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View Full Version : X Fairy Tail X Recruiting Now!

Natsu Dragneel
05-05-2013, 07:01 PM
X Fairy Tail X- New Guild Recruiting

X Fairy Tail X is a guild that welcomes all classes of characters, Mages, Rogues and Warriors.
We are an active and helpful guild and we work through the game together, helping each other in dungeons and bosses.
Our guild only have a few requirements:
★Level 10+
★Willing to Help
If this sounds like the guild for you, then read on!

Every week we hold events ranging from Dungeon Raids, Boss Battles, PVP, Watcher's Tombs and Hauntlet.
Myself and Officers will take people to these events where parties will raid through the chosen event.
All of our event times will be in BST.
Competitions will also be held every month for the chance to win:

Ranks will be awarded to our most active, helpful and friendly members.
To be eligible for a promotion, you must be active, take parts in events regularly and
abide by all the rules below.
Ways to increase the chance of you being promoted are by following our rules:
★No swearing
★Help other members
★Be active in chat
★Respect other players
★No begging for gold/items/promotions

Promotions have benefits such as rewards and a salary.
Rewards are given to our recruiters and both the salaries and
rewards are given to our devoted officers.
(amount paid will be notified in private messages)

We will keep people up to date with all the happenings in our guild, such as upcoming events, promotions etc...
Each player will be given three chances, for every time one of these rules are broken, they will lose a chance and when
the player gets down to zero, they will be kicked and banned from the guild.

So, if X Fairy Tail X seems like your kind of guild, come along!
Ways of entering the guild include:

Messaging the master:

Messaging an officer:

Finally, posting on this thread with your name, level and character class.

Thanks for reading this thread, we hope to see you soon!

07-07-2013, 10:24 AM
X Fairy Tail X is officially disbanded.
Goodbye X Fairy Tail X.


07-07-2013, 05:11 PM
Why was it disbanded?

07-08-2013, 11:27 AM
Hey Tishamaxine,
Me and Stellastealth disbanded because we didn't have many active members. The guild chat was silent most of the time.
We didn't have many officers who could keep the guild organised while the master was online. So, we decided to disband it, as we thought that we won't accomplish what we wanted with the way things were going.
X Fairy Tail X was disbanded
