View Full Version : Elite Mastery Characters

05-02-2013, 08:11 AM
I would give this about an 0.0113% chance of actually happening, but I was bored so I thought this up.

The generally idea is to give another challenge for capped players, but not just the ordinary endgame challenge. It would(if you choose to do it) force you to create a new character. It would be similar to the premium character pack at the creation point; there would be an option to make an elite character for 50 extra platinum.

Unique Elite Character Attributes
-Instead of starting with no skills unlocked, all skills would be unlocked at level 1
-An additional 10 skill points at level 1
-5 additional unique faces per class(20 platinum each)
-access to more names(at least for the first people to use feature) as similar to -fnord names there would be -elite after your name
-a unique vanity helm that would allow access to the elite campaign, which I will further explain
-no stash access
-no xp gain in normal campaigns/levels

Now for the elite campaign:
It would be locked for any non-elite characters, as equipping the unique vanity would allow access, like the humania helm with the 71 elite dungeon.

This description is pretty general because I didn't like think through every single level and boss fight for awesome twists from standard combat.

-there would just be one level per level range (1-10, 11-15, 16-20, and etc.)
-NPC's at dungeon entry give quests to be turned in final boss room after boss has been eliminated.
-quest rewards would consist of unique gear for the next level as well as large amounts of xp so that 1 successful run would get you to next level range
-mobs will not give xp
-almost like a giant boss map(300 or so enemies) but with a unique elite boss at the end
-mobs would obviously hit harder and have larger health pools
-basically once you beat the entire elite campaign you will have capped
-final level in campaign list would be 10 player pvp map with no teams

--maps would be elixir free! but each run would cost 15 platinum, as well as platinum revives in maps being upped to 5 platinum and revenge to 30--

possible extras
-an elite towne
-NPC merchants selling platinum vanities for elite characters only
-better rings
-white/diamond dragon set made of elite dungeon quest and crafting for platinum

I mean to me this seems pretty awesome, but of course I did think of it. Anyways, I just thought I'd share with everyone.
Make fun of it or whatever you want to do

05-02-2013, 10:42 PM
didn't read but I know coming from you the best of the best ideas are in here.

05-02-2013, 10:54 PM
Nice idea, except for the plat part -_-

05-03-2013, 07:29 AM

I love every single part of it except, more platium to spend....

IMO, the fact that The Elite map would be harder and a lot more challenging, there should be less platinum involved.


05-03-2013, 07:36 AM

I love every single part of it except, more platium to spend....

IMO, the fact that The Elite map would be harder and a lot more challenging, there should be less platinum involved.

Less platinum would be ideal, but I don't see any other way for the no elixir part to be included otherwise, which is a pretty vital part of making it competitive.

05-03-2013, 07:41 AM
Less platinum would be ideal, but I don't see any other way for the no elixir part to be included otherwise, which is a pretty vital part of making it competitive.

I'm pretty sure the Daily elixars would still apply though. The platinum would just be for the character creation, revives and the vanities.

05-03-2013, 07:45 AM
I'm pretty sure the Daily elixars would still apply though. The platinum would just be for the character creation, revives and the vanities.

I was thinking more like a PvP zone, so no elixirs would be active.
If they made a lot of unique vanities for these characters, I suppose they could take the pay-per-run part off

05-21-2013, 04:58 AM
Lol I'd rather just have something like when you lvl up cap restart lvl up you get a different colour name. Example this can be any lvl cap like 56 61 doesn't matter.. 100.. Say your 100 restart you get a Green name, get back to lvl 100 recap restart a special Red name maybe 6 caps and for the 6th as elite and as each prestige you also get an emblem.. xD this is also a no chance to happen as they will already have plans..

05-21-2013, 04:47 PM
Nice idea, except for the plat part -_-
