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View Full Version : Slag or Colon Or?

04-27-2013, 09:37 AM
Hello all, i am a lowbie mage, currently powering my way through levels.
My question is. I have 285 plats and would like a lovely pet to make life easier.
I could use 250 on slag, or spend 150 on coins and grab a colon egg from the auctions.
What is everyones thoughts? I am stacking int and pure damage as my build.

04-27-2013, 10:03 AM
I'd go with colton for a mage

04-27-2013, 10:04 AM
slag for pvp, colt for pve.

04-27-2013, 10:14 AM
Hello all, i am a lowbie mage, currently powering my way through levels.
My question is. I have 285 plats and would like a lovely pet to make life easier.
I could use 250 on slag, or spend 150 on coins and grab a colon egg from the auctions.
What is everyones thoughts? I am stacking int and pure damage as my build.

go for slag or clyde, colton is cheap, youll see that when you get stronger and farm elites.

04-27-2013, 10:41 AM
Slag, colton as a backup if you can't afford it

04-27-2013, 11:58 AM
Spend 180 plat and buy Clyde and Malison. Then either earn Colton through story tokens or spend the rest of your plat on gold and farm the remaining ~50k so you can buy a Colton egg. The best pets for mage are (in no specific order) Clyde, Malison, Colton, Wrath Jaw and Slag. The only pet I don't have is Slag because I don't feel he's worth the 250 plat. As pets go up in level they get more expensive to feed, so its worth having multiple pets.

04-27-2013, 08:33 PM
Please don't use plat to buy gold. You'll kick yourself later.

04-27-2013, 08:43 PM
I'm not that into colon

04-27-2013, 09:12 PM
Definitely clyde. Also great for pvp. Gives better stats for mages and its skill is the same with slag, only faster cooldown.

04-27-2013, 10:47 PM
I would have slag.
Colton is good but you will get it with story coins.
Slag is a pet you can buy only with plats.

Clyde is also good. But I like slag better because I feel like slag's stun rate is higher than clyde's, and also the effective area is way wider. And it's passive and speed boost is more useful in both pvp and pve.

But if you don't have many pets, I will go for clyde and colton. (And sell when you get you colton)
I use them all, but my favorite is always slag.

04-28-2013, 05:20 PM
Yes these are all excellent suggestions. I love slag for both PvE and PvP, but definitely PvP due to the 10% speed and the pretty good arcane that acts like a stun but is not technically a stun so you can use it immediatly after the stun of a fireball has worn off :) Don't count out other cheaper pets with a high % damage boost, as they are pretty equal to and may even surpass some of the above mentioned pets in terms of damage output, and will only get better as you level up. Clyde will not be so good for too much longer as the 30int and 10str boost of this pet will mean less and less as we level up more. Think of a pet like loki that gives you 15% damage boost and 15str. This may actually already be better than clyde except for a less useful arcane and the lack of 7% crit. Plus it costs 10k or less. Also consider flapjack which also gives 15% damage with both its passive and arcane abilities having a chance to stun. Orion also appears to be an excellent pet with both offensive and defensive stats that is most appreciated by me at end game pve to keep from getting one shotted (160 heatlh, 10 str, 2% damage reduction, and other armor and hit reduction to enemies with passive and arcane abilities, still keeping offensive atributes with 20 int and 10% damage on arcane). Just keep an open mind. I find it usefull to switch around pets depending on the situation. Currently I mostly use Colton of Slag for the mobs and then switch to Orion for the Boss fight.

04-29-2013, 01:59 AM
Pve go colton

Pvp slag, bis pvp pet for sorcs imo(if u dont go crit build that is), the "stun" is pretty much in its ownleage.

04-29-2013, 10:42 AM
All the aforementioned pets are very good for mages and I'll also add Malison for survavability. Don't forget that dex stat also raises your hp. Its dodge buff and passive ability also helps very much. Four players with Malison against boss means crazy dodge at red attacks because its buff stacks.
Edit: I later saw that Falmear had mentioned Malison but anyway I hope I helped further

Yuri Ramos
04-29-2013, 10:52 AM
Slag and clyde has the same arcane ability. same success rate, the difference is that, clyde's cooldown 15sec compared to slag's 25sec cd

04-30-2013, 02:00 AM
Slag and clyde has the same arcane ability. same success rate, the difference is that, clyde's cooldown 15sec compared to slag's 25sec cd

Far from. I have done several tests . Slags procc waaay more often then clydes.

04-30-2013, 11:38 AM
Far from. I have done several tests . Slags procc waaay more often then clydes.

I have also found the proc of Slag to be way more reliable than that of Clyde in PvP. He is very helpfull in killing rogues when you run into them in a 1v1 situation by putting them in a psuedo-stun-lock until dead (fireball followed by slag's panic right after the stun wears off). This was all before the update to fix clyde's arcane about a week or so ago, so I don't know if clyde is now better in PvP...