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View Full Version : Booting Before Boss. IS that reportable?

04-25-2013, 09:03 AM
Hello guys!

I have met many hosts in my time as a rhino that boots you before the boss kills, specifically those hosts that host in Forgotten forest. Just wish to ask if that is reportable since my guildmates from Tron told me if that's reportable. Thanks again and discuss about booters!

04-25-2013, 09:11 AM
Sry but this type of action isnt reportable. Just host your own game to prevent this.

No offense but many members from your guild Tron are nubs.

Better join Farm Legends guild if u want a good farming/party guild. Just an advice.

04-25-2013, 09:14 AM
No offense but many members from your guild Tron are nubs.

Better join Farm Legends guild if u want a good farming/party guild. Just an advice.
Sure, Farm legends have generally more skilled players, but in Tron there's always so many players online that when i want to farm in vamp feast i get good enough team in 30 seconds. That's the only good thing in Tron though...

04-25-2013, 09:16 AM
No offense but many members from your guild Tron are nubs.

Better join Farm Legends guild if u want a good farming/party guild. Just an advice.
Sure, Farm legends have generally more skilled players, but in Tron there's always so many players online that when i want to farm in vamp feast i get good enough team in 30 seconds.

Quality is always better than quantity

04-25-2013, 09:18 AM
Tron is quite a nice guild to play with because so far, compared to the previous No 1. guild The Elite, they are far more friendlier and respectable. No "I'm too pro" type of players on here. Here at Tron people respect each other as well.

04-25-2013, 09:23 AM
Tron is quite a nice guild to play with because so far, compared to the previous No 1. guild The Elite, they are far more friendlier and respectable. No "I'm too pro" type of players on here. Here at Tron people respect each other as well.

Im not ranting but u just said that Tron is repectable right ? U just said that Tron is friendly right? U just said they respect EACH OTHER right? Soo my question is.... why ur "guildmate" boots like that?

04-25-2013, 09:25 AM
He didnt say it was his guildmates that booted him

04-25-2013, 09:26 AM
He didnt say it was his guildmates that booted him

Yes iknow. U know why? Cos I got booted by a tron several times

04-25-2013, 09:27 AM
Quality is always better than quantity
Into some extent yes. In a pvp guild quality is a lot more important thing than quantity IMO, but in a farming guild it's kinda different thing (i consider Tron as a farming guild because only reason why i'm in it is farming). In end game i don't care about social aspects almost at all, 90% of my friends are pvpers at lvls 15-35 anyways. Only thing i care about while playing with my end game character is that i get fast party that can beat vampire feast quickly. Players' skill isn't so important factor, as fang mobs & bosses are quite easy for end game toons.

04-25-2013, 09:30 AM
Yes iknow. U know why? Cos I got booted by a tron several times

Okay, before you start your rant about Tron, I know Tron is respectable because they show a good influence on new players, teaching them on how to be better. Heck, even I would point out a player's faults at times. Perhaps the reason why you were booted is because of guildruns, either that, or you just weren't...... cooperative.

This thread was meant to discuss if booting before boss is reportable. Please don't derail the thread please.

04-25-2013, 10:40 AM
Sad but true, it's not reportable,
but hey it's better when some noob tries to trade with you in a boss fight. ;)
^Happened to me once.

04-25-2013, 10:42 AM
Title made me lol

04-25-2013, 10:46 AM
Sad but true, it's not reportable,
but hey it's better when some noob tries to trade with you in a boss fight. ;)
^Happened to me once.

Yep, sad when someone boots you before boss kill. I doubt this would raise their chances on pinks.

Whatever, I think I'm simply going to remember their toons so that they wouldnt join my rooms and I will tell others not to join their rooms.

04-25-2013, 10:57 AM
I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but it IS a reportable offense. It falls under the "grieving" category as it "ruins a players playable experience." Booting at the boss can also individuals to lose time and money if on elixirs. Now, booting at the beginning is a different story.

