View Full Version : Tarasa Update Analysis and Reaction

04-25-2013, 05:17 PM
This expansion has been out for only a few hours and it's already started taking fire from the community. While I'm generally a supporter of STS, even I have to admit there are a few glaring problems. This post is based on preliminary information, and will be updated as I gather more info.

Equipment: The Tarasa equipment is similar to the Crusade items that came before it. The Scorn weapons have been replaced by UC colonial hardware, but the armor remains the same. There are also new implants, which are still inferior to the plat store implants from three expansions ago. I've yet to see any of the retro armor mentioned in the announcement, but I assume it is there somewhere. The plat store has received new items, specifically an updated version of the plat armor from Voleria, which while not the new design people were hoping for, is okay. However, the fact that its laughably underpowered (my purple crusade gear beats it by a substantial margin) is not. New shields are still MIA, and the Tarasa pistols are rifles lack the armor boost of class weapons, making pistol+shield or rifle loadouts dangerous at best and suicidal at worst (though I've seen people trying both, for some unfathomable reason). However, the weapon design contest gear has been added, which is a nice touch. All in all, Tarasa equipment is ok, but lacks the innovation that defined Crusade.

Mobs: This expansion ramps up the difficultly of mobs, perhaps too much so. The Vular drones aren't that bad, but the tanks are extremely hard to take out, as their self-healing rate exceeds the amount of damage the average party can dish out. Worst of all are the Biomech bosses, who are just as absurdly tough as their Crusade ancestor, Durrex. The balance seems to be favoring high level parties (much like Crusade), but the balance is off a little bit, and its very hard to fight them at low levels. And the Biomechs could stand to be dialed back a few notches.

Meta-game: Crusade changed the meta-game by bring class weapons back into use (aside from the occasional pistol+shield holdout and napalm users). Tarasa tried to force players to work together as a team, but fell short. The lack of stimpacks (not in itself a problem) means engineers are vital parts of a party, but the auto-healing tanks force a team to have a large number of commando and operatives in order to deal with the huge health regen of the tanks and fend off the crowds of vular drones that accompany the tanks. striking a balance between the two is something of challenge. Adding onto the difficulty, Tarasa is evidently designed to encourage players to cooperate and coordinate, something that the SL interface is not designed to allow. There's a line between "hardcore" and "masochistic", and Tarasa seems to be on the wrong side of it.

Level design: The new maps are pretty good, expanding upon the initial design of STS-25 as seen in Crusade. The health stations are a nice touch, but are positioned so far away from the main combat zones that they are only useful for post-battle recover, not the mid-fight pick-me-up that they were likely intended for. The inclusion of crates that drop leveled loot is a nice touch, since the STS-25 level from Crusade lacked them. The one problem I have is that the mob starting locations are often too close to the player spawn. almost every time I join a game, I get tossed into a seething mass of vular and players pounding on each other, and several times I've been killed before I can get my buffs cast and return fire.

Other: Crusade felt like remake expansion, going back to old stomping ground and revitalizing them with new content. It added new mechanics like the death tornadoes and drone followers (I never said they were universally beloved mechanics), and pushed the envelope for what could be done. It didn't push much, but it did push. Tarasa feels like a rush job. I don't mind the recycled mobs, maps, and gear (If I did, I would've quite playing STS games a long time ago). The problem is that there are so many little issues that come up. The number of available quests hasn't changed since Crusade, and the only new achievement that I can find is the one for reaching lvl 50, the others (for completing all maps, beating the boss, ect) are missing. The NPCs handing out vanities for reaching the level cap are gone, and the galaxy map hasn't been updated to include Tarasa (or Crusade, for that matter). None of the staple features from other games (daily rewards, allies, ect) were added. Tarasa seems more like a few levels and some new items to get people interested in the next expansion (like the UCS Savant), rather than being a full expansion in its own right. Cahaun and I made several comparisons to Alien Oasis in the "What would REALLY improve Star Legends?" thread, and to continue that analogy, Tarasa comes across as a weak version the first section of Alien Oasis. There are hints of larger things, but its hard to tell if there really is anything else planned.

