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View Full Version : Things I don't like about AL and things I think could be improved

04-25-2013, 02:49 AM
Before any negative replies or non constructive replies, I will simply describe you the point of this thread before starting:

This thread is NOT a rant, and NOT a complaint. It will simply describe and clarify every single little problems and things that are happening these days with the game and STS. And especially why I am pretty upset these days.

It may be long to read and long to understand before any replies, but it's been awhile that I needed to write about it and hope that something will be done.

It makes me relax and feel free after getting it out of me.

Yes, sure many will deny or reply hating posts, but that's not the end of the world (maybe). So, I will write each different points, and describe why, when, what for, who and everything about them. Enjoy the read, you may need a soda or some popcorns.

Point Number 1:

Platinum purchases, platinum refunds and platinum wastes.

It's been a few months that Locked Crates and many more platinum eating items have been released. Sure, they give some huge profit and revenue to the developers, but I find it pretty annoying to have 'gamble' packs in a game where like you guys say, most of the players are from 13 to 16 years old. Gambling is more of a Casino thing. Not in a friendly and young gamers game. But again, that's my point of view about this.

Also, many times players purchase elixirs, pets or items by accident because there is no confirmation buttons and one is strictly needed. I understand that this button is not implemented because it leads to more platinum revenue, but think about your players.

Point Number 2:

Luck system.

I understand the luck system in a game. I also understand that this game contains one. But I don't understand 'which' kind of luck system is in this game. Why, I will explain right now. You just need to read the few sentences below and you'll understand, or not.

A random player joins the game, opens 2 Crates and receives a arcane item. A random player opens 5 Crates and receives two arcane items.
A good and rich player farms everyday and always loots good items, and once he opens Crates he always receives good items like arcane or mythic. A good player that opens 500 Crates and farms for months and months to receive ZERO good items. A player that spends $1000 in Crates to receive ZERO good items.

Anyways, you get the point. Luck system? Hmm, don't think so. I personally spent 5000 platinums, months of farming and millions in gold to never get one single thing and I hear the same people opening a few every week to always receive good items. Something's wrong.
That being said, I finished on that point because it already makes me angry (no worries, no worries).

Point Number 3:

Considerations, communications and ignorance.

About that point, I am really serious. These days, there is many reported bugs, many suggestions and many constructive feedback that are being ignored or sometimes rejected in hurtful ways. Example, a bug I reported months ago didn't receive any attention and once I reported it again a bit more with anger, it has completely been rejected and ignored in a ''you're wrong'' way when we know I won't. Anyways, there is yes indeed a lot of communications with the developers on this forum, but not the kind of communication we're supposed to have.

Developers are right and I totally agree with them when they say ''we are always on forums to discuss, and if you look at other MMORPGs forums, it's not the case''. Yes, that's true. But since you developers are with us on forums, then play that role.

Considerations would be for huge platinum spenders. If something goes wrong with a purchase or a bug, I don't see why we get ignored.

Or the worse is your people. People that joined PL back in 2010 - 2011, that kept supporting you until now and will continue. Most of them get rejected or treated like a random new player. Yes, i'm one of them that feels like this. We've always been there to help STS. Always.

That being said, i'll stop on that point.

Point Number 4:

Arcane Legends.

I know you developers need platinum purchases, it's your role. But Arcane Legends is turning into a 99% platinum based game, and I know it has been mentioned many times. Talking about the consideration above, was more of a ''come on, look all I spent'' problem. Example, Locked Crates are the best example to show how Arcane Legends is platinum based. It pushes you to spend thousands of platinums to get an achievement to try and push you on the leader boards. Back on the consideration, players that wasted 1000's of platinums in opening crates to receive only junk should maybe receive a VIP chest? Joking, but show some love for the spenders. Honestly, i'm pretty upset about that.

Well, looks like i'm losing my memory and can't remember what I needed to write next so i'll stop there for now.

Guys, girls, developers, if you feel annoyed by something in there let me know and i'll edit. The purpose of this thread is absolutely not to complain or rant, it's to explain how I feel and maybe others can express how they feel also.

I wish to see some consideration, and some constructive words. I may have expressed myself wrongly somewhere but don't worry I have a big smile on my face writing this, because it takes out a huge block out of me.

Feel free to post, and have a nice day.


04-25-2013, 03:30 AM
I totally agree on the platinum part..

04-25-2013, 03:34 AM
Right now, AL is making them considerable profit just the way it is. From a business standpoint, they have no reason to change anything. Thus, I don't think they will. If I recall, a player made a thread about voting with your money. This can be applied here.