04-25-2013, 11:00 AM
I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but it IS a reportable offense. It falls under the "grieving" category as it "ruins a players playable experience." Booting at the boss can also individuals to lose time and money if on elixirs. Now, booting at the beginning is a different story.

Now THIS is new to me, thanks.
*Writing down in secret diary*

04-25-2013, 11:00 AM
Tron is a noob guild. Deal with it. Sometimes truth hurts.

04-25-2013, 11:05 AM
Tron is a noob guild. Deal with it. Sometimes truth hurts.

Some may say when you comment in this manner, it is "noobish." Deal with it. Sometimes the truth hurts. I will also add this: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

04-25-2013, 11:08 AM
Tron is a noob guild. Deal with it. Sometimes truth hurts.

Some may say when you comment in this manner, it is "noobish." Deal with it. Sometimes the truth hurts. I will also add this: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Just stating FACTS. No hatin

04-25-2013, 11:13 AM
This conversation came up in the past once too. It's as Crim said. I'm sure when many people would report his/her behavior, STS could very possibly be taking a look at his/her account.

I mean, you work together to kill everything around you, and then some guy ditches you just because he/she has no clue how drop mechanics really work. It definitely takes the fun away from anyone farming with that person.

Personally, I would just mute that player and avoid him/her in the future, but I think you have every reason to feel upset about his/her behavior.

04-25-2013, 11:15 AM
Just stating FACTS. No hatin

Herp derp i dunno difference tween facts 'n' pinions herp derp my name korintal

^ How I read what you just said.

04-25-2013, 11:21 AM
This conversation came up in the past once too. It's as Crim said. I'm sure when many people would report his/her behavior, STS could very possibly be taking a look at his/her account.

I mean, you work together to kill everything around you, and then some guy ditches you just because he/she has no clue how drop mechanics really work. It definitely takes the fun away from anyone farming with that person.

Personally, I would just mute that player and avoid him/her in the future, but I think you have every reason to feel upset about his/her behavior.

I seriously would thank you Crim & JayB. Too bad I've ran out of thanks to spam on. So here's a virtual one straight from the heart.


04-25-2013, 11:24 AM
Just stating FACTS. No hatin

Fact: Your IGN/Forum name is Korintal.

OPINION: You think <Tron> is a less than acceptable guild to join/run with.

Fact: You are clearly breaking forum rules despite a warning.

OPINION: Not sure you have the maturity to understand these differences.

04-25-2013, 11:54 AM
I seriously would thank you Crim. Too bad I've ran out of thanks to spam on. So here's a virtual one straight from the heart.


Did you just call me Crim or am I reading that wrong? O.o

04-25-2013, 12:23 PM
Did you just call me Crim or am I reading that wrong? O.o

Oops! Fixed. =)

04-25-2013, 12:31 PM
when i played PL if i got booted at boss I'd always report the host. idk if anything ever came of it tho.

04-25-2013, 12:34 PM
Did you just call me Crim or am I reading that wrong? O.o

Crim and JayB!! Ahh pocket legends. Booting. It takes me back. I miss it. I might log on just to get booted from games.

04-25-2013, 12:41 PM
Some may say when you comment in this manner, it is "noobish." Deal with it. Sometimes the truth hurts. I will also add this: If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

You stole my quote, I have that trademarked.

Anyway, Not only (As Crim Stated) is it against the rules, It is extremely rude.

If you want to join runs where people respect you then join with your friends, or just host your own game then you won't have any problems.

04-25-2013, 12:41 PM
Jus solo it.

04-25-2013, 12:52 PM
Jus solo it.

Sure, I'll solo it.

Now if only I could get a truckload of potions......

04-25-2013, 01:31 PM
Let's all go solo elite red dragon gearless, he drops a red hooch hat if you kill him with a banjo.