Conclusion: I think very highly of STS, and try to think the best of them. That's why I hope Tarasa is the lead-up to something bigger and better, because right now it looks a lot like STS just threw something together to satisfy the people who have been whining about the lack of content. I don't want that to be the case, because it shows very little regard for STS's customers If it that is the case, I would have preferred it if STS had gone out and said "listen, we're really busy with AL right now. We haven't forgotten SL, and we've been working on a brand new update. However, its going to be while until we can release it, so we put something together to tide you over until then". People respect honest and forthrightness, but they hate feeling like someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

04-25-2013, 05:37 PM
Very well said. I still need to go through the entire content before I can make a good opinion on it all.

04-25-2013, 06:07 PM
I've been In sl for an hour, and I can't seem to find any arbiter npc.

Is arbiter automatic once you reach 51?

04-25-2013, 06:09 PM
I've been In sl for an hour, and I can't seem to find any arbiter npc.

Is arbiter automatic once you reach 51?
No one has capped yet nor a dev comment on this so I guess we'll find out once someone caps at 51.

04-25-2013, 06:12 PM
My friend (Sacrificed) is 10k off 51. Cheer him on. :)

04-25-2013, 06:20 PM
I too need to go through the content to really offer an opinion. I don't see a whole lot of creativity so far though. I don't see these levels bringing a whole lot of people back though. They seem like an afterthought almost, hopefully the next chapter will offer some truly new content.

04-25-2013, 06:22 PM
My friend (Sacrificed) is 10k off 51. Cheer him on. :)
Wow! I guess we'll find out really soon!

04-25-2013, 06:24 PM
Since update came out, I'm back on Star Legends!
Anyone 51 yet?

04-25-2013, 06:34 PM
what is the xp for 51?

04-25-2013, 07:07 PM
I've pretty much given up on sts. They post in al forums daily and updates feel like the same. Then dl gets a lvl cap raise with absolutely 0 content not even a new map. Then sl gets this.. and just to prove my point I CHALLENGE ANY DEV to even bother posting here and I'm talking about soon not a week from now. If they don't just proves they don't care.

04-25-2013, 07:37 PM
I've pretty much given up on sts. They post in al forums daily and updates feel like the same. Then dl gets a lvl cap raise with absolutely 0 content not even a new map. Then sl gets this.. and just to prove my point I CHALLENGE ANY DEV to even bother posting here and I'm talking about soon not a week from now. If they don't just proves they don't care.
DL got a cap increase?

04-25-2013, 07:48 PM
I would have preferred it if STS had gone out and said "listen, we're really busy with AL right now. We haven't forgotten SL, and we've been working on a brand new update. However, its going to be while until we can release it, so we put something together to tide you over until then". People respect honest and forthrightness, but they hate feeling like someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

👏 Well said! Sts, listen to this guy, he Knows what he's talking about

04-25-2013, 09:24 PM
Hi Battlegrinder,

Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts about the update. That’s a great post and we really appreciate you writing it down for us.

Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g

04-25-2013, 09:37 PM
Feels like justg wrote us a break up letter... </3 "they came from our heart and will always have a special place for us" :confusion:

04-25-2013, 09:45 PM
I understand you justg but I mean can you tell us at least something like the next cap for example in pl is in (blank) so we stop complaining and if 1 member worked on a game that means 22 works on arcane even it out plz that's why we aren't seeing updates in pl and other games. You guys could get more money from your other games too.

04-25-2013, 09:57 PM
Hi Battlegrinder,

Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts about the update. That’s a great post and we really appreciate you writing it down for us.

Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g

Ok, thanks for the explanation, and tell whoever put this update together that he did a pretty good job (over-powered Vular Tanks and Scorn Biomechs aside).

04-25-2013, 10:10 PM
Hi Battlegrinder,

Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts about the update. That’s a great post and we really appreciate you writing it down for us.

Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g

i understand where you are comming from and congratulations. here is my problem and i feel many of us share the same feelings. great you guys are geting a ton of downloads and making a ton of money. I understand this is going to make updates and responce time a little slower. However you even said it has been five months since arcane legends has been released. have you not hired enogh people to properly maintain the game or what is the problem. i find it very very sad that one person did this in his spare time. he did a fantastic job for doing it alone, but that mean that you truly have abandoned this game. it also disturbed me that dl got an update (and for those of you who arent aware) their was no new levels or content just an increase in the lvl cap. I understand that al is your bread and butter at the moment but does that mean that every time that you release something new that makes money everything else will be neglected. I hate to say this about you guys but that sounds like a company that only about $ not their customers and not the games that "came from their heart".

