View Full Version : Just got the game today. Have a few newbie questions :)

10-12-2010, 05:24 PM
I was kinda intrigued with this game so I have decided to finally play it.

I am quite impressed with all the additions they made since I first tried playing it( pvp system, trade system, etc.) and I must say it is rather impressive.

With that being said, I'm still very new to this game and I'm hoping you folks could give me some information.

1. What is/are the most overused/underused class(es) in this game? I usually like playing the least played class when playing an online game.

2. How's the level grind? Can you possible compare the grind to any other game? I noticed quests don't give exp so I'm quite curious how hard it is to reach the level cap.

3. What's the max level?

4. Which Platinum package do you recommend I should buy? I'm not quite sure if I'm going to be addicted to this game, but I'm definitely going to shed some money for it.

5. How do you accept trade and trade other people? :|

6. How is the item drop rate in this game? I realize there is a wide variety of items in this game, and I was wondering if rare items are usually acquired by luck or could be farmed for a couple of hours.

Thanks for the help!

10-12-2010, 05:44 PM

1. What is/are the most overused/underused class(es) in this game? I usually like playing the least played class when playing an online game.
it honestly varies on lvl range. not only are their three classes but also hybrids. this is like a sword weilding elf or bow weilding bear. IMO the rarest one you see is an intbird (bird with staff or wand). they are odd but powerful.

2. How's the level grind? Can you possible compare the grind to any other game? I noticed quests don't give exp so I'm quite curious how hard it is to reach the level cap. Lvl grind is pretty easy till 40ish. full groups are always the way to go. faster and xp bonus. once you make some cash you can buy elixirs that let you lvl faster 5 mins at a time.

3. What's the max level?
right now it just got raised to 50

4. Which Platinum package do you recommend I should buy? I'm not quite sure if I'm going to be addicted to this game, but I'm definitely going to shed some money for it.
what you can afford =P i spend a lot on this game. as far as expansion go you can buy those grouped together to save some plat.

5. How do you accept trade and trade other people? :|
click on their character (or name in a group) then there are tabs at the top. click the one on the right to trade. then click the checkbox whe u are ready to trade.

6. How is the item drop rate in this game? I realize there is a wide variety of items in this game, and I was wondering if rare items are usually acquired by luck or could be farmed for a couple of hours.
aslo depends on the which map you are playing. you can farm specific items at higher lvls in the game but for the most part all bosses drops rares. the best way to get items is a tight group of friends to kill bosses as fast as possible. honestly. dont focus on this till at least 40 if not 50. lvl up. you can buy pretty decent gear with plat.

also, if you start asking for items at lvl 10 no one is going to give you any. but if i was lvling with you and i noticed you had ****ty gear i would be inclined to give you some decent stuff. most people are like that.

good luck!

10-12-2010, 05:46 PM
First, welcome. On edit--you can skip my answer. Haroldiv took care of it. :)

1. I don't really know. You've got pure mages, pallys (paladins--mages wih high strength stats that use weapons) and bow or talon mages. Pure tanks, Int bears (high intelligence and use Mage staffs) Nd bow or talon bears. Pure archers, Int birds (hi IQ and use staffs) or Warbirds (high strength and use weapons). I've seen them all and have no idea what percent of the total population each one is.

2. It varies. You level-up the first time to level 2 while you're still in the tutorial. Later levels require a whole lot more XP points. Going from 47 to 48' for example was a grind.

3. Currently, the level cap is 50. Eveytime a new area is added, it raises by 5.

4. How much disposable income do you have? ;)

5. Tap the persons avatar. Now tap the tab on the top left that says "trade". Point of etiquette: you can also do it by tapping a team members' name when you're out in an area of the game. Do it to me while we're in a fight and I'll do my best to let you die.

6. Also varies. Bosses always drop, but what they drop (total number of pinks, blues/purples, greens, golds, grays or whites) is luck of the draw. Farming is one way of increasing your chances. More drops=more chances of something you want dropping.

King Richie
10-12-2010, 05:49 PM
also, if you start asking for items at lvl 10 no one is going to give you any. but if i was lvling with you and i noticed you had ****ty gear i would be inclined to give you some decent stuff. most people are like that.
good luck!

