View Full Version : Free Platinum Problems

05-19-2013, 01:18 AM
Hi, I'm new and I need help with the free platinum system.The one saying I have to download some applications and I instantly get +1 platinum coin.

I have an Android Coby Kyros, downloaded the game from 1Mobile Market because my tablet isn't compatible with Google Play and Android Market.
I'm in need of 5 platinum coins so I tried to download the apps from the free platinum option.

I've downloaded Dragon Story, Restaurant Story, Bakery Story, Zoo Story and Bubble Mania. It's been 13 hours and I haven't received any platinums.
I'm using an email account with the email of ceedelrosario@yahoo.com
When I open the 'History' tab of the Free Platinum page the status of each apps that I've downloaded is "Pending"

Now I have no idea what to do and I need help. Thanks for those who are concern.

PS: I love the game! ^^