If people do not want chests to be such a dominative feature in the game, do not purchase them as often. Until the majority of AL players stop supporting the chests system through buying platinum to be spent for that purpose, there will be likely no change.

Yes, we were the players that put STS on it's feet, but any successful business know that if they want to continue, they will have to burn some of the very bridges that let them exist. It happens in nearly every company that is built from ground up. Unfortunately, that is life. They did show their appreciation of us through founders, veteran rewards and other free features in the game that you may be overlooking.

I don't mean this negatively, but I am just stating the facts.

04-25-2013, 03:38 AM
Right now, AL is making them considerable profit just the way it is. From a business standpoint, they have no reason to change anything. Thus, I don't think they will. If I recall, a player made a thread about voting with your money. This can be applied here.

If people do not want chests to be such a dominative feature in the game, do not purchase them as often. Until the majority of AL players stop supporting the chests system through buying platinum to be spent for that purpose, there will be likely no change.

Yes, we were the players that put STS on it's feet, but any successful business know that if they want to continue, they will have to burn some of the very bridges that let them exist. It happens in nearly every company that is built from ground up. Unfortunately, that is life. They did show their appreciation of us through founders, veteran rewards and other free features in the game that you may be overlooking.

I don't mean this negatively, but I am just stating the facts.

Had all of these facts in mind, but here is another point.

04-25-2013, 03:57 AM
Well said Mystic.

Apollo you raise an interesting point, but for that to work... one would really need everyone to stop purchasing chests... in other words, a boycott. I just don't see how one could organize something on that scale. Sure, one could get a few of the major spenders to cease their chest purchases, but i doubt one could get the masses to cease, and that's where you would need to do it.

04-25-2013, 04:13 AM
Well said Mysticaleagle.. the Question is how long does this System works.

The Time will come in there the Plat buyers leave and no New Players will join because whithout Plat it's nearly senceless to play...

I'm sorry about that, because I like this Game really, but what should we do?

I See many good f2p Games dieing, because of things like this....

I'm a Plat buyer too, because for good things i'm always willing to pay, but at time i'm waiting and buy nothing, because i wanna See first, what the future brings to us :)

04-25-2013, 04:27 AM
Well said Mystic.

Apollo you raise an interesting point, but for that to work... one would really need everyone to stop purchasing chests... in other words, a boycott. I just don't see how one could organize something on that scale. Sure, one could get a few of the major spenders to cease their chest purchases, but i doubt one could get the masses to cease, and that's where you would need to do it.

I am not promoting a boycott by any means. What I meant was this: if platinum purchases decline in regards to that, they may be inclined to change it to a better revenue strategy.

04-25-2013, 04:41 AM
I am not promoting a boycott by any means. What I meant was this: if platinum purchases decline in regards to that, they may be inclined to change it to a better revenue strategy.

Sorry i did not mean to imply that you were promoting a boycott, what i meant was that its a vicious cycle, everyone purchases chests because that's what you need to reach the top, no one will be willing to stop purchasing chests because if they do they wont be at the top (if everyone stopped all at once then perhaps it would change, but that would never happen). And STS has no incentive to work on a different method, because its earning them a ton. I just don't see a way out, doubt it will change.

04-25-2013, 04:44 AM
i agree point 1;2 & 4
before release dev said that al will b no plat system. bt plat will b used to purchase vanities elixirs only.
bt now as extension increases it becoming more plat system based.

04-25-2013, 06:12 AM
Received a reputation comment with ''everyone feels the same, but Myst is the one expressing it in public''. Who was that? :p

04-25-2013, 06:22 AM
Myst, I am very much with you on point 1 but sadly it seems there is not much we can do about it.

I don't think I am experienced enough to comment on the rest.

04-25-2013, 06:40 AM
Here we go again. Just opened 40 more crates for nothing.

STS, I now used 6000 platinums ($400+) for nothing. All wasted. Wtf? Really annoyed right now. Really.

04-25-2013, 06:49 AM
i feel for ya...honestly. i'd rather pay $7 without in-app purchasing rather than this. but maybe that's the idea...sts gets $400+ from customers like myst instead of a fixed $7.

04-25-2013, 07:02 AM
That number 1 post, though im 17 yrs old but I can relate with the first paragraph.

With post number 3. Myst, remember that meme that i've made in your contest ? That "Go home warrior , you're drunk" . I posted it in bugs section, still no response or haven't fixed. And Im sure it wont be replied coz new bugs are already posted ( the nordr patch ).

