View Full Version : Item Database Collection Help For The SL Stat Calculator

04-24-2013, 04:54 AM
Hi All,

For my final project in one of my courses, i thought I'd hit two birds with one stone, and i have been meaning to produce a version of the Stat Calculator for star legends but have not had the time. So i submitted it as my final project proposal!

Its already under development and you're more than welcome to head over to http://sl.statcalculators.com and check it out! Here's a preview (in the dev stages):

So as some of you may know, the stat calculators run off of an item database of all of the games items. I do not currently have such a database for Star Legends and would need it to make the stat calculator work. So if ANYONE would like to help out and add in what items they can/own, i would be VERY appreciative!!!

You can add in an item here: http://sl.statcalculators.com/itemdb.html

So for example, this sample item:

Would get an entry like this:
