View Full Version : bad items

10-11-2010, 08:39 PM
Once again I don't know if this has been suggested or not (probably has) but if not here gos.

This simple feature would allow to turn getting whites/greys/(maybe oranges) off so that you would only get items worth your while. It WOULD NOT increase the chance of you getting a rarer item, just make it so that if you did get a white/grey/orange, instead of that worthless item being added to your inventory you would just get no item at all. maybe instead of item get a little extra gold from creature you just killed. Don't know if this would work but I do know its a pain getting bad items and having too many items in your inventory when your trying to join your friends dugeon or something.
(Note: this would just be an option and if you still want to collect those items you could turn it on or off)
hope u guys like.

also couple people have said that you can just liquidate for money. Well if you just got the same or about the same price of liquidation in gold from the creep you just killed then you don't even have to liquidate at all because you get about the same amount of gold from the creep.

10-11-2010, 08:43 PM
I'd say be careful what you wish for. I think I've probably made about a million gold over the months by liquidating junk drops. That said, I have no problem if people really want this as an option, though I think the already suggested idea of an auto-liquidate feature that would turn junk into gold instantly would be better...
Also welcome to the forums :) always nice to see new members full of ideas.

10-11-2010, 08:46 PM
thanks. :) like I said maybe it could give you some extra gold from the creep you just killed and then you wouldn't have to worry about liquidating at all.
I just know it's so annoying and disappointing when you just killed R'loxx alone and you get an Akura Helm of Speed or something.

10-11-2010, 08:50 PM
well i think that the whole no grey whit and oranges is a bad idea
1: the last person is right ive mad a fortune off of lvl 50 junk. i have liquidated any desert flame staffs which get me 170 per liquidate
2: what if your a casual player that doesn't know what a pink is or that's the best you have till later then what do ya do

i hope the devs take and objective response sometime soon to their variety of ideas


10-11-2010, 08:51 PM
u know there is no boss actually called ryylox

just sayin

10-11-2010, 08:53 PM
Auto-Liqudate feature would be cool
if a kite shield drops for example its gone.

10-11-2010, 08:54 PM
u know there is no boss actually called ryylox

just sayin

Yup, his name is R'loxx

Also, I don't like the idea personally, or the auto liquidate feature, just don't see the need and think it would cause more trouble then help.

10-12-2010, 05:03 AM
I think just a "liquidate all whites" button would be better.
That way you get a chance to review what you have for give aways etc. It wouldn't require much effort to just select the mass liquidation.

But, I think even better would be to drop something useful and tradable rather than whites.
Like extra power flame arrows, or grenades, or poisons.
That way things are more interesting than just liquidating junk. And it's a sink for gold, less inflation effects than all the liquidate gold being injected.

10-12-2010, 05:16 AM
in the AO3 levels i saw that there are no lesser drops than green... (exept victory lap i know for now)
i miss the bad drops there for liquidate... :-/