View Full Version : Hello I'm new , need some explanation

04-29-2013, 06:15 AM
Hello, I'm jeannettte

I used to play Geomon but the game ended and some friends from there asked me to come play here, as I did.

I was a very wealthy player on there and after 3 years of playing I earned a position as ing Moderator to mantain chat and innapropriate behavior.
So If u see me in the game and I notice any innapropriate behavior or language I will immediatly press the report button! This might sound harsh but I'm strict the way I am.

I enjoy the game but see that there were alot of exclusive things in the past. My question is : Is there something as a weekly rare pet or like monthly exclusive... or something like that. I'm curious about how this works.

Next question : I'm 5 days old and lvl 17 , but the leveling up goes slow, I usually get 100+ exp from arcanum castle so I just go in there 16 times. Is there a way to do this quicker without leeching?

Thanks for the upcoming responses!

04-29-2013, 09:38 PM
Hello ;)

04-29-2013, 09:54 PM

I try to be as clear as possible, first of all, there is no weekly or monthly contests.

In Traveler's Outpost is a Beastmaster giving elixirs every 8 hours, and if you're lucky you'll have a small chance of getting a pet egg (Although only a few eggs gives specific and already in Auction House you can find them very easily and pretty cheap)

Also the you can buy with platinum (Platinum can not be found in the game, you should be buying real money achieved through a credit card).

Even if there are contests to give away that gives STS platinum, just visit this Page (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?117-AL-Contests) and see if there is a contest of this game, although there consursos for the 5 different sets of STS.

Now to level up fast is best to go to Traveler's Outpost and there from to Watcher's Tomb and the best Level 4 (They're like 320 XP for about 8 minutes of travel, even for a level 17 that would be almost impossible)

You can also do normal runs elixir buy double XP (Can only be buying platinum), and that help to level up faster, but believe me to be level 17 in 5 days without having played this before I consider great.

I hope this will be useful.

04-29-2013, 09:59 PM
Hello and welcome to the forums! Many people like to level up on the tombs (Kraag and Travelers Outpost) and Kraken mines. Make sure you have a full party you get more xp that way. Let us know if you have any questions!

Be sure to enter our weekly raffle in the sts insiders area.

04-30-2013, 04:00 AM
Thanks for all the explanition.

The only thing I still need to learn is that I dont have authority on this game haha. So I need to get used to that.
Allthough I will step in if I see a fight or innapropriate behavior no matter what the consequences are.

04-30-2013, 09:54 AM
The only way to level up faster is...
-) Tombs (located in Traveler Outpost and Great City of Kraag)
** BEST way for leveling, my favorite is Watcher's Tomb level IV, earn 250-300 XP per run. If you get great team, you can finish 3-6 minutes. **
-) Kraken Mines (located somewhere in Explore Map by Captain Hanna Raven)
** There are 3 levels there, BUT you need to kill Captain Bloodhammer (The Return) at Skull Cove to unlock the access to the Explore Map. After you kill him, go to Dragon Jewel, talk to Captain Hanna Raven and choose "Explore!" and go to Kraken Mines. **
-) Hauntlet (located in Great City of Kraag
** Second best way. For me, this WAS the best way but hauntlet is harder now and only earn 75-125 XP per run. My best time this season 2:12. It's harder than past seasons, i got my "Haunted" last season. :D **

And the most important thing is...
Best cut-way to level up faster.
Buy the 7 Days 50% More XP, you can get the level cap (31) from level 1 between 7-10 days.

Try to hunt by yourself alone.
That's all i know!

Add me, IGN: Anymove. Friendly with everybody. :D