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10-08-2010, 09:56 PM
PL- Pocket Legend

Bear- Warrior
The Ursan are powerful, short-tempered bear-like creatures that live to fight up-close and personal! The Ursan Warrior uses blade weapons, staves,and can wear heavy armor.
Mage- Enchantress
The Elves are ancient, mystical beings who wiled the terrifying power of nature to soothe their friends and humiliate their enemies. In short: Elves are the finest spell-casters in the realm!
Bird- Archer
The Avian are nimble bird-like humanoids with perfectly eyesight, quick reflexes, tiny appetites and short attention-spans. The Avian Archer is the master of the bow. A true marks man.

Lvl- Level
Str- Strength
Dex- Dexterity
Int- Intelligence
Dodge- The chance to avoid hit
Crit- Critical Hit
H/S- Health regeneration per second
M/S- Mana regeneration per second
Dps- Damage per second
Dmg- Damage
Exp- Experience

FH- Forest Haven
DF- Dark Forest
Belafort- Belafort Castle
Fanthom- Fanthom Crypts
LE- Lost Expedition
Swamps- The Ancient Swamps
AO1,2,3- Alien Oasis 1,2,3

Pot- Potion
Health/Mana Pot- Health/Mana Potion
To Pot- To use Elixirs
Exp Pot- Experience Elixir
Dmg Pot- Damage Elixir

Noob- New, unskilled player
PvE- Player versus environment
PvP- Player versus player
PM- Private message
Inv- Invite to a game.

Afk- Away from keyboard
Aggro- Focus of monster's aggression
Alt- Alternate character
Archtard- Poorly skilled archer
Aoe- Area of effect
Beartard- Poorly skilled Warrior
Bbl- Be back later
Brb- Be right back
Buff- Beneficial spell (Self or group)
Debuff- Reductionary spell (Enemies)
Enchantard- Poorly skilled Enchantress
Ftl- For the loss
Ftw- For the win
Op- Overpowered
Rev/Res- Revive
PowerLevel- To level in a high level area by leeching experience.
Twink- Characters who have gained the best powerful gear for their level

S>- Selling Item
B>- Buying Item
1k- 1 thousand gold.

Mynas Gen- Those who powerleved in The Tombs of Mynas and never played the game.
Plat- Platinum
Dev- Game Devolpers (Our gods)
STS- Spacetime Studios (Our heaven)
Royce- Their god.

was bored, if i missed any, let me know.

10-08-2010, 10:01 PM
No seems, good, not many people could not know this though, and even less would check the forums looking for it. Excellent otherwise, o ya add Mynas Gen.

10-09-2010, 12:02 AM
one who sucks at a particular video game, they are not new to the game, but possess some determent that prevents them from playing well, no matter how long they practice playing the game.
synonyms- a Dan Wood, noob, newbie, newb
antonyms- an Alex, elite, 1337, leet

Courtesy Urban Dict.