View Full Version : Yet another "boss red area" thread.

05-08-2013, 12:25 PM
That is indeed the problem. What you see on your client is what the server is trying to tell you. I'm surprised you weren't warped back into the area some once your client received the update on your status. With any online game there is latency involved, but, to prevent hacking, the server is always right. This is also the problem where people complain that they get hit by the bosses wind-up attack, even after they moved out of the red warning area. The server things you are still in that attack area, even though on your client it may look like you are outside of that area.

It just is what it is.

Forgive me for pushing on this issue, but it's currently one of the most frustrating issues in game for me as it ruins my fun.

I could go on with your comment on this Sam, if this didn't happen every single time I am trying to run away from the red zone. If I'm in the red zone when it comes up, no matter how fast I run outside, even with + speed pets, it still kills me every time. However, if I'm outside, I can walk up to the egde and I'm fine. I haven't tried with speed elixir, will test on that now.

From the amount of people I see complaining about this, this still could use some fine tuning. How about reducing the red zone radious a bit?

Also, I dont know if it's related, but Frostbite can still pull you in from accross the room without even facing you.

05-08-2013, 01:20 PM
We don't need "Yet another "boss red area" thread" as the one we have is just fine. Your comments should have gone there.