I agree completley i gave away some pretty good gear today to a newb just because he was a nice guy and was healing me while i was leveling him =)

10-12-2010, 05:50 PM
1) Hard to say, I would say enchantress, but they are all about even.

2) its pretty easy, it comes to be trouble around level 37, but still isn't very difficult until level 46 or so.

3) the max level at the moment is 50.

4) I wouldn't buy a package, I would rather have you buy oat store items (not the packages) and use the loot you
pick up while leveling.

5) Click on the person, click the trade tab, and put up the items and gold you wish, to trade successfully check the mark. Or just trade a friend of yours and click the question mark in the corner and it will show you what button does what.

6) that all depends on the item, map, and boss (on some stages) different maps have different drop rates, as well do the items. The rarity order is:

Gray. Trash
White. Common
Orange. Uncommon
Green. Rare
Purple. Epic
Pink. Legendary.

Enjoy the game and feel free to ask anymore questions!:)

10-12-2010, 05:51 PM
Lol, exactly why I waited to make a lengthy reply, both those guys answered your questions well, and in duplicate ;)
As for question 4, since the release of AO3, the 75 plat package is not quite enough to get every campaign anymore, though you could make it work by skipping some that are redundant for leveling (swamps and skeller are both 30-35, and lost expedition and frozen nightmares (elite campaign) are both for 25-30. Still if you want to be able to get all the content needed, and have a bunch of plat left over to get stuff like extra inventory space, respecs, and fancy hats, then maybe just go for the 165 plat package.

Oh, and welcome to the community :D

10-12-2010, 06:17 PM
Wow I really appreciate the fast replies! :) Thanks for the warm welcome as well.

I think I'll level as an int mage right now and reset to a pally later. For some reason, I have two free resets.

Another question I forgot is that whenever I buy the map pack, would that be available for every character I have or do I have to purchase it when I make a new character?

And do I stop gaining exp if I don't buy the next map pack? Or do I just get lower exp?

10-12-2010, 06:26 PM
once you buy the campaigns it's playable for all your characters and you stop gaining experience once you hit the cap for each campaign.

10-12-2010, 06:30 PM
I can't beat their answers, so I will just tell you about the game from my experience.

I was kinda intrigued with this game so I have decided to finally play it.

I am quite impressed with all the additions they made since I first tried playing it( pvp system, trade system, etc.) and I must say it is rather impressive.

With that being said, I'm still very new to this game and I'm hoping you folks could give me some information.

1. What is/are the most overused/underused class(es) in this game? I usually like playing the least played class when playing an online game.

Since you get two characters for free, I would go with an enchantress just because it is good to learn the game from that perspective. I've got 8 characters and I would agree that an Int Bird is rarest.

2. How's the level grind? Can you possible compare the grind to any other game? I noticed quests don't give exp so I'm quite curious how hard it is to reach the level cap.

It's logarithmic, so it does get slower as you go. Just about every campaign, though, has a level where you can grind.

3. What's the max level?

I'll let you know when I get there ... no, seriously, see above.

4. Which Platinum package do you recommend I should buy? I'm not quite sure if I'm going to be addicted to this game, but I'm definitely going to shed some money for it.

I have spent $25 so far, and I wish I had just spent that all upfront.

5. How do you accept trade and trade other people? :|

It's tricky at first, but don't worry. You can only click one checkbox and it asks if you are sure. When you are sure that the items in his list and the items in your list are a fair trade, you just tap the checkbox by YOUR stuff that you are trading to him. Anytime someone changes their list, both checkboxes clear, so you have to check again.

6. How is the item drop rate in this game? I realize there is a wide variety of items in this game, and I was wondering if rare items are usually acquired by luck or could be farmed for a couple of hours.

It is too good in some cases and weird in other cases. The game is maturing, being only a half year old, and the devs have to tweak these things to achieve the balance they are seeking. People do farm a lot, too much really. A lot of games are farming runs, unfortunately, which you don't know until they take off, and if you don't run with them immediately, forget it.

Thanks for the help!

So... don't know if I was able to add anything, but ...

Welcome to PL!

10-13-2010, 08:49 AM
Welcome! People here are very nice and have given you an indepth answer to all your questions. I'm just here to say hi and welcome to PL. If you ever need any help be sure to message me. (my name is in my signature). Good luck and I hope you enjoy Pocket Legends.