View Full Version : Xbox One Revealed

05-22-2013, 11:33 AM

So, is it going to be PS4 or XBX1

05-22-2013, 11:49 AM
PS Orbit* ,because "4" is an unlucky number in Japan.

So it's not Xbox 720 / Infinity ?

05-22-2013, 12:13 PM
I like the X1 better it has a better ring to it than Xbox 720.

05-22-2013, 02:30 PM
:( opposite of infinite or loop

05-22-2013, 06:29 PM
I'm leaning more toward the PS4. I think that the PS4 was presented in a better way IMO, and I've been a bit more with Sony since the first playstation.

05-22-2013, 10:02 PM
The XBOX 1 has a everything the PS3 has now.
BR Player..

05-22-2013, 11:50 PM
I'm getting both because I know I will want to play online with my friends who I know will get different systems :p


05-24-2013, 12:11 PM
The One and the Ps4 look to be about even in terms of specs, but it's really the small stuff that's making the PS4 shine over the One. For example, Microsoft is allowing people to play used games on their system but each game is tied to the original owner and if you wanna play it on a different Xbox you need to pay a fee. So say if you're going to a friends house and you wanna bring your COD ghosts game to his house, out have to pay a fee to play it on his Xbox, which sucks majorly. I know some people will say 'welp thAn briNg ur own ecks baWks nub!1!!,' but why should someone need to do that just to play their game somewhere else, pretty ridiculous IMO.

05-24-2013, 12:24 PM
The One and the Ps4 look to be about even in terms of specs, but it's really the small stuff that's making the PS4 shine over the One. For example, Microsoft is allowing people to play used games on their system but each game is tied to the original owner and if you wanna play it on a different Xbox you need to pay a fee. So say if you're going to a friends house and you wanna bring your COD ghosts game to his house, out have to pay a fee to play it on his Xbox, which sucks majorly. I know some people will say 'welp thAn briNg ur own ecks baWks nub!1!!,' but why should someone need to do that just to play their game somewhere else, pretty ridiculous IMO.

I'm not following. I thought all Xbox memberships were tied into your Xbox Live account. It's like (for me) currently owning three Xbox's and being able to play the same game on all of them as long as I am signed into my account. Are they changing the way Xbox Live functions?

05-24-2013, 12:42 PM
It's kinda different, like each game comes with an activation code/ serial key or something and if you use it the game is tied to your console. Using it on a different console would mean that you'd have to buy another code/key in order to play it.

05-24-2013, 02:58 PM
It's kinda different, like each game comes with an activation code/ serial key or something and if you use it the game is tied to your console. Using it on a different console would mean that you'd have to buy another code/key in order to play it.

It's the things like that that is keeping me away from that console. Once I buy a game, I shouldn't have to pay for it again just to play it on a different console. Maybe someone's console breaks down and had to be replaced. Does he have to pay the fees just to play all of his old games on the new console? Things like this is making me uneasy.

05-24-2013, 07:24 PM
I'm gonna go with the Xbox 1. I've loved my 360, and Xbox exclusive titles are generally more enjoyable for me than Playstation ones. I also like the universal media center concept the One is going for.

05-25-2013, 12:38 AM
I'm gonna go with the Xbox 1. I've loved my 360, and Xbox exclusive titles are generally more enjoyable for me than Playstation ones. I also like the universal media center concept the One is going for.

I think the One is an awesome concept but Microsoft is executing it poorly.

05-26-2013, 06:36 AM
It's kinda different, like each game comes with an activation code/ serial key or something and if you use it the game is tied to your console. Using it on a different console would mean that you'd have to buy another code/key in order to play it.

You can technically play it on a different console, but you have to log in to your Xbox live account to do so. So if you brought a game over to a friends house, you could play it without having to pay a fee, but you definitely can NOT loan it. Buying used games is also affected, as the second purchaser will have to pay a "reactivation fee." Phil Harrison was quoted as it being MSRP but they later backtracked and said "pricing is still being worked out."

Aside from that, you MUST log in at least once every 24 hours and the KINECT has to be always on. Sure, you can put electrical tape over the eye, but guess what, it's still listening. Anyone with any privacy concerns should be very worried.

*oh yeah, and hi again everyone! :)

Edit: oh yeah, and no backwards compatibility.

05-30-2013, 06:52 AM
Xbox 360 is no compare to ps3,theres a huge difference(HUGE)...for those who think xbox titles are better than ps,go play god of war,uncharted series....
On topic: xbox one sucks like hell=>
1) dont supports xbox 360 games
2) each game has a serial no. So when we play that game on different console,we'll have to pay for an already owned game (so creep)
3) the hardware is not so cool,keeping in mind these are supposed to serve for 6 year+,the gpu is not satisfactory(like current consoles gpu)
-coming from a dude who owns a xbox 360 and one of the biggest library of xbox 360 games ..
Ill wait for ps4,if it has same creepiness like xbox 1,ill get a pc..