04-25-2013, 10:20 PM
Yep and that kind of business won't last long. Your customers will get fed up... I already see it now in sl the morale is very low... it's sad. Why couldn't y'all just section off specific people to work on one game and that's what their job would be. One group for each game. Everyone doesn't have to be involved with al and if u put more effort into your other games YOU WOULD SEE THE SAME RESULTS AS AL AND MAKE MORE MONEY! I just don't get it.

( I really hope they don't lock this thread. We should be able to voice our opinions and when they lock them no questions get answered :( )

04-25-2013, 11:33 PM
Itl get locked I almost guarentee it

04-26-2013, 12:05 AM
no offense to you of STS but what happened to where in the begining you huys had three diffrent teams for the games. then AL comes out and its like drop out tools lets focus on AL yeah its cool but im seeing some recolored recycled content in there already, yeah i like the recolered blue armor for 70 plat but so early on is kid of a drag.

04-26-2013, 12:09 AM
this update is made out of love ,wow if this is love you should of kept it

04-26-2013, 12:13 AM
this update is made out of love ,wow if this is love you should of kept it

gotta figure one guy made it on his free time, typically free time isnt paid time i would say

04-26-2013, 01:11 AM
i agree 100% with u. battlegrinder.

sl is almost abandoned nd lol only one person took this sl nd when? at his SPARE time lol. hats off to d designer that alone has done this great job. it takes a lot of hard wrks.

04-26-2013, 01:12 AM
gotta figure one guy made it on his free time, typically free time isnt paid time i would say

hmmmm. good point

04-26-2013, 04:51 AM
Shreeya capped yay for phoenix!


04-26-2013, 04:56 AM
Hi Battlegrinder,

Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts about the update. That’s a great post and we really appreciate you writing it down for us.

Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g

Who ever the designer was i would really love to thank him from my heart. I would suggest a thing. As the time moves on you guys could keep adding new stuffs like with small patches. Like now most of the capped players and players who are like in verge of capping including me want only one thing that is the arbitrer. I would suggest The disgner( please tell us his/her name we would send him/her our love) could work on his/her extra time again to make the arbitters then comes slowly the new armours. Just a suggestion like noy making us wait for so many days but to just start releasing smaller patches.


04-26-2013, 10:51 AM



Every STS game has gone through the same process of getting several expansions one after another right after it launches. After one or two more expansions, AL will slow down to the same rate as the rest of the STS series, and new content will be coming out for the rest. STS is first and foremost a business, and their priority will always be money. Right now, AL is growing fast and getting a lot of support, because its making a lot of money. The same thing happened with PL, SL, and DL.

04-26-2013, 01:03 PM
Lil' more love: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?95251-2013-04-26-Content-Update-(119332)

04-26-2013, 01:23 PM
too soon :)

04-26-2013, 01:42 PM
Hi Battlegrinder,

Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts about the update. That’s a great post and we really appreciate you writing it down for us.

Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g
Cant u guys hire more staff so we can get more new stuff?

04-26-2013, 01:47 PM
Lil' more love: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?95251-2013-04-26-Content-Update-(119332)

how about this love?

-reduce a bit of hp on the new sts-25 mobs so we can level since many ppl who try to run just leave the maps "1st map" in particular...SL isn't a SOLO mmo compatible.

-give us an arbiter piece at cap (there isn't a vanity distributer)

-then your golden...i wanna buy elixers to level..but I posted on bugs section, that enemies regenerate to fast...ppl get mad and leave.

04-26-2013, 02:06 PM
Cant u guys hire more staff so we can get more new stuff?

Not really, no. We still have to run the business well. If we overhire, have a downturn and go bankrupt, that won't do anyone any good ;) It's not like anyone around here is driving Porsches or whatnot. We're a small, independent developer working hard for your business.

04-26-2013, 02:47 PM
Lil' more love: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?95251-2013-04-26-Content-Update-(119332)

how about this love?

-reduce a bit of hp on the new sts-25 mobs so we can level since many ppl who try to run just leave the maps "1st map" in particular...SL isn't a SOLO mmo compatible.