04-25-2013, 07:08 AM
Here we go again. Just opened 40 more crates for nothing.

STS, I now used 6000 platinums ($400+) for nothing. All wasted. Wtf? Really annoyed right now. Really.

I need a dev to say somethin on this. 6000 plats in the bin aint nothin. Especially when peeps use 15 plat for arcanes.

04-25-2013, 07:09 AM
Yep Mystical. Well said.

You r good player... So You must to have "tons of plat"...

I think the luck system is that:

U open many crates and recive nothin

Others open a few and recive arcane...

Someone must be a "cratespammer"

and there is my point... U should open crates in bigger space of time... there will be better chance at Arcane Items

U should bite a while... Feel it... :D Really... That really helps. My friend opened 7 crates during a week.. one a day and recive 2 arcane and 1 mythic... Later on he start to spamming crates and didn't recive anythin good... So he deleted his char. LMAO

So my tip is that to feel a while.

Dead :)

04-25-2013, 07:12 AM
The luck system needs a change. I agree it is really bad. =x

04-25-2013, 08:08 AM
BRO, havent u been playin STS games drom the beginning? U should know all this already an how they work, this is like the PL forums, no need to rap about this again again. Just dont buy any crates and save up up money farmin or merchin, which is free, u already got hooks an a myth helm , most cant even get a million, just play to have fun. Ye i sont agree with some things sts does but im pretty sure they do the best they can. People say fix this ,fix that, honestly that shi must be hard doin codes an programming, i give shout outs to them, they make one od the best mobile mmos. Personally i have spent 100$ tops on sts games. I will probably spend more, BUT only for vanities, never again will i buy a locked crate or gamble pack, done deal :) now if i was super wealthy in real life id buy so much plat lol

Also about luck thing....ITS ALL LUCK!

its like doing boss runs in PL some people kill boss 5 times and get drag helm some have to do a hundred runs.

Every time u open a crate imagine it as u killin a boss, only thing diffrent is sts gives u the option to sell this to others, so u can for sure make some money and the others dont have to do runs. ITS ALL LUCK

I go to the corner store an buy 10 sceatch offs an lose all of them, my GF goes an buys 2 and wins 100$ on 1 of them...its all LUCK

EDIT: thread moved

04-25-2013, 08:20 AM
BRO, havent u been playin STS games drom the beginning? U should know all this already an how they work, this is like the PL forums, no need to rap about this again again. Just dont buy any crates and save up up money farmin or merchin, which is free, u already got hooks an a myth helm , most cant even get a million, just play to have fun. Ye i sont agree with some things sts does but im pretty sure they do the best they can. People say fix this ,fix that, honestly that shi must be hard doin codes an programming, i give shout outs to them, they make one od the best mobile mmos. Personally i have spent 100$ tops on sts games. I will probably spend more, BUT only for vanities, never again will i buy a locked crate or gamble pack, done deal :) now if i was super wealthy in real life id buy so much plat lol

Also about luck thing....ITS ALL LUCK!

its like doing boss runs in PL some people kill boss 5 times and get drag helm some have to do a hundred runs.

Every time u open a crate imagine it as u killin a boss, only thing diffrent is sts gives u the option to sell this to others, so u can for sure make some money and the others dont have to do runs. ITS ALL LUCK

I go to the corner store an buy 10 sceatch offs an lose all of them, my GF goes an buys 2 and wins 100$ on 1 of them...its all LUCK

EDIT: thread moved

Nice rap.. :p

About luck... Go spend 6000 plats on crates for junk only... Go...

04-25-2013, 08:29 AM
BRO, havent u been playin STS games drom the beginning? U should know all this already an how they work, this is like the PL forums, no need to rap about this again again. Just dont buy any crates and save up up money farmin or merchin, which is free, u already got hooks an a myth helm , most cant even get a million, just play to have fun. Ye i sont agree with some things sts does but im pretty sure they do the best they can. People say fix this ,fix that, honestly that shi must be hard doin codes an programming, i give shout outs to them, they make one od the best mobile mmos. Personally i have spent 100$ tops on sts games. I will probably spend more, BUT only for vanities, never again will i buy a locked crate or gamble pack, done deal :) now if i was super wealthy in real life id buy so much plat lol

Also about luck thing....ITS ALL LUCK!

its like doing boss runs in PL some people kill boss 5 times and get drag helm some have to do a hundred runs.