05-30-2013, 07:01 AM
I'm going for the PS4. XBOX1 looks like VCR to me. Besides, I'm a huge God of War fan. I bought the collector's set for ascension. Besides, Microsoft is aiming for a multimedia BR that plays games, and PS4 is a gaming console that plays BR. So it's like this to me. Do I want a console for games or for media? Games obviously, and PS3 already has BR so yup yup.

05-30-2013, 07:08 AM
Ps4 cos' sony is da best!!! :P

05-30-2013, 07:13 AM
I'm leaning more toward the PS4. I think that the PS4 was presented in a better way IMO, and I've been a bit more with Sony since the first playstation.
Actually I feel like they did an awful job at "presenting" it. They didn't even show off the console or tell us what it could do. All they did was show us a fancy new controller. Before anything was confirmed I would've said Xbox one hands down. But the ps4 seems like the way to go. As previously stated by saool they are trying to market it as the do it all box. Not to mention the incompatibility with 360 games. The PS4 wont be over 299.99 since officials have said in the past that it would be outrageous to charge consumers more than that for it. Meanwhile the Xbox one will be 499.99 or 299.99 with a 2 year gold commitment (kind of like a phone contract) I don't feel its necessary for me to pay 100-150$ more for features on the Xbox ill never use.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

05-30-2013, 07:16 AM
I'm leaning more toward the PS4. I think that the PS4 was presented in a better way IMO, and I've been a bit more with Sony since the first playstation.
Actually I feel like they did an awful job at "presenting" it. They didnt even show off the console or tell us what it could do. All they did was show us a fancy new controller.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

The PS4 Console is being revealed on the 10th...

05-30-2013, 07:28 AM
You can technically play it on a different console, but you have to log in to your Xbox live account to do so. So if you brought a game over to a friends house, you could play it without having to pay a fee, but you definitely can NOT loan it. Buying used games is also affected, as the second purchaser will have to pay a "reactivation fee." Phil Harrison was quoted as it being MSRP but they later backtracked and said "pricing is still being worked out."

Aside from that, you MUST log in at least once every 24 hours and the KINECT has to be always on. Sure, you can put electrical tape over the eye, but guess what, it's still listening. Anyone with any privacy concerns should be very worried.

*oh yeah, and hi again everyone! :)

Edit: oh yeah, and no backwards compatibility.

If this is true about the "having" to log in every day piece, then I might be out. I have this thing called "life" and I go on other things called "vacations" where I don't take stuff like this with me. And that other thing called "work" doesn't allow this stuff. I also don't like that if I buy a game, that no one in my household can play it if I am not around, nor can they take it to friends/families houses to play because I have to use my account. Nothing but ignorance on that topic.

Good thing is my current Xbox Live account runs out next April, so I have a few months to hear/read about the One before considering a purchase. And Saiyen, I am pretty sure they wouldn't release huge titles like Madden 25, Halo4, Defiance, and others with only months to play before they become obsolete. I am sure they will be playable on the new consoles.

05-30-2013, 07:50 AM
It's the things like that that is keeping me away from that console. Once I buy a game, I shouldn't have to pay for it again just to play it on a different console. Maybe someone's console breaks down and had to be replaced. Does he have to pay the fees just to play all of his old games on the new console? Things like this is making me uneasy.

No he doesnt. The games dont get tied to a console they get tied to the profile on which they were played.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

05-30-2013, 08:37 AM
I've never had an xbox before, but have played many times.. I do feel that the layout is very similar to the Playstation's.. But, the controller is fairly larger..
I have owned the Ps1 and Ps2, (Also played Ps3) and was very pleased with controller size, and layout.. If I had to choose i would pick the Ps4, since it looks like Sony is doing a bit better in Microsoft when it comes to system/game designing.. Microsoft should just stick to computers! haha

05-30-2013, 08:42 AM
I've alwaysed been a devoted Xbox person but after that reveal it wasn't going on the game approach nor was some of the internal stuff was as good as the ps4 so I'm like 60%ps4 sadly

05-30-2013, 05:38 PM
I'm leaning more toward the PS4. I think that the PS4 was presented in a better way IMO, and I've been a bit more with Sony since the first playstation.
Actually I feel like they did an awful job at "presenting" it. They didn't even show off the console or tell us what it could do. All they did was show us a fancy new controller. Before anything was confirmed I would've said Xbox one hands down. But the ps4 seems like the way to go. As previously stated by saool they are trying to market it as the do it all box. Not to mention the incompatibility with 360 games. The PS4 wont be over 299.99 since officials have said in the past that it would be outrageous to charge consumers more than that for it. Meanwhile the Xbox one will be 499.99 or 299.99 with a 2 year gold commitment (kind of like a phone contract) I don't feel its necessary for me to pay 100-150$ more for features on the Xbox ill never use.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
The PS4 reveal showed more than just a controller, and the hardware and features were also mentioned in the reveal also. Unlike the 360 presentation, the PS4 reveal had a lot more at showing the gaming part with things like the 17 minute look at Battlefield 4 with its Frostbite 3 engine.