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05-20-2013, 01:24 PM
Ok guys I have a few questions, firstly I knew I'd want one of each class so I bought slots but in a general opinion which class is the easiest to level first as a noob. By that I mean equipment, skill required and anything else. I plan to use that character to support my others as they level. Also what about twinks? I'm used to WoW where you always had them end with a 9 but here you guys have them at all levels. So which level should I twink at?

I asked this in sorcerer but curious about you warriors and rogues, how do you all feel about support sorcerers in PvP or pve?

05-20-2013, 03:13 PM
I would rate class by easiest to difficult as below:

1. Warrior - Hard to kill, cheap equipment with easiest stat. This is the easiest class to use overall.
2. Rogue - Rogues can solo well and great in teams for their high damage output. Hardest thing with a startup rogue is the need to drink tons of mana pots.
3. Sorcerer - Sorcerers can be killed easy especially at low levels. This class takes a lot of time and practice to build an ideal sorcerer and be good at it. There is not much versatility with end game equipment which makes things very expensive.

As far as twinks go I would target previous lvl cap maxes to build you're twink to such as lvl 16, 21, 26, etc...

As far as skills and builds go read each class section there is plenty of info about skill builds.

05-20-2013, 06:34 PM
^^^^^ besides the cap twinks, there are also l7, and l10

05-20-2013, 07:06 PM
For an MMO veteran such as yourself, all of the classes should be pretty easy to level. The real question is which is more fun.

1. Sorcerer was by far the most fun and strategic for me starting out. You have all kinds of crowd control at your disposal (but please don't open with Outward Squall Gale) and a very good crutch in Lifegiver to help you if you want to save on pots. Gear is relatively cheap and you can kind of get away with skipping gear levels because your true value lies in crowd control. Sorcs are versatile and can jump between support and offense very easily.

2. Rogue was the next most fun for me because things just die. Stab, stab, kick, die, die, die. The premier boss killers of AL. I'd say rogue gear cost is pretty comparable to that of sorcs. Not too bad. You might eat a lot of costs on pots with a rogue though.

3. Warrior... ugh haha. The problem with the Warrior class is that it attracts all of the new players. So your chances of ending up in a 4-Warrior party while leveling early on is pretty high. Ever watched paint dry? That's more exciting than leveling a low level Warrior due to poor damage. Also because of the sheer amount of Warriors in the game, gear for this class is the most expensive. You won't see it early on, but it gets crazy expensive later on compared to the other two classes.

As for the sorc question, I guess I'll throw in my .02 in the sorc forum when I have a chance.

Welcome to AL. :)