Every time u open a crate imagine it as u killin a boss, only thing diffrent is sts gives u the option to sell this to others, so u can for sure make some money and the others dont have to do runs. ITS ALL LUCK

I go to the corner store an buy 10 sceatch offs an lose all of them, my GF goes an buys 2 and wins 100$ on 1 of them...its all LUCK

EDIT: thread moved

Nice rap.. :p

About luck... Go spend 6000 plats on crates for junk only... Go...

Bro i have 3k free plats i gathered from free plats the big ones, when u get a ceedit card i blew about 1000-1500 on locked crates, biggest mistake EVER, but after readin u guys cry moar, guess what i did?!?!?! I STOPPED DRIGGIN BUYIN THEM!
Tour tellin me to go buy 6k plats....no f ing way lol, unless ur super wealthy , there should b no reason to blow that much on shiz u know that u may not win at. Sorry but people rappin plat blowing annoys me, because u know what ur gettun into
Not really gettin loud with u Myst, just i HATE this subject, because obvious gamble packs are obviously low rates to make u spend mula

04-25-2013, 08:38 AM
I agree on point 2.I saw low level people carrying arcane weapons or mythic items.People who spend on crates should have a better chance of getting good stuff

04-25-2013, 08:45 AM
About "luck", what if, a 1000 platinum buyer and a non-sleeping AL player opened 500 crates and got mythic/arcane item? What can you say about that? To me luck, is just luck. No basis, purely luck. Fair.

This game is 'quite' fair to players who purchases platinum and those who aren't, simply because, that even if you have all the money in the world, there's no assurance that you'll get all the items you need. Unless you purchase platinum for golds and just buy everything on CS, which, helps those vendors (platinum buyer or not) to profit. Therefore, this game isn't turning to 99% platinum based game but rather, a game that will teach you how to play around from looting, farming, and do market thing, instead of relying on plats.

As a non-platinum buyer (almost! or should I say spent only a few due to carelessness or temptation), I have a very decent equipment that will keep me going on to this game and luck is just a part of it. A "big" part though.

04-25-2013, 08:52 AM
Bro i have 3k free plats i gathered from free plats the big ones, when u get a ceedit card i blew about 1000-1500 on locked crates, biggest mistake EVER, but after readin u guys cry moar, guess what i did?!?!?! I STOPPED DRIGGIN BUYIN THEM!
Tour tellin me to go buy 6k plats....no f ing way lol, unless ur super wealthy , there should b no reason to blow that much on shiz u know that u may not win at. Sorry but people rappin plat blowing annoys me, because u know what ur gettun into
Not really gettin loud with u Myst, just i HATE this subject, because obvious gamble packs are obviously low rates to make u spend mula

If you actually read the thread, you can see that the subject it not ONLY about that. So just skip it to avoid argument no?

04-25-2013, 09:04 AM
welll said my friend, everyone will agree
but then again

This is all business, as much as many people agree with you, many people wont stop buying plats as much as they ever did.
and dev is clearly taking advantage of that.

It would still fall down to you and others, this is more a personal problem than an actual
"game problem" thats why dev's arent really saying anything. because you have a control over what you spend
and control over if you wanna play or not.. and yes the addiction on this game is definitely abused.. but its never personal, its business.
thats just how the world works.

Devs would listen/ not ignore bug.. because theyre main job is.. fix the game, fix the bugs, make it as playable as it can
as long as people are playing it and continuously growing.. like what apollo said nothing will be done about plat purchase
because in the end? youre the one to blame not the devs. You know what you were getting into, you know the risks.
Now i understand its part of the devs job to make their players happy.. well reality is.. even if players arent happy.. majority arent gonna stop.. because dev plays too.. and releases things that make players keep coming back

Why dont you just play like everyone else? dont farm as much.. get good drops.. dont open crates as much just from time to time?

what happens is.. players like you open crates after another after another.. and you guys give up
the moment you give up, the moment someone get lucky.. LOL

arcanes / mythics shows up based on how many people have farmed the map or the amount crates have been opened...idk some kind of percentage thing- devs explained it before
and whats happening is.. youre leaving it to the people who rarely farm and open crates the luck ..
like steal kills in pvp LOL.. you do most the damage.. ur health almost down.. someone comes with the last shot.. BOOM
steal kill!

and oh, regarding the age 13-16 years old.. hey they dont have credit cards or what not..
so the chances are most of them ask their parents to buy for them or maybe older cousins
- when you really think about it.. its mostly people who are 18+ buy plats and contribute to this gambling

and if 13-16 do .. then no offence.. someones doing a bad parental job or being sneaky.. again

This is Personal reasons / problems

04-25-2013, 09:12 AM
Well said Ink. In my honest opinion, AL was far better without these arcane/mythic/crates. MUCH better it was.

