View Full Version : <dark disciples> top ten guild in a.l.

05-14-2013, 04:54 AM
Here at dd's we aim to remain in the top ten and rise above the rest to #1!

Currently, we have underwent and still are, in a "cleanout" of inactive players. Therefore we will be looking to fill these slots =).


and many others....

As well as many recruiters!

We are always seeking players. Lv25 or higher would be preferred, but not nescessary, however, we do require you know your role in a run, and have some average knoweldge of the game.

-cheat, hack, or steal from anyone guildies or not.
-downtalk, mistreat, or harrass anyone.
- spam sales or beg for gear or gold(so annoying)*one advertisement everyfew minutes or so atleast please when selling.
-commit to a run if u think u cant see the rhn through. It wastes teammates time and pots and elixers.

-help your guildmates when you can.
-feel free to share items with your guildmates(we have a "i scratch your back you scratch mine" understanding in d.d. We will help gear you up=). We expect you to help others also when u can afford it.)
-if you choose to sell in guild chat. Plz apply a 30%discount off of the cheapest price for said item to your guildmates. This discount applies to all items, and all guild members. So hk prices before advertising. Example:
/g selling kettle egg, for 200k ah price is 300k anyone interested?
-feel free to be yourself. Rinelle is probably the wierdest of wierd so youll expect to hear some crazy topics in guild chat.
-have fun. Were not a serious minded guild. We play for fun and not for keeps.

That about sums us up. If youd like to speak to one of us, just look for our guild title under out name or pm kne of the names listed above. Ask as many questions as you like.

We are a solid core group of players. We run smoothly, and we can teach you some shortcuts and tricks u may not know. all we ask is you respect others and well respect you. Experie ced players preferred but we will consider more inexperienced ones as well.

As stated above we are still in the middle of cleaning house. And are looking to make a fresh start with some fresh faces. In the past we had too many inactive players and it dropped our guild rank down to 8th. With over 70% of our players not playing anymore it was nescessasry to do it. And were still top ten. Cant wait to see where we lie when were running full speed!

Come play with some DD'S, and youll have a blast. well be seeing ya! Keep calm, and play on...

06-18-2013, 07:21 PM
I am a lvl 31 Warrior - Chauakai. I heard you may be in need of Warriors for your guild. Oakur is a good in-game friend of mine. He also goes by name Chiabajef as a rogue. If I could be of assistance please let me know. I have a lvl 31 Rogue - Photomac - but I will leave him in Epitome of Silentkill to help them out.

07-08-2013, 06:55 PM
Dark Disciples is a great guild! And we have a great master and great officers too.