View Full Version : Riley retired?

04-26-2013, 04:36 AM
so i was checking around in bases nd then near those implant machines i felt someone is missing. then i realised Riley, who gives arbiter pieces after u cap, is missing.
so who is in responsible to giv arbiter piece after one caps?
and wat arbiter piece is given out- leg or arm?

04-26-2013, 04:43 AM
No arbitter and all..and i relaized this after 10k xp in lv50


04-26-2013, 04:44 AM
I think they gave up the idea of arbiter,well i hope not lol

04-26-2013, 11:16 AM
well what really happen is riley, gets no love from the developers ,guys cant you see that this update was only made to justify sts ,at least now they can say they updated it , and in reality all they did is a remix of the same old bugs , how many post from the developers saying 90 percent of there attention is going to al, they clam they updated sl out of love its more like ,the more money spent on a game the more attention a game will get. if you guys cant see this update was something done in spare time ,i relly dont know what can open your eyes. it seems like the developers want to push players away from sl only to hope you go and spend more of your money on al.

04-26-2013, 12:18 PM
Maybe I can step back a bit and fill you in more where the update to STS-25 came from. Right now, as you might be aware, Arcane Legends is our biggest game to date. It has blown the doors off of what our other games have ever done. We are closing in on 7 Million downloads after only 5 months. That’s why you see the activity you do in Arcane – justifiably so, as we work hard to serve the largest share of Spacetime players.

All of Spacetime games are labors of love. They came from our hearts and will always have a special place for us.

This expansion was done by one designer, in their extra time, because of their love for the game and their desire to give the community more to do. We never said this was going to be a massive update and we hope we did not set your expectations too high, but this really was done out of love and for you guys.

It is what we can give you at the moment. We hope that it is enough for now. Keep up the constructive feedback and we'll try to make the most out of it.


- g

Emphasis added.

04-29-2013, 06:31 PM
That one designer should get a higher salary for doing the entire work and even work in the free time

04-29-2013, 06:43 PM
That one designer should get a higher salary for doing the entire work and even work in the free time

don't think he got anything other than respect from all the sl players. we love you cinco!