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View Full Version : Suggestion for Boot Player in the next version 1.2

04-27-2010, 11:36 PM
I figure this has to go into 1.2 and can't be done with a Content Patch.

I tested the boot feature with another player.

It tells the player they were booted and by who. But it does not say why.

It would be great to have force the party leader who is doing the booting (kicking) to specify a reason in text window that gets relayed to the person who got booted.

Otherwise, this could lead to people coming back in the game again to ask "Why did you boot me?" or "Did you accidentally boot me?"

Now I realize that some people, even when given a reason (i.e. you leech!) will come back into the game to get their last word in, but I think a reason would help curb the bad behavior.

04-27-2010, 11:52 PM
Many people won't approve simply because this would require them to type xD

And another thing, people could just rejoin the room again if they wanted to unless there was some sort of limitation on it; a reason wouldn't exactly stop them unless the party host expelled the player so many times they just gave up.

04-27-2010, 11:54 PM
Yeah, I thought about it with the horrible way we have to type on the iPhone. Well, then how about this, have a preset bunch of buttons for common kicking offenses.



and I know a reason won't actually stop all people but it may bring some people into line who might either join another game and behave or re-join the same game and behave. Of course, there will always be the jerks. :)

04-28-2010, 01:19 AM
nar dont care. just kick and kick and kick. They wont listen to reason, if if they rejoin you can always just type the reason in chat.

04-28-2010, 01:25 AM
Good idea I agree. I also agree with setec.

04-28-2010, 11:45 PM
So, I was kicked tonight from a game. However, I was kicked upon joining the game. So, I know I didn't do anything wrong in the game. I logged back in and was kicked again. Being the stubborn fellow that I am, I kept logging back in until I was there long enough to type Y. The group leader said "ur not gettin in". and booted me. So, I moved onto another party.

However, it would have been nice to know the reason. Maybe he didn't like my name. Maybe the skirt on my E was not flattering. Maybe he wanted to be the only lvl 30 there.

Now, if I see a game name that says "Level 25+ only pls" and I join with a lvl 8, I would expect to be booted. Hopefully ppl who don't pwd protect their games but want restrictions will come up with creative game titles.

04-29-2010, 01:10 AM
I usually leave a message as the map title... something like "say hi or stay out".... fair enough, imo.

04-29-2010, 04:47 PM
I think kicking shouldn't show the name of who kicked the person.