View Full Version : Non-combat based updates

05-14-2013, 04:59 PM
In my personal experience, I feel like arcane legends comes out with the same old thing every update. Just with a new coat of paint:

1)Increased lvl cap

2)"kill so and so monster for this reward" quests (just a different story)

3)A roll out of new items when your cap your character.

4) And just the same old same old of killing monsters

Basically everything seems the same, just more challenging and scaled to our current lvl.

I don't know, maybe I was expecting some updates where you can venture out, do some fishing, ride some mounts (would be cool if we had racing), and maybe even some crafting and*add a source of economy for people.

I mean look at all the cities. They're basically the same except for a few thing like the hauntlet or the watch tower dungeons. Even then those are basically the same.

I think as a community we should come up with more ideas rather than the same old stuff. One that brings out new content besides combat based updates. One that can make the players happy and makes space time studios a pretty penny. Not saying I hate any of the current updates, I love them, I just want more variety besides combat

Some things I would like to see:

Fishing area where you can catch certain grades of fish that give certain buffs and benefits when you eat them
- fish that can heal with rarer fish healing the most
-fish that temporarily boost your stats based on what fish you eat
- and like weapons, maybe have different grades of fishing rods from common to legendary that can increase your chances of getting specific and rare fish. Maybe even chest? :)

I know we have pets, but they're pretty boring outf the arena and the "play" mechanic they have doesn't seem all that fun.

I think there should be mounts that can be used in new racing minigames. It would be fun to have a prize of the week where you could get exclusive vanities for winning a race.

Make a thread and have the community draw pictures of vanities for each class every week. Let the community vote for the best ones and then you can roll them out the week after.

Well these are just some of the things I would like to see.

Please, if you want to see different stuff in arcane legends, let space time studios know and post it here!!

05-14-2013, 07:00 PM
The fishing thing reminds me of the game "torchlight".
But u r right it would be a cool idea to see some non-fighting content in the upcoming expansion (new content update).
But honestly AL doesnt need mounts lol.

05-14-2013, 07:40 PM
i agree with xeriuss

05-14-2013, 09:31 PM
Well the mounts don't have to be for combat, it can just be its own separate thing just for racing.

It would be cool to have animals with their own skill tree for racing. Skills that could buff their speed or attacks that could slow down other enemies.

Just throwing ideas out there to get sts to think about something different.