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View Full Version : Spawn kill. Am i correct?

04-23-2013, 08:22 PM
Like what I always say, I am no CTF pro. And so please correct me if I am wrong, regarding my definition of spawn killing. As far as I know, spawn killing is when you kill a person at the spawn area, when he doesn't make any movements, or just spawned, when I kill a person in that area without the other person fighting me. One way killing, one way fighting whatever. And so I religiously keep this in mind and do not spawn kill cause that for me is cowardice. When the person moves, and charges skills and tries to fight me and I fight him and I kill him, that's no spawn killing, right? Cause when they die, they think what I have done is foul. What am I gonna do when he moves in that area, stand, watch and die? My KD stats aren't that good and I don't wanna lose it. Lol.

What are your thoughts on this? Forgive me is there's a similar thread on this, but my eyes are currently failing me so, uhm, help? Lol.

EDIT: This is for CTF.

04-23-2013, 11:00 PM
I believe spawn killing is necessary when the enemy won't budge from having more than one player defending the base. Why? So that you slow them down and pin them so that your teammate (s) can quickly snatch the flag. I still standby the ideal that there are no rules in PvP. I may view it differently on a specific scenario but 9/10 times I hold to the belief that there is no fair vs unfair play. Do what you must to win. I will camp at a spawn so that I can weaken the base defenders after they spawn.

Feel free to oppose my opinion/strategy.

04-24-2013, 03:55 AM
Agreed with chill I really do not care about spawn killing or no. Who made this rules? People with bad nervous system? :D Is it ok guys when you get attacked by 3-4 enemies same time? Is it fair? So we can start crying that its not fair and bla bla bla make some new term for this like PUSSY GANG KILL (PGK) and call ppl who act like this in that way)))) I think that this is rule like KS etc... If you belive in KS you can belive in SK too))))))))))))

04-24-2013, 10:54 AM
It is a strategy. It is a tactic. But consider it a strat taken for granted. Not a tactic I would give my thumbs up with. If a team wins because of spawnkilling, I wouldnt acknowledge that they won because they did better. Just saying :).

04-24-2013, 03:00 PM
Same way I feel about base campers Vigs. Folks that use three players to guard base are annoying. But, there is no middle ground. It is more like no man's zone. That's why I stick to the ideal that there is no fair or unfair play.

04-24-2013, 05:52 PM
I believe in spawn killing like I believe in kill stealing. Which is not much at all. If someone states they are going afk and I see them standing in spawn I will leave them alone. Otherwise.... I see you I go after you. That simple. I'm not going to let you come up behind me to get me unless I have more urgent objectives in mind like retrieving a stolen flag headed to your base. In situations like those I will toss off a charged fb your way to keep you in spawn (and anyone else spawning with you) there for a couple seconds longer.

04-25-2013, 07:03 PM
Or let people host games...

Death Dealer
05-10-2013, 01:43 PM
Like what I always say, I am no CTF pro. And so please correct me if I am wrong, regarding my definition of spawn killing. As far as I know, spawn killing is when you kill a person at the spawn area, when he doesn't make any movements, or just spawned, when I kill a person in that area without the other person fighting me. One way killing, one way fighting whatever. And so I religiously keep this in mind and do not spawn kill cause that for me is cowardice. When the person moves, and charges skills and tries to fight me and I fight him and I kill him, that's no spawn killing, right? Cause when they die, they think what I have done is foul. What am I gonna do when he moves in that area, stand, watch and die? My KD stats aren't that good and I don't wanna lose it. Lol.

What are your thoughts on this? Forgive me is there's a similar thread on this, but my eyes are currently failing me so, uhm, help? Lol.

EDIT: This is for CTF.
Even thought I may b going against popular opinion I tend to agree that it is cowardly to camp spawn areaso you can get in first strike and likely dominate opposition so I don't attack in the spawn area, UNLESS I believe they are waiting for teammates to die and spawn so they can head out in mass, i base this on seeing 1 peep standing the whole time i'm approaching or if 2 or more in standing. I may be
incorrect in my assumptions though as I have only been playing 2 months

05-13-2013, 02:42 AM
A lot of people tend to spawn kill when their team caps the flag in order to deprive the opponent's manpower to chase the flagger. I think its the purpose of spawn kill that makes players point this out a lot. Some only do it to get an easier kill while opponent's guard is down after respawning. Spawn kills differ by purpose so itll only make a long debate on it yet not stop it. If it happens to you in a match just give the same attention back to them and make it benefit the situation.