View Full Version : Any farming pugs yet?

04-24-2013, 09:52 AM
So I tried playing last night, and the regular Nordr levels were all run to boss for XP then bail, no one was in Elite Seas (my Hallowed Grounds) and the starting areas for Elite Nordr were empty. Just ended up killing the boss at the end of a couple regular levels a few times with a lone warrior that stuck around or defaulted to soloing regular Southern Seas.
This was never a problem in PL because we had clean up players (myself included) who could jump into the maps bailed out of by the XP farmers and have a quick shot at the boss helping the players that wanted to stick around. Now though, once the players bail, there is no chance of the cavalry arriving.

04-24-2013, 11:44 AM
Elite Oltgar is where most pugs are happening. However its like around 15-20 minutes to complete. And this is even running to the boss. I am not sure what the right strategy is for killing the boss but I find it very hard to play this level because the red area around the boss is so much wider then what is shown. So I am always so far away my skills have a hard time targeting the boss. I personally prefer elite Mount Spyr, since the boss is pretty easy but its a longer map. Sometimes if I am bored I solo (non-elite) Jurn Woods and kill man eater. As a mage he's pretty easy to kill, it just takes a long time because its hard to target the boss with all of those blue pigs spawning. But I miss doing elite Southern Seas, because you could always get a pug going and it took around 7 mins. Now it can take 2 or 3 times longer and you get a worthless green or blue, is kind of frustrating.

04-24-2013, 12:03 PM
I agree. I personally feel that a large party of the problem is the party system. Unlike PL you can't
run with one or two of your friends with a random person joining your map. I found this was a good
way to meet new people in pl and to be able to do maps without having a full dedicated party. It
would be nice if you could make a party of one or two people and check an option to allow random
people to join your group. This would really help with a solid group of three people having trouble
finding that fourth person, or someone running solo and joining a good solid group of three players.
It would also be nice to have a menu system like in pl which allowed you to see the available maps,
how many people were on it and how much was left. This of course would not help with the elite runs
not allowing a person to join after the timer starts, but perhaps they could add the option to turn off
the timers for the elite levels if you decide you do not want to go for a time, allowing new people to join
midway through if people bail or if someone gets disconnected.

Chaim Nail
04-24-2013, 01:22 PM
Yeah for those times when someone wants a bit of help levelling up or getting through a level and you're the only one to respond it would be really helpful to have 2 extra random players turn up. An "open party" system whereby if there are 2 or 3 of you in a party and you can't find anyone specific to join then random players can still join the map to play along with your party.

04-24-2013, 01:24 PM
Fix the party system = more fun

04-24-2013, 01:41 PM
The party join system was more or less already discussed few times.. thers probably no future plans to change current system :(



04-24-2013, 01:52 PM
Absolutely to the open party system. At one point we had a good party kill the boss, but only 3 out of the four of us decided to join up. Considering the odds of finding at least two other people to kill a boss with, this was at least better then nothing. But it made it so we zero chance of a fourth randomly joining.

04-24-2013, 02:02 PM
I agree. I personally feel that a large party of the problem is the party system. Unlike PL you can't
run with one or two of your friends with a random person joining your map. I found this was a good
way to meet new people in pl and to be able to do maps without having a full dedicated party. It
would be nice if you could make a party of one or two people and check an option to allow random
people to join your group. This would really help with a solid group of three people having trouble
finding that fourth person, or someone running solo and joining a good solid group of three players.
It would also be nice to have a menu system like in pl which allowed you to see the available maps,
how many people were on it and how much was left. This of course would not help with the elite runs
not allowing a person to join after the timer starts, but perhaps they could add the option to turn off
the timers for the elite levels if you decide you do not want to go for a time, allowing new people to join
midway through if people bail or if someone gets disconnected.

Shameless plug (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?89261-The-Party-System&highlight=party+system)

EDIT: Uzii ninja'd me

The party join system was more or less already discussed few times.. thers probably no future plans to change current system :(



04-24-2013, 02:26 PM
I don't think this expansion brought farming grounds for pugs. Moreover, most bosses seem too hard to fight without resorting to plat. Maybe something will come up, possibly with the next expansion?

04-24-2013, 09:56 PM
this expansion was terrible cuz of the pugs. they'd run till the boss and teleport out. i finally resorted to askin guildies for help (while most of them were lvling). Out of all the maps i found the hall to have a lot of ppl who ran the boss. crystal caverns until the fix was the worst. i liked pl's system where you could party lock and boot ppl who're inactive, who run just for the xp, etc. along with the joinable parties.