View Full Version : Does a level 26 stand much of a chance against a 31?

05-21-2013, 06:48 PM
I thought I'd try it out, but after trying to twink at level 17 there were only level 20 or 22 games available I didn't stand much of a chance against a level 20

So I'm wondering, if I were to level my bear to 26, would I stand much of a chance against a level 31?

If not does a 56 bear stand a chance against a 61 pvper, if there 56 bear is really good?

05-22-2013, 01:08 AM
Dunno about 26 and 31, but 56 glyph bears can kill 61 orlok bears and Lilith mages if
They're good at bear, 61 sang birds would kill them.. But that's because birds > bears.

05-22-2013, 09:14 AM
I thought I'd try it out, but after trying to twink at level 17 there were only level 20 or 22 games available I didn't stand much of a chance against a level 20

So I'm wondering, if I were to level my bear to 26, would I stand much of a chance against a level 31?

If not does a 56 bear stand a chance against a 61 pvper, if there 56 bear is really good?

A great level for your problem is a level 50. With a forgotten bow, 50s can kill 56 glyphs.

Especially like Trueorfalse just said about birds and bears. 50 birds with forgotten bows actually stand a very good chance against glyph bears in my experience. Hopefully this helps :)

05-22-2013, 10:30 AM
Personally it depends on the equipment, person, and battle technique

Equipment : when ur a 26 fb behr whose gonna fight a (example) 31 shiv talon behr, its a higher chance you win. This cuz fbs are very op weapons.

Person : the person who fights you could be a good player, a new one who needs more knowledge about pvp, a nub who refuses to learn ;).

Battle Tactics : such as rejoins, tree hugs, spawn (unrecomended), rush -> before the enemy is ready.

Other factors : lag, etc.

In conclusion : you should know your opponent before you make a move :) lots of experience and you might know stuff like this.