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05-18-2013, 09:53 AM
So, you want to play an MMO? Well, there's quite a bit of information that pertains to almost all of them. So pull up a chair and let Cremated show you the basics.

The Basics
MMO's at heart are just a very large social community, all playing the same game. This is something you want to treat as such. Finding a guild and being active on the game forums are something that I suggest for a new player. Having a guild will not only help when you need someone to run dungeons or quests with, but it will also enhance your experience by having others just to talk to! Game forums are the source of a wealth of knowledge. Seek them out for any questions you might have about the game!

When you enter the forums of a game that you're just starting to play, always keep an eye out for the "sticky" posts. These are found at the top of the forums and normally are packed with information that might pertain to what you're after. Always use the search function before asking a question. If you ask something that has already been covered in a previous topic, the forum trolls (not nice people) will tear you apart and belittle you mercilessly. It's a sad truth, but the internet is a wonderful cover for these folks to hide behind while they flame you.

Lots of times, when I start a new game, I always wonder what I'm going to play. What class is good for me? What class will I enjoy the most? My suggestion is to play them all, what's the hurry? When you play an MMO, it's normally for the long haul. There's not much instant gratification to be found, so taking your time is something that you're more than welcome to do. I play every class to a certain level, sometimes taking one that I enjoy more than others past that threshold. It's nice to experience the different classes and playstyles, finding the one that's just "right" for you. Many times in game forums, you'll see people asking for suggestions on a class, the only person that knows for sure what YOU like to play is YOU. So try them out, you won't regret it.

Finding a guild that works for you can be a hassle sometime. What you really need to decide is what do YOU want from a guild? Do you want to be a part of a hardcore PVP ELITE GUILD? Do you want a group of folks that you can just hang out with casually and have a good time with? These are decisions that you should make before joining one. I suggest when leveling to find a good guild with like-minded people that you can share the experience with. Guilds are wonderful to help with finding groups, getting elite party groups and just having a social experience with others playing the game. I highly suggest joining a guild, instead of going at the game solo.

05-18-2013, 10:43 AM
thanks for your post