04-25-2013, 09:17 AM
Well said Ink. In my honest opinion, AL was far better without these arcane/mythic/crates. MUCH better it was.

TBH.. it started when PVP came..

mostly when the whining start anyways too LOL.. everyone wants to be the best.. thats why
human nature hurts bad..

04-25-2013, 09:34 AM
I just want to point something out to people suggesting there is a way to make chests less appealing to STS by not buying / organizing others to not buy them. Chests are a brilliantly evil object that contain unique items, so if enough players ~stop~ opening them, the items inside them will shoot up in value driving even MORE players to OPEN them.

And to Mystic, your confusion about the 'luck system' and probably the reason you are buying the chests, as well as a lot of people, is because you ONLY see the wins and not the losses.
Let me refine your Point Number 2:
A random person player joins the game, opens 2 Crates and receives an Arcane item.
A random person player opens 5 Crates and receives two arcane items.
500 random players open 100 crates each and receive ZERO good items
20,000 random players open 5 crates each and receive ZERO good items.
A good player opens 500 crates and receives ZERO good items.

04-25-2013, 09:45 AM
Bro i have 3k free plats i gathered from free plats the big ones, when u get a ceedit card i blew about 1000-1500 on locked crates, biggest mistake EVER, but after readin u guys cry moar, guess what i did?!?!?! I STOPPED DRIGGIN BUYIN THEM!
Tour tellin me to go buy 6k plats....no f ing way lol, unless ur super wealthy , there should b no reason to blow that much on shiz u know that u may not win at. Sorry but people rappin plat blowing annoys me, because u know what ur gettun into
Not really gettin loud with u Myst, just i HATE this subject, because obvious gamble packs are obviously low rates to make u spend mula

If you actually read the thread, you can see that the subject it not ONLY about that. So just skip it to avoid argument no?

Im not arguein, u said in ur post ur stating ur opinion an others can to. So i am. Ive just seen you and many other complain about GAMBLE packs. Thats y they gam le packs.

About the accidental purchases, i just did my first one the day of the release of Nordr, an i was lookin at the 15 plat pack on my 26 an i accidentally bought it while tryin to view it, an it hasnt been reviewed yet, so ye its annoyin me.

04-25-2013, 09:55 AM
Why title changed? Another thing that proves point Number 3.

04-25-2013, 09:58 AM
I agree myst my seven day vacation came from a post similiar

04-25-2013, 10:00 AM
I don't understand why people spend so much money on crates when you could just do "Plat-gold" And purchase?
Is there any specific reason?

04-25-2013, 10:16 AM
I don't understand why people spend so much money on crates when you could just do "Plat-gold" And purchase?
Is there any specific reason?

How much plat would it cost for the 30-40 million gold you have a ~chance~ at from one 15 plat crate containing a Arcane Hammer? In truth, a lot less then actually spending plat to get the hammer from the crates, but that is the nature of gambling.

04-25-2013, 10:29 AM


04-25-2013, 10:36 AM
Honestly, I sympathize and agree with you Mystical...

Not to sound like a grumpy old-man, but I remember when PL was just getting off the ground, and we had to "buy" the new maps. Those were good times, but inevitably, in order to promote a more stable revenue stream, STS had to open up the maps and find alternative sources of income. This introduced many new "Plat Only" items, which probably wasn't as successful as STS hoped they would be. Through the Sewers cap, we grinded hard to cap and acquired CoPs....life was still good. Then, STS introduced Elixirs to placate the majority who were complaining that capping and getting CoPs were too hard, that Nuri's was too challenging, etc., etc. Elixirs, from a game play perspective started the ruination of PL, but from a revenue perspective was a home-run. This was the steady revenue stream STS wanted/needed! Unfortunately, this created tremendous imbalance in the economy and in general game-play. Then to placate the elite farmers they introduced the turnstile dungeons, which added to revenues, but ultimately forced out many of the old-timers who appreciated the requirement of having well coordinated teams to be successful in-game instead of those who simply bought a combo elixir and brute-forced their way through challenging maps.

It appears AL is following the same path, with some key differences. Crates are similar to the turnstile dungeons, but are an instant gratification version of the original plat-only dungeon concept. The introduction of Arcane & Mythic loot/eggs and associated Achievements has really stimulated the STS revenue stream, but ultimately, like with many other MMO's, leads to player turnover. With such a heavy reliance on Platinum sinks, STS is very dependent on new players, power levelers and other high revenue player types.