-give us an arbiter piece at cap (there isn't a vanity distributer)

-then your golden...i wanna buy elixers to level..but I posted on bugs section, that enemies regenerate to fast...ppl get mad and leave.
The person still working with SL probably left the cap vanity out to improve it's looks before releasing it. I'd give him enough time to improve the Arbiter's Boots and Sleeves first so we don't regret rushing him on this one.

04-26-2013, 03:15 PM
The person still working with SL probably left the cap vanity out to improve it's looks before releasing it. I'd give him enough time to improve the Arbiter's Boots and Sleeves first so we don't regret rushing him on this one.

still I want to level (dont want it to be like PL all over again), but as it stands..I guess 3 pieces of arbiter are good enough for me.

04-26-2013, 04:22 PM
No really, no. We still have to run the business well. If we overhire, have a downturn and go bankrupt, that won't do anyone any good ;) It's not like anyone around here is driving Porsches or whatnot. We're a small, independent developer working hard for your business.

thats my point. and im not tryin to be rude to you guys i love you guys and what you do and i want you to be sucessful but right now you are running al well meanwhile you are missing lots of opportunities in other games. and i do not belive that allowing one person to make this expansion or releasing a lvl cap with no new levels is running the company well. It was a poor attempt to give any attention to these games and it showed. as stated serveral times in all forums Everyone would have rather you said look were gooing to be busy with al for a few months we appreciate your business and were sorry. i understand that you are a small indepenet develper but if you hired one develper at 30k a year for the sole purpose of working lets say dl it would resolve alot of problems. i would kill for an opportunity like that and so would many others. and if even half of people spent the money they have said on al you have an extra 30k a year. continuing to abandon other games without reason i promise you will result in the eventual death of those games.

04-26-2013, 04:30 PM
Hi Battlegrinder,

Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts about the update. That’s a great post and we really appreciate you writing it down for us.

Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g


04-26-2013, 04:42 PM
Sandman, you're being honest with your opinion, not holding back... so in the same spirit...

I don't see why any for-profit company would invest even one minute of developer time in a game with so few players. Especially when they have another game that has so many players it is being called "the best" by some reviewers. These guys have families, too.

But someone did. Someone who originally conceived Blackstar to include spaceships and 3-dimensional movement, but who wrote it within the confines of 2-D anyway because that's all he could get. And so, even though he sees the game floundering when other games he worked on are getting all the attention, he still wants it to thrive. He wants his own toons to advance, so he made this update. He's a player at heart. You just know it.

I am very certain that SL is NOT dying. As long as this dev is at the heart of STS, SL will not be abandoned, as you say.

But they have to stay afloat as a company. If they waste resources on unsuccessful (monetarily) projects, they won't be able to pay for the servers anymore. Then we're all up a creek, in all games.

I think we need to show more gratitude. This dev cares about SL and will not let it fail. His attention is constantly being pulled away from it, yet he does the development on his own time. I do not fear for the future of SL any longer.

04-26-2013, 05:00 PM

Anegriv, I asked him that in chat and he answered. Go scroll back the chat logs a few pages. :)

04-26-2013, 06:11 PM
Sandman, you're being honest with your opinion, not holding back... so in the same spirit...

I don't see why any for-profit company would invest even one minute of developer time in a game with so few players. Especially when they have another game that has so many players it is being called "the best" by some reviewers. These guys have families, too.

But someone did. Someone who originally conceived Blackstar to include spaceships and 3-dimensional movement, but who wrote it within the confines of 2-D anyway because that's all he could get. And so, even though he sees the game floundering when other games he worked on are getting all the attention, he still wants it to thrive. He wants his own toons to advance, so he made this update. He's a player at heart. You just know it.

I am very certain that SL is NOT dying. As long as this dev is at the heart of STS, SL will not be abandoned, as you say.

But they have to stay afloat as a company. If they waste resources on unsuccessful (monetarily) projects, they won't be able to pay for the servers anymore. Then we're all up a creek, in all games.

I think we need to show more gratitude. This dev cares about SL and will not let it fail. His attention is constantly being pulled away from it, yet he does the development on his own time. I do not fear for the future of SL any longer.

