View Full Version : Chronicles NEW!

04-26-2013, 03:13 PM
Chronicles is a guild recently made. We strive under our motto conquer and command. We have many unqiue things in our guild. We recruit 44+ unless your alt is already in the guild. We look for maturity, activity, and most of all loyalty in a member. Our members our expected to help each other in everything possible including pvp, pve, and merching. We have a well disciplined guild, although we love to have fun.We work non- stop to push the guild futher. Do you want to be a soldier? Apply now! For Chronciles.

What do we offer

A lucrative banking system, astronomically growing and helping all member
• A tier 3 guild hall with discount stims
•A lottery at the end of the month for all members
•Members dedicated to the guild
• A great variety of competitions expanding a long way

Officer and recruiter requirements

In this guild we believe in working hard to achieve this is why our requirements for promotes can be difficult.
• To be a recruiter you must be recommended by a officer or the master
• To become officer you must show hard work and dedication to the guild, you haven't been booted from the guild, you will then get a message from the master(symbolic) and the master only. You may be chosen for officer or the might be asked to be interviewed for officer

Guild bank and lottery
In this guild we are very lucky to understand how to run a bank. Are main goal in the bank is to have a substantial amount of money (5m) which we are vastly approaching, we also keep stims, and amour. In our bank we have a system to prevent any unfairness. When a new member joins they receive there own credit card number which will always be 9 digits. This is another unique thing we have to make our members feel special. Once you have the number you can then attain money on your credit card by either trading in items and you will get that items CURRENT price on your card or you can add money onto it. Your card will then receive interest meaning every day 2% of your credit will be added on as a additional bonus to your card making you gain a 2% profit each day. You can also use your credit to receive amour, money, or stims.

In this guild we are disciplined and have rules for ALL members to follow cooperation of the rule will result in rewards and not following our rules will ultimately result in exclusion or even removal from the guild. The rules may change over time but at the moment they stand as follows :
1. No scamming
2. No spamming
3. No bribing
4. No begging or promotions, money, or anything else
5. No accusations
6. No disrespecting other guilds
7. No poaching
8. No account trading
9. No disrespecting fellow members
10. No inappropriate language
11. No rushing
12. No selling guild gear or mis- using of it.
13. No selling or buying in guild halls or guild chat

How can I join
It's simple if you would like to join but fill out a application it will only take minutes but you would enjoy the guild much longer then that. Don't be shy. Give it a try! At the moment apps will be taken on our website- www.chronicles-guild.webs.com or interviews in game.

1. What characters do you play under?( name, level, class)
2. What guilds have you been apart of ?
3. Do any officers recommend you?( list names or name)
4. How long have you been playing star legends?
5. What's the longest amount of time you've been in a guild?
6. What do you look for in a guild?
7. What can be improved in our guild?
8. What is the motto of the guild?
Answer these questions in full sentences
9a. What is something which can get you automatically removed from the guild?
9b one of the rules in the guild is 'no accusations' Why do you think we have this rule?
9c What is your strongest point pvp, pve, or merching?
10. What time- zone are you in?
11. How often do you come on?

If you have any additional information you would like to share please do so(optional)

Officer list
Officers are highly dedicated members who go beyond to help the guild these people should be looked up to here they are at the current moment:
Artofwar- Foundation officer
Cancer/Commanderkeen- foundation officer
Inspiredbyu- foundation officer
Mitchstar- foundation officer
Quanebo- foundation officer

Foundation officers are officers intensely trusted the officers help accept applications and have high control in the guild

04-26-2013, 04:07 PM
Chronicles is now completely focused on pve, pvp and merching. Do you think your a soldier? Join! We now have a event every Saturday where you can win a prize based on pve, pvp or merching.

04-28-2013, 01:13 AM
Chronicles website is now open! Apply at www.chronicles-guild.webs.com

04-30-2013, 12:56 PM
What are x days
X days- is a huge new event coming to chronicles and this game we are strongly advertising this as are unique, latest, and largest idea to date. This event will involve not only are guild but the sl community.

Why have x days
Lately we haven't been seeing much creatively around. X days will bring not only that back but the sense of friendliness between guilds.

What to expect
You will know when there is a x- day. The production will be mass. Although, everyone is welcomed guild members will have a bigger availability to this. This event will last all day. So stay tune for more updates on the most intense event of our guild to date.

X- days
- never seen before
- no where else
- managed by us! Chronicles

More information on this will be posted when the date comes
X days coming soon

04-30-2013, 01:55 PM
Keep up the good work! Looks Promising ;-)
Big Nod to all the familiar names in the foundation officer list :-) Hiya! *waves*

04-30-2013, 03:11 PM
I like your banking system, let me know how it works out. I've been trying to figure out how to get my own guild's banking system online, but have had trouble setting it up. Hopefully, you'll have better luck.

04-30-2013, 05:52 PM
Thanks for the support, always nice to see the community wishing there luck. :) we will see how the system goes so far it's been easy to keep track of and pretty organized. 'Time will tell'.

05-04-2013, 02:25 PM
As you already know the guild has hyped up the new event x-days reports have now come in about them. We now know that this event will be both involved with the comminty and guild. Guild members will be scatter all across different bases. They will be holding a vanity piece. Find them and answer there question on pve, pvp, or merching you shall recieve it. Guild members of course will have an exclusive part of this guild tradition. It won't be easy.. But it sure will be fun! Stay tune for more info on chronicles biggest to date!

To lazy to complete a application? Love to be apart of a good guild? Well, now you can simply post on our site or here and book a interview. Interviews will be faster and easy!

Chronicles is now putting our members into departments to help the community. Pve, pvp, and merching. To make sure we have the best support for you there will be a test for you to become a teacher of one of these things

Fun has expanded fully! Chronicles are still looking for Loyal and mature members

05-05-2013, 07:54 PM
The recruiting format in the guild has changed. We still allow applications to come through, but we now not only allow but motivate our officers to invite mature, loyal, and expirenced players etc. officers will invite purely on there own judgements. If you are invited to the guild it will be recorded you cannot be reinvinted for the next 3 weeks. After leaving the only way back in is applying. Recruiters will be able to suggest members to be recruited, but the members recruiters pick will have to be approved by a officer or admin first before an invite is given. We will avoid from poaching, spam inviting, or inviting members that are scammers, beggars, immature etc.
Thanks symbolic.

05-06-2013, 01:34 AM
lol so u changed ur accnt eh?
in game u with ur toon symbolic out of nowhere pm me gay nd also said m in gay guild mythic lol. nd i asked who r u to say that.
And u said u r drxx from forum lol.

man ur nickname dr evil really fits u. nd wow m surprised u hav ur own guild LOL!!!

anyway good lck with ur guild.

05-06-2013, 03:39 AM
? Thanks, confusing message..

05-06-2013, 05:35 AM
Keep up the good work! Looks Promising ;-)
Big Nod to all the familiar names in the foundation officer list :-) Hiya! *waves*

Thanks Mitch glad to see you back.