View Full Version : Entombed Hammer of Warfar Bugged

04-28-2013, 10:31 PM
There is no easy way of putting this.. I was in a party last night where a Entombed hammer of Warfare level 31 dropped, my friend got the drop and gave it to me. I was so happy with it! But I wanted to sell as demand would bring big money for it. But i decided not to cause it seems to be such a hard drop to get!

Anyway, this morning I woke up to check the prices of them, only to find that my hammer had gone from level 31 to 30, because the stats of the level 31 on cs were green and I was shocked! I alerted my guild and told my friend what had happened, they thought I was being silly, but I told them of this and they said I should report it here.

Hope somebody can help me.

P.s Also seems the hammer doesn't proc.

04-28-2013, 10:56 PM
Best thing you can do is send an E-mail to support(@)spacetimestudios.com

And yeah, the proc seems bugged because it hardly, if ever, procs. Hope devs will look into it.

04-28-2013, 11:07 PM
Best thing you can do is send an E-mail to support(@)spacetimestudios.com

And yeah, the proc seems bugged because it hardly, if ever, procs. Hope devs will look into it.

Appreciate that! Email has been sent! Thank you. :)

04-29-2013, 12:23 AM
Ahh the old switcharoo

Here i give you this lvl 31 good drop for you to use, hmmm ill just sell it and buy a new lvl 30 then guildies wont know i sold the lvl31 that he gave me.. good plan!!! Haha just kiddin you TS good luck on your "bug report"

04-29-2013, 01:22 AM
Ahh the old switcharoo

Here i give you this lvl 31 good drop for you to use, hmmm ill just sell it and buy a new lvl 30 then guildies wont know i sold the lvl31 that he gave me.. good plan!!! Haha just kiddin you TS good luck on your "bug report"

Haha knew somebody would think I did that, which I didn't I'm sure the devs can check logs :). I got nothing to hide. Thanks for support :)

04-29-2013, 01:35 AM
are you sure u didnt just mistakenly thought it was 31? lol

04-29-2013, 08:27 AM
No I was the one that got the drop and it was lvl 31 I triple checked it.

04-29-2013, 10:33 AM
are you sure u didnt just mistakenly thought it was 31? lol

No I was the one that got the drop and it was lvl 31 I triple checked it.
^ What Uzi said and I double checked it was definitely 31. I even remember wanting to sell it for 1.2m at the time on cs.

04-29-2013, 09:20 PM
well thats just odd