I totally agree with what you said and for sure i wouldnt waste any time on it either. the problem is and what makes me and others angry and why people are leaving is they simply will not admit to what you said the truth. instead of simply making a post saying sorry everyone al exploded way more then we thought and we need some time to get that game going no major updates for a while thanks for your support.... they dont release information, insiders has no information on anything exectp al and they release things that like i said earlier show how little they are involved with these games atm which to alot of people translated ot a lack of caring. this last update is an incredible acomplishment for one person and he should be praised, but i find it a poor update for a company with a team of develpoers. again i love what these guys do and i have tons of respect for them but dont treat us like were stupid. take the time to do things right becasue i totally dissagree about it dying. is it dying yet absolutely not but people will not stick with games were information about updates is a problem and updates are thrown together to appease the masses. and long term customers is how company like this survive not the people that come in spend a few bucks and then move on.

04-26-2013, 06:24 PM
I mostly agree. Cool :)

In any case, one of the devs whose original idea was Blackstar, who has been with them since before they even started the company, cared enough to put his own time into it. I used to worry that they were giving up on SL because of the small player base, but now I feel certain that it is still on the mind of this dev, and I am not worried. He has a story to tell, and it's clearly not finished in his mind. :)

I think they have to balance short term and long term concerns better, too, but they are a young company made up of game developers not managers so they have to learn by making mistakes.

04-26-2013, 06:39 PM
I just want them to hurry up and learn lmao

04-26-2013, 07:32 PM
Why dont you guys invest in getting it on consoles >.> you should be able to get lots of revenue from that... maybe even paid versions of the game that give you free stuff such as exclusive vanities, free 100% rerolls as long as you have the premium, exclusive pets etc. Each of the 4 games have the potential to be 10 times as big as minecraft is... Its just that ya might need to invest a little more than you think... Look at what Mojang did even though that contract with microsoft expires in may... Maybe you could get it to be sony and microsoft exclusive.

04-26-2013, 07:43 PM
Each of the 4 games have the potential to be 10 times as big as minecraft is...

No. Just no.

04-26-2013, 09:26 PM
Guys take time make it good. I like the new contest winner guns look nice. Similarly start adding small small patches to improve it. Am still liking the cap. Am already capped on Scarfaced but not so bored still. Juat farming those guns. So i would say. Pretyy good timing :) i like it.


04-26-2013, 10:53 PM
I certainly wouldn't mind gradually receiving small patches to improve this expansion. Just a few simple things could make me enjoy this update a lot more. For example, make the next Arbiter piece available (when it's ready) so that people have more reason to cap, or add a few passive skills so that capped players don't end up with two skill points they can't use.

04-27-2013, 05:46 AM
The expansion is great and I really don't care about the tankoids healing, it's just the stim packs not being available. When fighting boimech boss even If you heal if he hits you once youre garanteed death. We need stim packs to counter his laser of insta death lol.

04-27-2013, 06:26 AM
Just avoid laser. Engineers wont die if they heal, and coms need eng to save them. Ops die with eng heals too but if you play operative, just stay out of his range and dont use skills to boss. As simple as that

05-04-2013, 04:50 PM
Just Capped, nice update overall. I truly missed the Arbiter vanity.

05-05-2013, 01:15 AM
Over all I cant help feeling that Spacetime has lost the plot of what made it a success. As one of the mods said the games came from the heart to start with. I was with Pocket Legends from the first week it came out. It always felt like a proper community of people who loved the game they had created and hence cared about the people who played it. Now however they seem to be just chasing the cash cow. Arcane is now there figure head and ALL there attention is going towards it. Dont get me wrong I give my thanks to the sole person who developed the latest SL update. But it should not be like that. It should not be down to one person to develop something in there own time, to pacify those who were complaining (rightly so), about the lack of updates. They seem to have forgotten that it was the original players of PL and SL that made everything else possible. They are playing a dangerous game by essentially ignoring the core players and supporters of the company.

Its a real shame that the company has decided to chase the money over the happiness of its patrons. Many other software companies have done the same to there peril.

05-06-2013, 08:58 AM
We should be glad there was an update. Not to wait like the past years. There were working hard and there doing great. Just be patient bcuz good update will be coming soon.