STS has tried to do some give-backs in the form of Founders, VIP Crates and daily elixirs, but the latter two really are more of a tease intended to promote elixir and crate purchases.

I have and will continue to support STS games, but the concept of essentially forcing re-roll elixirs for successful farming, and these gambling crates for OP pets and loot rubs me the wrong way. Eventually, as was the case with PL, I will get to the point where I log in occasionally to meet up with some friends and perhaps run a map or two, but it will no longer be a focus for what little gaming time I have available.

There certainly has to be a way to balance a dependable revenue stream for STS with quality gameplay for the casual fan - but I just don't know what it is...

04-25-2013, 10:39 AM


Was just gonna say that.

SEE he opens 2 crates for glacian. LAME!!! 400 opened here or more!!

04-25-2013, 10:53 AM
Nice read Myst, good job!

You get my thanks after you have given your promised thanks on my thread. ;)

-Lol j/k j/k, don't have thanks atm though.

04-25-2013, 10:54 AM
Hi Mysticaleagle,

Thank you for taking the time to write out your thoughts and feelings. We appreciate hearing your perspective and being able to better understand how you feel. Allow me to reply to your different points:

Point Number 1: Platinum purchases, platinum refunds and platinum wastes.

"Gamble" Packs: If I understand you correctly, I see that you have some concern with the element of chance in what you obtain when you open a Pack from the Store or a Locked Grand Crate of the Watch. Spacetime Studios is certainly not the innovator in this area, as many other free-to-play games employ similar premium options. We certainly don't have to have such systems in our games - however, their is an element of gamification to this process that adds to the game. Each such option clearly states what you can obtain from them. Locked Grand Crates of the Watch, for example, guarantee a Legendary item and 2 Epic items, with a very rare chance for Arcane items, when opening. As others have replied, if you don't like that element of chance, we encourage you to not engage in that activity. Gear of equivalent quality can be found through playing the game. Indeed, the Legendary weapons you seem to be looking for can also be found from Elite Gold War Chests and Elite Gold Pirate Chests II. Why not devote your energy to obtaining those through free game play?

Accidental purchases: Elixirs on the HUD are, by design, intended to be short duration that are very likely re-enable in the middle of combat. Adding an additional confirmation makes that very real use annoying. You would have to accidentally bump the Elixir icon and then go on to accidentally bump an elixir purchase button. It's pretty rare and as with any Platinum purchase, if you feel you made an accident we're always happy to discuss the issue with you. Mysticaleagle, if you recall, we have refunded several of your Platinum purchases in the past.

Point Number 2: Luck system.

I can understand and appreciate your perspective. There is no "streak-breaker" system employed in Arcane Legends. I'm sorry that you feel that the guaranteed Legendary items you receive from Crates don't have value and that you're jealous of someone else who "is struck by lightning" and gets lucky with an Arcane item after relatively few opens. That's just how the ball rolls sometimes, ya know? As I mention above, while we sincerely appreciate your patronage, if you don't like the odds or systems involved, we encourage you to play the game and try to obtain the items you seek through free play available to everyone.

Point Number 3: Considerations, communications and ignorance.

I'm sorry that you feel suggestions, feedback or bug reports are being ignored or rejected in hurtful ways. Honestly, I am sorry that you feel that way. I would like to put forward my perspective that, to take your thread about experience gained in the Hauntlet and XP elixirs as an example, you started off with exaggerations, grandstanding and hurtful comments toward us as I outlined in this post: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?94917-I-don-t-think-that-exp-elixirs-are-working-correctly&p=1066319#post1066319 We feel that we researched your issues and responded to your concerns. In the future, we would appreciate it if you would start the conversation off with similar thoughtful and polite correspondence. Thank you.

Regarding your feeling that we ignore you, or anyone else with a concern, I'm not sure what else we could do to help address that issue. We have responded to you and others to the best of our abilities. On more general terms, we strive to be as responsive to our customers as we can. Take the launch of the Battle of Nordr for example. We patched immediately on Friday to address immediate player concerns and again on Monday to address issues that came up over the weekend. We know we won't always get it right, but we certainly feel that we try as hard as we can.

Point Number 4: Arcane Legends.

You say that

Arcane Legends is turning into a 99% platinum based game...

We can appreciate your feelings on that subject. We are always working to find new and interesting Premium Options to give those who like and enjoy our games reason to open their wallet and support our aim to continue making and supporting great games. If we didn't, we wouldn't have any income and there wouldn't be Arcane Legends or any other Spacetime Games.

