View Full Version : Well done STS!

05-17-2013, 11:10 AM
I've seen many people complain about locked crates, mainly about their addiction to these crates. The main reason i am here is to congratulate STS on this wonderful update. Making locked grand crates more beneficial to the player money wise and in some cases platinum wise! It made my day when i viewed the content update and i can assure you many other players agree to this.

I'm also glad to have country banners for a reasonable price, to show of your country and it is a good change to the predictable level cap banners!

Very grateful for this STS, Thank you!

05-17-2013, 12:13 PM
15 plat is an awful lot to ask from players in order to open a crate that can historically contain nothing useful. I think this is a positive move in the right direction and I thank STS for continuing to refine the game by listening to the community. I sincerely hope these changes to the crates is beneficial to everyone. If not, I am still heartened to see STS's willingness to listen and continue to mold and shape this game.


05-17-2013, 01:03 PM
Yea they keep pulling out ways to give back to players but I've only opened on crate and that was my VIP one. I prefer not to open any chests/crates(besides coppers, silvers, and reg golds)