05-11-2013, 05:29 AM
Over all I cant help feeling that Spacetime has lost the plot of what made it a success. As one of the mods said the games came from the heart to start with. I was with Pocket Legends from the first week it came out. It always felt like a proper community of people who loved the game they had created and hence cared about the people who played it. Now however they seem to be just chasing the cash cow. Arcane is now there figure head and ALL there attention is going towards it. Dont get me wrong I give my thanks to the sole person who developed the latest SL update. But it should not be like that. It should not be down to one person to develop something in there own time, to pacify those who were complaining (rightly so), about the lack of updates. They seem to have forgotten that it was the original players of PL and SL that made everything else possible. They are playing a dangerous game by essentially ignoring the core players and supporters of the company.

Its a real shame that the company has decided to chase the money over the happiness of its patrons. Many other software companies have done the same to there peril.
Couldn't of said it any better..

05-15-2013, 12:30 AM
Hi Battlegrinder,

Thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts about the update. That’s a great post and we really appreciate you writing it down for us.

Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g

No disrespct intended to the designer that worked on the SL update. We actually thank him/her for at least giving us something better than nothing.
You say AL is a big hit ATM because it has over 7mill downloads. I play all 4 of your games PL,DL,AL,SL. I think that if you would apply similar ideas to the other games you would have 7mill X4 downloads. Then you would have 4 big hit games.

05-18-2013, 01:54 PM
like update. especially the one where purps turned to pinks.

05-19-2013, 08:43 AM
(Just a joke)
Delete the game and redownload until we hit 10M downloads in SL so that this game will be updated weekly XD

05-19-2013, 03:05 PM
The expansion is great and I really don't care about the tankoids healing, it's just the stim packs not being available. When fighting boimech boss even If you heal if he hits you once youre garanteed death. We need stim packs to counter his laser of insta death lol.

play as com.
use keystone or ion cannon (pink)
use lvl50 full pink set.
use increase mass skill when u get on fire nd use vigour skill simultaneously.

i die on bio only if i lag or get too close to bio.

anyway if u play as opr play on chrome so tht u can heal urself by tapping "z" nd refill ur mana by tapping "x"

05-19-2013, 03:17 PM
the pacing of the updates is just fine. imagine the horrors of endgame, this approach is muuch better.

05-28-2013, 10:11 AM
No disrespct intended to the designer that worked on the SL update. We actually thank him/her for at least giving us something better than nothing.
You say AL is a big hit ATM because it has over 7mill downloads. I play all 4 of your games PL,DL,AL,SL. I think that if you would apply similar ideas to the other games you would have 7mill X4 downloads. Then you would have 4 big hit games.

Indeed, much thanks to Carlo for his hard work, but insofar as AL is a big hit, before that the mantra was DL is a big hit. Players have sunk a lot of time and money into your other titles. Based on your general lack of support why should we imagine the very same thing won't happen in AL when you start work on yet another title?

05-30-2013, 12:26 AM
It's no justifying in u favoring one labor of love over another. Because thats not real love lol Just because one makes u more money than the other? more downloads? Where's the integrity in that? thats not about love thats about profit! if u had real love for all your games u wouldn't abandon them because one is more popular.
-section off certain individuals to each game- if one guy can do this update in free time.. imagine 2 or 3!!! :apathy:

05-30-2013, 05:52 AM
It's no justifying in u favoring one labor of love over another. Because thats not real love lol Just because one makes u more money than the other? more downloads? Where's the integrity in that? thats not about love thats about profit! if u had real love for all your games u wouldn't abandon them because one is more popular.
-section off certain individuals to each game- if one guy can do this update in free time.. imagine 2 or 3!!! :apathy:
Not hating or anything, but she's got a point :chargrined:

06-04-2013, 11:04 PM
Idea time!

How about we have a layout contest? You guys want new content! Build it!
I know a game where people would submit worlds using the Unity engine, the most popular ones would be included in the game.

Just a thought, but a world creator would work well for this, just to post and submit new content ideas in a visual and inspiring way.

We have weapons and armor contests, why not a zone contest? As proven by the other weapons contest, when you throw the call out, people respond, and come up igneous new gear. (Water Guns? Brilliant! I will never look at my super soaker the same way twice again.)

Again, just a thought. Heck if there was a developers kit for games like STS titles, I would throw money at it.