View Full Version : dagger rogue fix?

05-13-2013, 09:11 PM
Any way to.code str to up dmg similar to dex on a rogue? This way you.can have more up.to.be inside and still do dmg? Right now people go dex monkey for Crist and.bows and it seems the only way bit.if.you.go.dex with a dagger rogue to get dmg you lack hp to last long enough to do anything but die... Just a thought.

05-14-2013, 03:15 AM
I've seen you make another thread like this like 2 days ago -_-

05-14-2013, 07:03 AM
Upset some reason? I.was drunk and only ranting that post! Twink rogue :) is it a.bonechill aim.shot.twink?

05-14-2013, 08:55 AM
Try using Dodge from razor shield and malison's arcane ability right before you jump into the pile.
Also immune to movement impare upgrade alows you to get through the pile, snipe off enemies rogues and mages before they get you. That's the key to survival for rogue, a good offence. Drop the high profile targets first, also alot of armor is great paired with high dodge and health. Get that health from str an int passives, add more to int stat for more health. You also need alot of mana to kept your critical up.
Edit: also when possible pewpew a few aimed shots before razor(always charged an with 3 second upgrade) you would be surprised how much damage a charged critical stacked razor shield can do.

05-14-2013, 08:02 PM
I still feel if your going with daggers.on your.rogue something should.be different. If your inside unlike a bow rogue you need to.be able to tank more hits considering you don't.do nearly.as much dmg and are exposed to more attacks.
I do have razor and ove been in PvP mmos for about 20 years now. I've tried many changes to spec and a dagger rogue just doesn't shine at all.... Btw respec shouldn't take plat that's ridiculous.

05-14-2013, 09:02 PM
O your post sounded like you were having trouble surviving with daggers, just trying to help. I've always survived pritty well 24k kills at caped pvp with daggers.

05-15-2013, 08:43 AM
I still feel if your going with daggers.on your.rogue something should.be different. If your inside unlike a bow rogue you need to.be able to tank more hits considering you don't.do nearly.as much dmg and are exposed to more attacks.
I do have razor and ove been in PvP mmos for about 20 years now. I've tried many changes to spec and a dagger rogue just doesn't shine at all.... Btw respec shouldn't take plat that's ridiculous.

Charged dagger is a aoe attack which is different than bow. Dagger generally as a higher dps which is much different than bow. If I can get hold of a cheap good dagger I may test it a bit. I do feel the game plays are different.

If you want to feel some real pain, try being a sword and board warrior in pvp.

Also I agree it is expensive to respec. Maybe a free one every 2 weeks or month.

05-15-2013, 10:40 AM
O ya and to be affective with daggers. Must get critical high and mash your regular attack. Use that high dps those daggers give you. Along with skills of course, keeping that critical high with aimed. Just a couple tips, hope they help.