04-25-2013, 02:01 PM
Fact: Your IGN/Forum name is Korintal.

OPINION: You think <Tron> is a less than acceptable guild to join/run with.

Fact: You are clearly breaking forum rules despite a warning.

OPINION: Not sure you have the maturity to understand these differences.

Your second opinion is a fact making your logic invalid. Good day to you sir.

04-25-2013, 02:07 PM
Your second opinion is a fact making your logic invalid. Good day to you sir.

So, you pm me while I am at work and decide to try and call me out with your "Grammar Patrol" badge when I don't change this immediately? In FACT, I don't know his/her maturity level and that it is in question. We all have momentary lapses in our ability to show our true maturity level. So in fact, it is still an opinion.

Stop trolling me, Yich. I meant it when I said "I'm over it."

04-25-2013, 02:19 PM
So, you pm me while I am at work and decide to try and call me out with your "Grammar Patrol" badge when I don't change this immediately? In FACT, I don't know his/her maturity level and that it is in question. We all have momentary lapses in our ability to show our true maturity level. So in fact, it is still an opinion.

Stop trolling me, Yich. I meant it when I said "I'm over it."

You said awhile ago that you're "ignoring" me. I wasn't sure of the validity of that, so I PM'ed you. When you didn't respond after a couple hours, I figured you truly had ignored me, in which case you deserved that. It also said you were online, so I assumed if you were going to ignore my advice I'd point it out to everyone. Idc if you're over it, under it or to the left of it, you're trying to teach someone the difference between facts and opinions and you made a mistake, no biggie. It's still immoral to teach him something that isn't correct, as a teacher I'd hope you would understand.

04-25-2013, 02:47 PM
You said awhile ago that you're "ignoring" me. I wasn't sure of the validity of that, so I PM'ed you. When you didn't respond after a couple hours, I figured you truly had ignored me, in which case you deserved that. It also said you were online, so I assumed if you were going to ignore my advice I'd point it out to everyone. Idc if you're over it, under it or to the left of it, you're trying to teach someone the difference between facts and opinions and you made a mistake, no biggie. It's still immoral to teach him something that isn't correct, as a teacher I'd hope you would understand.

Why did I waste 7+ years, thousands of dollars, working for a Master's Degree when I could just be a teenager again and know everything? Please forgive me for ever debating your superior intellect or your infinite wisdom. To quote the principal in Billy Madison after Adam Sandler's character gave his speech:

"Thank you for that. I am now dumber for having heard it."

04-25-2013, 02:53 PM
From the Forum Rules: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules

1. Please Respect Others.
The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas. Occasionally, conflicts may arise when people voice opinions. Be courteous when disagreeing with others. Debating the opinion is appropriate, however criticism against the originator of the opinion is not allowed. Disrespect can be construed as flaming, trolling, harassing, profanity, abusive language or abbreviations, personal attacks, racial, religious, ethnic, sexual slurs, or similar behavior/language.

Flaming is defined as posts which are designed to personally berate or insult another.

Trolling is defined as deliberately posting derogatory, inflammatory comments/threads in order to bait other users into responding. Trolling or accusing someone of being a troll is also a form of trolling and is not permitted.

Posts similar to “Moderator Notified” or “Needs thread lock” are discouraged, as these types of posts are a form of trolling. If a thread is in violation of the forum rules, use the notify moderator button or send a private message to a moderator or administrator directly.

Personal attacks include, but are not limited to insulting a poster directly:

Example: “You are stupid, you suck, and you should [censored].”
The above are a just few examples of behavior that is not tolerated on the forums. Basically, play nice and get along. Thanks!

Continued Trolling, Flaming, personal attacks or other such behavior is grounds for your forum and in-game account to be closed.

If someone is booting you from an in-game map after you've spent time to clear up to the boss but before the boss, that would be behavior that ruins other's gameplay and something you should report to Spacetime Studios Customer Support.

Thread closed.