We strive to keep those Premium Options as just that - optional. I argue strongly that, if you have the time and inclination, you can play Arcane Legends to the level cap and obtain the best items available without spending anything. We know this to be true because many, many of our players do just that.

We have changed the leaderboards to reward equally all of the top 25 players in each category. Many of these players have never purchased Platinum. We still appreciate them for taking the time to play our games because they, in part, just as you too Mysticaleagle, are what truly make Arcane Legends come alive. It is all the players in the game and the friends and connections we make as we play that make an online multiplayer game like Arcane Legends special in many ways that a single player game can never do.

Hopefully I have helped to address your concerns. If you have further questions I encourage you, or anyone, to write me a private message or to reply here.

Respectfully yours,

Director of Community
Spacetime Studios

04-25-2013, 11:16 AM
Why title changed? Another thing that proves point Number 3.

The title was changed from something like "STS, AL and Community" to be more representative of the actual contents of the post. We alter thread titles all the time to help someone reading the forums actually know what a thread is about before they open it. This is the purpose of a thread title.

For example, the thread title, "WTF, Seriously??" doesn't say anything about what that thread is about. All you might pick up from such a title is that the poster is worked up about something. We would change such a title to actually represent the contents of the thread.

Our apologies if you dislike this practice, but we sincerely believe that by keeping thread titles indicative of their thread's contents, we make the forums a nicer place to visit.

04-25-2013, 11:35 AM
Hi Mysticaleagle,

Thank you for taking the time to write out your thoughts and feelings. We appreciate hearing your perspective and being able to better understand how you feel. Allow me to reply to your different points:

Point Number 1: Platinum purchases, platinum refunds and platinum wastes.

"Gamble" Packs: If I understand you correctly, I see that you have some concern with the element of chance in what you obtain when you open a Pack from the Store or a Locked Grand Crate of the Watch. Spacetime Studios is certainly not the innovator in this area, as many other free-to-play games employ similar premium options. We certainly don't have to have such systems in our games - however, their is an element of gamification to this process that adds to the game. Each such option clearly states what you can obtain from them. Locked Grand Crates of the Watch, for example, guarantee a Legendary item and 2 Epic items, with a very rare chance for Arcane items, when opening. As others have replied, if you don't like that element of chance, we encourage you to not engage in that activity. Gear of equivalent quality can be found through playing the game. Indeed, the Legendary weapons you seem to be looking for can also be found from Elite Gold War Chests and Elite Gold Pirate Chests II. Why not devote your energy to obtaining those through free game play?

Accidental purchases: Elixirs on the HUD are, by design, intended to be short duration that are very likely re-enable in the middle of combat. Adding an additional confirmation makes that very real use annoying. You would have to accidentally bump the Elixir icon and then go on to accidentally bump an elixir purchase button. It's pretty rare and as with any Platinum purchase, if you feel you made an accident we're always happy to discuss the issue with you. Mysticaleagle, if you recall, we have refunded several of your Platinum purchases in the past.

Point Number 2: Luck system.

I can understand and appreciate your perspective. There is no "streak-breaker" system employed in Arcane Legends. I'm sorry that you feel that the guaranteed Legendary items you receive from Crates don't have value and that you're jealous of someone else who "is struck by lightning" and gets lucky with an Arcane item after relatively few opens. That's just how the ball rolls sometimes, ya know? As I mention above, while we sincerely appreciate your patronage, if you don't like the odds or systems involved, we encourage you to play the game and try to obtain the items you seek through free play available to everyone.

Point Number 3: Considerations, communications and ignorance.

I'm sorry that you feel suggestions, feedback or bug reports are being ignored or rejected in hurtful ways. Honestly, I am sorry that you feel that way. I would like to put forward my perspective that, to take your thread about experience gained in the Hauntlet and XP elixirs as an example, you started off with exaggerations, grandstanding and hurtful comments toward us as I outlined in this post: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?94917-I-don-t-think-that-exp-elixirs-are-working-correctly&p=1066319#post1066319 We feel that we researched your issues and responded to your concerns. In the future, we would appreciate it if you would start the conversation off with similar thoughtful and polite correspondence. Thank you.

Regarding your feeling that we ignore you, or anyone else with a concern, I'm not sure what else we could do to help address that issue. We have responded to you and others to the best of our abilities. On more general terms, we strive to be as responsive to our customers as we can. Take the launch of the Battle of Nordr for example. We patched immediately on Friday to address immediate player concerns and again on Monday to address issues that came up over the weekend. We know we won't always get it right, but we certainly feel that we try as hard as we can.

Point Number 4: Arcane Legends.

