View Full Version : Guild suggestions montage

05-15-2013, 07:04 PM
Ideas on guild additions/modifications have been talked on for a while. Heres a summed up list.

Extend Guild Hall: For larger guilds, max 30 people is just too small for activities as guild pics, etc.

A Notification Board: A board (in gh, or attached to guild social menu some way) that is operated by GM. For the use of, listing certain events, guild rules, ect.

Guild Stash: Any unwanted items could be left in it for other mates to pick up, and could also be able to leave for only a directed person.

Officer Room: An extended room to gh for only officers and GM to enter.

Added Rank: Most larger guilds have created titles/ranks beyond officers, and can be seen on their forums page. But even after seeing it on the forums, it can be hard for new members to remember which weird, long, confusing name goes where. So another actual promotion after officers could be useful.

Last Login Date: Viewable to officers and GM to know the activity of a member.

Guild Banner: Something a little more questionable, a designable banner for all mates to wear. Would be designed by GM, and is automatically added to a mate directly after joining.

Guild Ban: Give the gm the ability to ban a certain player from joining back into the guild.

Guild Request: Working the same way as sending a friend request, but sent as a request to join a directed guild. Operators of the requests would be at least officers and gm, possibly recruiters.

Mate Location: Show where guild mates are under their name on guild social page.

Im sure their are more ideas so if i left anything out add it in below.

05-16-2013, 07:19 AM
Totally agree , I hope that this will be implemented
great suggestions

05-16-2013, 11:18 AM
And how about a hall of fame too? ;)

05-16-2013, 11:26 AM
I'll edit this in a minute... need to find my threads. XD

Guild Skills ( http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?85655-GUILD-S-SKILLS!-idea&highlight=guild+skills) - Another way to implement more diversity in stat and skill builds.

Guild vs Guild PvP (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?55227-Suggestion-Guild-vs-Guild-PvP-w-Achievements!) - In the DL forums but meant for all StS games at this time.


05-16-2013, 11:27 AM
Ideas on guild additions/modifications have been talked on for a while. Heres a summed up list.

Extend Guild Hall: For larger guilds, max 30 people is just too small for activities as guild pics, etc.

A Notification Board: A board (in gh, or attached to guild social menu some way) that is operated by GM. For the use of, listing certain events, guild rules, ect.

Guild Stash: Any unwanted items could be left in it for other mates to pick up, and could also be able to leave for only a directed person.

Officer Room: An extended room to gh for only officers and GM to enter.

Added Rank: Most larger guilds have created titles/ranks beyond officers, and can be seen on their forums page. But even after seeing it on the forums, it can be hard for new members to remember which weird, long, confusing name goes where. So another actual promotion after officers could be useful.

Last Login Date: Viewable to officers and GM to know the activity of a member.

Guild Banner: Something a little more questionable, a designable banner for all mates to wear. Would be designed by GM, and is automatically added to a mate directly after joining.

Im sure their are more ideas so if i left anything out add it in below.

These are actually some pretty decent questions if I must say so myself.

05-16-2013, 08:15 PM
A new idea came to mind.

Guild Request: Working the same way as sending a friend request, but sent as a request to join a directed guild. The operators of the requests would be at least recruiters.

Any thoughts?

05-16-2013, 08:17 PM
A new idea came to mind.

Guild Request: Working the same way as sending a friend request, but sent as a request to join a directed guild. The operators of the requests would be at least recruiters.

Any thoughts?
YES YES AND YES. however, the requests might get super clogged up :9 maybe a limit to 10 at a time?

05-17-2013, 10:02 AM
A new idea came to mind.

Guild Request: Working the same way as sending a friend request, but sent as a request to join a directed guild. The operators of the requests would be at least recruiters.

Any thoughts?

Yeah, and as i said before hall of fame. But also a hall of shame to whoever rejects the requests :p

05-17-2013, 03:51 PM
Going to add in this one.