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View Full Version : AOIII Walkthrough

10-10-2010, 12:06 PM
Is there any sort of walkthrough for AOIII yet?

One noob question I have is, what are the colored spheres you get that you run into they surround you? I'm guessing some sort of power-ups, but not sure what color does what. Anyone confirm what they do yet?

I'm loving this expansion so far, it is actually challenging! I can see how actually being lvl 50 helps over lvl 45 (where 40 to 45 wasn't a big deal in my mind).

How are people leveling to 50? They just doing it in the new expansion while exploring or power level in aoII somehwere? I haven't been on in a couple months, so I'm out of the loop a bit.

10-10-2010, 12:10 PM
yeah same with me broo i know green is for dodge.. when u fight gurgox.. and for fighting the overlord. you need to dex people and you need atleast 1mage and 1 warrior.. (dont really need warrior) and you have to trap him with dex players.. and mages revive the other people

10-10-2010, 03:20 PM
the more birds you have the better, since their armor debuff skills RIP THRU the enemy bosses. just have to keep them alive long enough ;D thats why if you want a mage u need a pally, even though ao3 is not being kind to them set wise...

10-10-2010, 04:53 PM
Hi and welcome back! Was wondering where you were. Good to hear you're on PL again - we need people like you who actually know how to play, now more than ever.

The middle of ao3 map II contains a corridor with shadow mobs that respawn and that don't count as bad guys you need to clear to pass the level. People level there. The catch is every once in a while a boss named King Mynas spawns and comes to get you for power leveling too much... :D I love him actually, he's the only thing that makes those looong leveling sessions somewhat bearable. Drops good loot too, every once in a while.

It's really slow to try to level to 48 in AO2. I did it on one of my alts because I happened to be leveling some lev 30 alts of friends at the time. Not an efficient way to do it in my opinion.

Anyway, would love to play with you sometime. Never knew anyone who could separate and pull the 3 upper right corner bayou bosses like you do. Can't wait to see what you do in AO3. :D

10-10-2010, 06:01 PM
Hehe, ya, I have noticed pulling is key in this expansion, pulling singles is fun as hell, just need to know your proximity aggro and make sure no mynas noobs rush ahead of ya!

I think I might be leveling there for a while then, good spot to use xp pots by chance?

I am now clear to play in all maps :)

10-10-2010, 11:44 PM
the more birds you have the better, since their armor debuff skills RIP THRU the enemy bosses. just have to keep them alive long enough ;D thats why if you want a mage u need a pally, even though ao3 is not being kind to them set wise...

2 war 2 archers 1 pali is my fav