stomping or wandering into crowds on their own, just randomly attacking anything in sight. The mages kept dying because the bears didn't pull aggro. And the birds were throwing Blast Shot at aliens standing next to stasis chambers.

One team did work well together, followed the plan, and we even went on to the next level and got Gurgox in just a few tries. I really, really recommend that if you want to do this level, you have to have mates you can count on.

10-13-2010, 11:23 AM
I've decided that the subtitle for this map should read, "When did I forget how to pull?" It seems most groups get wiped simply by wandering hapahazardly into a group of aliens thinking they are as easily exterminated as the denizens of Plasma Pyramid.

10-14-2010, 02:25 AM
It's kill yellow aliens first and pull. Also, run if you pull too many yellows at once, except MAYBE if you have a good team. Because too many yellows = death.

Slow is the name of the game. Not sure you can avoid death, but you can probably avoid group death if the group sticks together. Snipers are hard unless you have a bear who knows how to stun or birds who know how to stun (birds stunning will prob require more than one bird, though if you all gang up on sniper after an initial stun, you can prob kill it before it wipes everyone).

When I first went through this level, we went "cell" to "cell", pulling the next group of mobs into previously cleared cells. I didn't think this area was that difficult, though it was large and so was a bit slow. We also went slowly through the levels because it was all new to us. We liked the level quite a bit, especially the "surprise" cells.

I am noticing that subsequent groups are not as god as the groups in the initial days of AO3. The groups I join now are very scattered and barely work as a group. Not just for this level, but also for Ao3:1 and Ao3:2. They have mages that don't heal much, have birds that barely thorn, have bears that seem squishy for some strange reason (they usually blame their low level, but come on, the first groups I was in had "low" level bears also). And if you see anyone buffing... or debuffing today... I get a bit frustrated seeing groups of two or more mages and the party has not ONE Bless. And when you tell them to Bless the party, assuming they do not ask what buff is or Bless is, they cast ONE Bless...

Of course, these groups have a very difficult time advancing, complaining about needing level 50s to advance past the bosses/mini-bosses in Ao3:1, then Ao3:2, then Ao3:3. (To think the first groups through ALL of Ao3 thought level 48 was awe-inspiring. LOL) Yes, Ao3 is not easy, but you DO NOT need level 50s to complete it. Hell, I am starting to see some pretty squishy level 50s. Those will definitely NOT be able to help you with Ao3.

You will need to look at your skills, learn to use them a bit and join other similar players. Alternatively, you'll need to find a player who can help the group use their skills and help with group dynamics. Ao3 can be completed. It just probably cannot be completed by running headlessly about and not death-free.

Which leads me to a suggestion for those who claim they want to "play" Ao3, not just rush or farm or xp: Maybe you can help lead these "newbie" groups through Ao3. I find that I can usually find PUGs full of players who WANT to clear a level and kill the boss. I just usually find them lacking in skills, will, and strategy. It does take awhile to talk strategy but it seems there are some who are receptive. If you really want people to "play", then guide them on how to play. Of course, if they do not listen, then everyone dies. However, even in a good team, there can be some death, so it does not help to run off cursing just because the group dies on the first try. Or even the 2nd try, etc. This takes work and a lot of patience on the guide's part, but hey, isn't that what these players are claming they want? Players who play. Well, here is an opportunity to CREATE such groups...

Just a thought.