You say that

We can appreciate your feelings on that subject. We are always working to find new and interesting Premium Options to give those who like and enjoy our games reason to open their wallet and support our aim to continue making and supporting great games. If we didn't, we wouldn't have any income and there wouldn't be Arcane Legends or any other Spacetime Games.

We strive to keep those Premium Options as just that - optional. I argue strongly that, if you have the time and inclination, you can play Arcane Legends to the level cap and obtain the best items available without spending anything. We know this to be true because many, many of our players do just that.

We have changed the leaderboards to reward equally all of the top 25 players in each category. Many of these players have never purchased Platinum. We still appreciate them for taking the time to play our games because they, in part, just as you too Mysticaleagle, are what truly make Arcane Legends come alive. It is all the players in the game and the friends and connections we make as we play that make an online multiplayer game like Arcane Legends special in many ways that a single player game can never do.

Hopefully I have helped to address your concerns. If you have further questions I encourage you, or anyone, to write me a private message or to reply here.

Respectfully yours,

Director of Community
Spacetime Studios

Right, don't have anything else to say now. Except that consideration part. 6000 platinum wasted, and nothing. Maybe implement something so we don't feel completely broke? Anyways, I get your point and perspective.

I just feel like there's something behind all these crates and luck things.

Less platinum buyer = Gets arcane since he won't buy more.
Big platinum spenders = Gets nothing so he continues to buy platinums.

Thanks to you, for taking the time to answer and read. :)

EDIT: Feeling pretty bad after my death on Mysticaleagle caused by a BUG that you fixed AFTER my death. Consideration would have been to reset my death since it is not my fault.

That's a big part. But the 6000 platinum wasted when I see these peeps using 15 platinum for a arcane, stays inside me and makes me wanna leave.

Anyways, please answer my PM if you can...

04-25-2013, 11:39 AM
I'm sorry that you feel that your Platinum purchases have been wasted. I would hope that you've gained something out of them, but maybe I'll just let it go and thank you for taking the time to give us your input.

There is no streak system behind it, or anything else - it's simply a random number generator that rolls on a loot list.

Warm regards,

04-25-2013, 12:12 PM
+1 on this man STS look here we have got a legit concern Myst i get your point bud hope STS gets they head up and realizes that people are going to leave if they don't fix this stuff....Anyway Myst buddy good luck and take some of deaths advice....I know im newer but im a older member of STS games and i know my way around

04-25-2013, 01:10 PM
''See? I die because of a bug that they fixed after my death but I get ignored and responses like ''no, we don't take deaths off''. Not my fault guys! You had a bug which isn't our problem, and I die because of it. Once I died you fix the bug. But I have to keep my death? That's simply wrong. I'm sorry if I am annoying, but I am someone that talks and doesn't let people walk on me''.

No other way to say this, but just deal with it.

Plenty of others died because of the bug, not just you.

Lets say I die right before my team beats the boss because of this bug. Because I have no plat to respawn into place, I stay dead so I can later collect my loot. My team kills the boss right next to me and I see an elite gold chest drop mere feet from my body. Before I get a chance to ask my party to stay and help me get to my chest, they all leave. For the life of me, I am unable to get back to the boss area because the mobs are too powerful for me to face alone. So I eventually give up, leave the zone and have no chance to open the chest. (that could've contained a mythic or arcane item)

This is just a hypothetical scenario, but wouldnt it seem ridiculous if someone came to the forums with this story in an effort to get the golden chest he feels entitled to?

04-25-2013, 01:14 PM
No other way to say this, but just deal with it.

Plenty of others died because of the bug, not just you.

Lets say I die right before my team beats the boss because of this bug. Because I have no plat to respawn into place, I stay dead so I can later collect my loot. My team kills the boss right next to me and I see an elite gold chest drop mere feet from my body. Before I get a chance to ask my party to stay and help me get to my chest, they all leave. For the life of me, I am unable to get back to the boss area because the mobs are too powerful for me to face alone. So I eventually give up, leave the zone and have no chance to open the chest. (that could've contained a mythic or arcane item)

This is just a hypothetical scenario, but wouldnt it seem ridiculous if someone came to the forums with this story in an effort to get the golden chest he feels entitled to?

Dude, get your facts in order. 1 death is a lot for me. I was a NON DEATH rogue, level 30 with 60000 kills and NO DEATH. Ok?

04-25-2013, 01:25 PM
Mysticaleagle, we have been over this multiple times. While we understand that you are upset, understandably so, that your character died. We are not going to remove those deaths. We do not provide a service to alter death (or kill, or other stats).

Thread closed.