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View Full Version : Character Building Sandbox

05-08-2013, 09:47 PM
I find it almost impossible to get that 'perfect' build....well maybe not impossible, but certainly costly on Platinum.
At 8 plat, if I respec, and then decide I liked my old build better....well that's 16 plat gone, because I don't know what the character will look like until I 'spend' the points and spend the plat.

To that end, I have been building a character sandbox, where I could try different builds before I commit to actually spending the platinum and changing things up.

So I present to all my fellow DL fans and addicts,
Shades of Vermilion Character Building Sandox (http://shadesofvermilion.appspot.com/sandbox)

**************Warning, beta tool....not fully functional...not fully correct*******************************
There are still massive amounts of incorrect calculations, do not trust this for respecing at this point
I am working on it, it is complicated.....it is an effort, not a promise.
************************************************** **************************************

I want people to keep in mind that this tool is very beta before lambasting me with requests and bugs.
As it is now, it works fairly accurately for level 36 building. Not all of the parts are in place yet to expand to properly calculate for lower levels...limits on available points aren't in place etc.

I just wanted to share my love of the game with you all.

05-08-2013, 11:58 PM
Nice tool i like it but it doesnt work with any lvl other than 36 as far as the items go you would need to know the stats for the gems and weapons for every lvl

05-09-2013, 02:02 AM
Nice tool for experimenting with a lvl 36 build before you spend your plat. ^_^ *waits to see what you come up with next* O_O

05-09-2013, 03:40 AM
wow .. thanks alot and alot and alot and alot and alot :applause:

05-09-2013, 06:02 AM
Nice tool i like it but it doesnt work with any lvl other than 36 as far as the items go you would need to know the stats for the gems and weapons for every lvl

right after the link, i wrote....

I want people to keep in mind that this tool is very beta before lambasting me with requests and bugs.
As it is now, it works fairly accurately for level 36 building. Not all of the parts are in place yet to expand to properly calculate for lower levels...limits on available points aren't in place etc.

.....so I knew this.
but thanks for the critiques

05-21-2013, 12:50 PM
Wow Sans. Nice tool (that's what she said) lol.

07-13-2014, 03:16 PM
this thread needs a bump and others should know about this its a neat tool to experiment.

Santosh Elangadi
07-18-2014, 09:27 AM

07-18-2014, 08:21 PM
This is cool!

Edit: After trying to recreate my build only adding a kstone, I realized there's no moontear option. Still very good though.