View Full Version : how do luck elixirs really work?

05-13-2013, 03:34 PM
The luck elixir description says you have a "25% chance to reroll for better loot". It is my understanding that 25% of the time you have a CHANCE to get a reroll. It is also my understanding that this isn't a GUARANTEE of better loot, but a 25% CHANCE for a reroll which may result in a lesser rarity (in which case u keep the equip you rolled for first).

Is that how it works? If so, please explain how I can do 50 runs in nordr a day and not get anything but when I get a luck elixir from klaus I seem to have a 50-50 chance of looting a crate?

I can't remember for certain but I'm pretty sure at least 80% of the crates I've looted have come from rerolls when I've had a luck elixir. It seems like to me they give far more than a 25% chance for a reroll.

Have u guys had similar experiences?

Also, how do they work at elite bosses? I think the elite bosses in Nordr have certain legendary gear that only they drop. Do luck elixirs help in rerolling to get these drops like they do crates?

05-13-2013, 04:29 PM
From my understanding...

With each drop there is a 25% chance it will reroll.

When it does reroll (assuming the mechanics are the same for all spacetime games. Yes, maybe a poor assumption) it will roll one level of rarity higher.

I personally ran for about 3.5 hours yesterday with luck elixir and only rerolled 3 locked crates (in brackenridge)

05-13-2013, 05:38 PM
Yes it works but its only 25% chance of re-rolling. So you need to maximize your rerolls. So what this means is playing the map as fast as you can. And also look for a map that drops a lot of items. So lets say you are farming locked crates with a luck elixir they can be easy to get. So you need to do it in a place where you would get a lot of epic drops, then they'd reroll to pink and you'd get a locked crate. I am not sure what happened to Jarl but I am guessing STS nerfed Brackenridge because I use to get lots of crates off him. But now its significantly less. If you want a specific pink thats dropped by a boss, then you need to buy the luck elixir just before he dies then run the same map again before it runs out. So this is why you need to do it fast because you only get 15 mins and 25% chance. So given enough time and plat you will get it. If you can't complete an elite map in less then 15 mins, in my opinion you are wasting your time buying a luck elixir. Because you only get 1 shot at a reroll. You want to get at least 2 or more. I've been able to get pinks from wolf and spider on rerolls. And have seen other people get rerolls as well. But you have to farm a lot because 25% chance plus getting an epic drop is a pretty small chance. Then when you do get a pink, you probably get the one you didn't want. But it probably will sell for some decent gold.

05-13-2013, 05:47 PM
Although I don't think there has been an explaination from a developer of the mechanics of luck elixers in AL, there has been for SL and PL, and there is every reason to believe that they work the same here in AL. Here is the link to an old post from the developers explaining luck elixers.


Just keep in mind that they reroll to the next higher rarity of items in the loot table for the enemy you killed. This means that if you kill an ememy that only gives up to an epic, you cannot reroll from an epic to a legendary...

05-14-2013, 07:33 AM
ok guys thanks! That pretty much told me everything I wanted to know!