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View Full Version : What if? (please keep it friendly) lol

04-26-2013, 07:16 AM
So I have had this chat with lots of players over the years..

Do you think STS did the right thing by making more games like SL, DL, AL?

I always think that STS would have been more of a success if they had stuck to one game. (Please don't hate me if you don't share my opinion lol)

I kind of think about what it would have been like if STS had just stuck to one game and focused (bird) on just PL.

I kind of begin to dream about what it could be like now. Would there be fresh new updates? Would those all inspiring suggestions from the community like 'in game notifications for cs sells' or 'improvements to guild hall' or 'offline messaging' be a reality? Would we all be on level 201 characters? Would there be awesome updates more regularly and less re-used gear/enemies? Would the game be number 1 in the app store? Would we all still be thriving and playing as opposed to seeing good friends leave? Would the 'number of players online' counter still be in place and say a gazillion at any one time? Would the bugs be stamped on in an instant and the game run like a beauty? lol

What are your thoughts? Your opinions? It's one of those types of questions thats always on my mind :) I love talking about it with friends

Remember, keep the chat friendly :) #whatif

04-26-2013, 07:33 AM
I think they did. Most all businesses have more than one product. Keeping the service up on the products can be the hard part.

04-26-2013, 07:33 AM
well if sts just focus on one games...sure they salary wont get raised lol...xD.....Dev told that PL limit level was 101...so its was good for sts to make more games IMO...idk if other agree with me...no offense folks...:)

04-26-2013, 07:35 AM
definitely would mean a better game, but I don't think that's what they want to do.
Look at blizzard, how many online games do they have to support for? How many more employees do they have?
Obviously Spacetime doesn't have to do the same thing, but who knows maybe they should

04-26-2013, 07:44 AM
Thanks for your opinions so far :) Maybe if STS had just stuck to PL then they may have failed by now...? O.o

04-26-2013, 08:02 AM
More games expand the varity. Not everyone is into pl. Making sl brought in a whole new crowd of gamers for the futuristic shooter types. Dl is for a more mature audience.

04-26-2013, 08:11 AM
I don't think failed, just not growing as fast

04-26-2013, 09:11 AM
Making sl brought in a whole new crowd of gamers for the futuristic shooter types.
And the huge lack of content pushed most of them away

04-26-2013, 10:08 AM
JustG made a statement in an SL thread last night how their energy is on AL for now. Only reason why SL got an update is because ONE developer did some work on the side. Reason: AL has just reached 7 million downloads. Reasoning: Many STS players download their games on multiple devices so IMO, those numbers are skewed and not "true" original downloads. People also have to redownload when purchasing a newer device or after resetting an older one.

End result: I don't see a bright future for anything other than AL. Sad thing is, AL is already in the processing of reusing old gear. Most are too new to catch on to this yet.

04-26-2013, 10:41 AM
There's a basic rule in online business-

"don't put all your eggs into one bucket"

The second thing is -
They could not experiment new things on a gold egg laying chicken, i.e pl, but changing with time is a demand get fit or extinct, creating new product is a perfect solution. Have fun

04-27-2013, 05:20 PM
I think it's good that they made more games, as to suit everyone's likes and dislikes, however I think the would be the most successful if they focused EQUALLY on each game ;)

The Sadness
04-27-2013, 11:59 PM
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

I have no interest in SL. I tried DL, too dark for my taste. These games are all the same basic concept (simplified MMO), but each offers unique content and play style. They are trying to attract and retain as many new customers as possible.

04-28-2013, 12:12 AM
StS needs a serious rework on class balance and scaling stats to gear. Look at Guild Wars 2. It's far more skill based, as dodges are actually manual, rather than automatic. World of Warcraft has auto dodges, but they don't make or break EVERY fight. Patsoe, putting all their effort in PL would be a great risk and isn't good for business.