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View Full Version : can some explain Deal of the day Elixir?!

05-09-2013, 03:26 PM
I bought "week long double xp " for my fox and so far it has been the biggest waste of 60 plat ever.


My lv70 fox received a 3x daily Combo. I leveled for about 20 minutes at lost valley and noticed i was receiving 5/6 xp Per kill.
So i tought to myself to buy week long double Xp to make the free 3x even that more worth getting.


I figured i was going to get 10/11/12 xp per kill??
But after a couple minutes of lost valley killing i checked and was only getting 6/7 xp per kill.
So the 60 plat elixir boosted my xp by ONLY 1.

What am i doin wrong or am i missing something.

05-09-2013, 03:28 PM
nothing wrong; double xp elixir gives different amounts depending on the enemy and the threat level.

05-09-2013, 03:30 PM
nothing wrong; double xp elixir gives different amounts depending on the enemy and the threat level.

So as a lv70 @ blacksmoke...shouldnt i b getting more

05-09-2013, 03:32 PM
Getting more than what? It all depends on the threat level.

05-09-2013, 04:09 PM
We used to know this stuff, but they changed it... it used to be that

red = 2xp
yellow = 1.5xp
white = 1xp
blue = .5xp
green = no xp

So then an xp doubler would actually multiply those numbers.

Then they nerfed xp. White was no longer 1 xp, and red was no longer 2, so you have these 5/6ths type calculations. I guess we were levelling too fast. Poeple would cap quickly then scream for more content or they would ragequit. So they solved it by nerfing xp. Also the more difficult mobs gave more xp, something they started in SL and brought over to PL.

So yeah, for the base number you have to only kill the base level mobs, and count the kills, then do the math. A level 70 in Humania Lost Villas gets very little XP unless all the other players are also level 70. Not sure, but it's likely that the respawning zone in Blacksmoke is that way, too. If the whole party is 75 it is probably red threat xp for them.

Once you know the base number, it's easier to figure the result of the enhancers.

Then they added stacking quadruplers, triplers, and dailies, and weeklong doublers... Well THAT threw a nasty monkey wrench into the works! At first everyone thought that they would multiply like this

3x daily * weeklong doubler = 6x !!! and stack a thrasher for 24x !!!!!!!!!!!!

WRONG! lol!

They ADD together like this.

3x means base + (base * 2)
doubler means base + (base * 1)
thrasher means base + (base * 3)
and since the base is NOT added in, it is only counted once, the result is:
base + (base * 6)

So white xp is about .666 these days, therefore your max is .666 + (.666 * 6) or 4.62.
Red xp is about 1.5 these days. If you can find a red xp zone and you spend all that plat, you can get 1.5 + (1.5 * 6) = 10.5 but good luck because I have never been able to do that.

05-09-2013, 04:54 PM
Thnx for all d info! I greatly appreciate it. Great response and explanation.