View Full Version : Straighten out new sets please

10-10-2010, 05:45 PM
I don't know where to start, but please consider redesigning these. You did a great job on the look, but seem to make the items weaker, from green to pink. I'm a str guy, so I can't speak for much of the new dex and int sets.

Just a few examples I can think of...

1. Green Brain-o-nater does more damage than my pink one.
2. Green Tenacity items give 15 hp, while the pink version gives 5.
3. Purple Templar items give more hp regen than the pink counter parts. Sure they give 1 less dodge and hit, but 1 hp regen is far more important than that.
4. No mana regen exists for bears, since Thoth no longer drop in Ao3.

Typed this in a bit of a hurry, but let me know what you guys think. I'm not asking to make the pink stronger, just make them more balanced.

10-10-2010, 05:50 PM
I think it was about time that purples and greens got upgraded. They've had the same stat boosts since forest haven, and they were little different from grays from a level 45 perspective. I think the solution here is to upgrade the new pinks a bit. They don't have to be uber, but they should be at least slightly better than the purps and greens...

10-10-2010, 06:36 PM
Why not just remove the proc from the items that arn't pink?

10-10-2010, 06:37 PM
Give more m/s to bear armors. Especially alien sets.

10-10-2010, 06:53 PM
Why not just remove the proc from the items that arn't pink?

Funny, I mentioned something simliar to royce.

Unfortunately, that will only effect weapons, and not the crappy armor or helms.

10-10-2010, 07:42 PM
Was wondering when one of you were gonna post this. I personally think they should come out with an armor set like Thoth and Isis. This would make the Game even better because Hybrids like Paladins have to only stick to their L45 Thoth gear or get better ones.

I think that 5 h/s and 2 m/s for Bear sets will be better than the current set. They should equalize the sets to have almost same qualities with the Cosmo Set. I think that 1H/s and 5 M/s is quite unuseful for the Avians too, as they need H/s.

10-10-2010, 09:28 PM
A big problem is that the devs are clearly trying to remove the high amount of HS players got from isis gear, the extent of this downgrade is not balance to the very high amount of ms mages still have. Sure mages need ms and HS got out of hand, i dont argue that. However the new items for warriors are literally worse than almost every single top tier ao2 item with exception to the armor value. And on top of that all the .5 speed weapons do less realistic dps than any 1.0 speed weapon. The entire faster weapon speed standardization that occurred across the board in the last 2 months only served to render anything faster than 1.0 speed useless to any class except dex dagger users, and heavily nerfed 2h weapons (i guess those 2h str birds warranted a nerf to all 2 handers), with the possible exception of gurgox hammer and the battleaxe.

I personally think the entirety of the class/stat/item system needs to be overhauled from scratch because way to many problems have accumulated. For example the fact that str ursans, the tanks of the game, have on average gained less that 200 hp in 50 levels just makes no sense to me, it never has and it never will. I could and have gone on for hours on issues with the class/stat/item system but i wont digress.

A class/stat/item overhaul wont happen for months though. So right now if you are a ursan warrior, getting new weapons is almost meaningless unless you want to try to find some decent pvp items, the only one i two i can think of is the hammer and the spacesuit. Other than that using elixers is really the only way to go, and it just doesn't matter if you have new items or not. Sure most of the encounters can be beaten without elixirs using expert teamwork (with the exception of overlord, i'm sorry your tank must have at least a tankers elixer for that encounter). However with the amount of times you got to farm a boss to get an item, and the variety of different people a player will party with in order to get those items, its not worth it to wipe continuously or to clear mobs rather than rush, when elixiring is far more effective. Sure you can kill gurgox without elixers by having the tank keep him close to the entrance and having your team leave the room when he explodes, or hoping the green orbs respawn for your group before he pops a second time, but its just not worth it.

I think a lot of us were increasingly aware that the class/stat/item system was untenable and would continuously degrade as new content was added. Obviously there are new features being implemented into the game such as the consignment shops, guilds and new map packs that require the devs time and energy, but if a real revamp (and no i honestly don't consider the stat based skill revamp to be a real revamp considering how little it changed) doesn't get a bump in priority, i believe the game will suffer as a result.

10-10-2010, 10:31 PM
A big problem is that the devs are clearly trying to remove the high amount of HS players got from isis gear, the extent of this downgrade is not balance to the very high amount of ms mages still have. Sure mages need ms and HS got out of hand, i dont argue that. However the new items for warriors are literally worse than almost every single top tier ao2 item with exception to the armor value. And on top of that all the .5 speed weapons do less realistic dps than any 1.0 speed weapon. The entire faster weapon speed standardization that occurred across the board in the last 2 months only served to render anything faster than 1.0 speed useless to any class except dex dagger users, and heavily nerfed 2h weapons (i guess those 2h str birds warranted a nerf to all 2 handers), with the possible exception of gurgox hammer and the battleaxe.

I personally think the entirety of the class/stat/item system needs to be overhauled from scratch because way to many problems have accumulated. For example the fact that str ursans, the tanks of the game, have on average gained less that 200 hp in 50 levels just makes no sense to me, it never has and it never will. I could and have gone on for hours on issues with the class/stat/item system but i wont digress.

A class/stat/item overhaul wont happen for months though. So right now if you are a ursan warrior, getting new weapons is almost meaningless unless you want to try to find some decent pvp items, the only one i two i can think of is the hammer and the spacesuit. Other than that using elixers is really the only way to go, and it just doesn't matter if you have new items or not. Sure most of the encounters can be beaten without elixirs using expert teamwork (with the exception of overlord, i'm sorry your tank must have at least a tankers elixer for that encounter). However with the amount of times you got to farm a boss to get an item, and the variety of different people a player will party with in order to get those items, its not worth it to wipe continuously or to clear mobs rather than rush, when elixiring is far more effective. Sure you can kill gurgox without elixers by having the tank keep him close to the entrance and having your team leave the room when he explodes, or hoping the green orbs respawn for your group before he pops a second time, but its just not worth it.

I think a lot of us were increasingly aware that the class/stat/item system was untenable and would continuously degrade as new content was added. Obviously there are new features being implemented into the game such as the consignment shops, guilds and new map packs that require the devs time and energy, but if a real revamp (and no i honestly don't consider the stat based skill revamp to be a real revamp considering how little it changed) doesn't get a bump in priority, i believe the game will suffer as a result.

Loooong post, but meaningful. and Azrael, this unbalanced armor hasnt effected PvP because everyone is busy farming. I really wish the Devs will balance the armors. (Avians need more H/s not M/s)