View Full Version : Some ideas (some may have been mentioned)

10-12-2010, 10:32 PM
- More classes - Alot more examples: palidine, Hunter, Gunner, Druid, Monk, (so stealing this from guildwars ->) dervish? LOL

- Real open world, I saw in Itunes this game has "open world" no it doesnt, open world to me is I can travel from town to town or any where I please. Dont make us map travel every where, Give us the freedom to go where ever and do what ever.

- More races, like undead or aliens

10-12-2010, 10:46 PM
1) This has been suggested but I don't think it is necessary right now. People have made it clear they would rather have new content.

2) They are going to make it more open, but trust me, it's more open then it was before, give the game so time :)

3) You mean, wait, enemies? There are already Zombies, Aliens, Skeletons, Knights, Crocodiles, ETC.

10-13-2010, 07:06 AM
Well I do think you can walk from town to town. I can imagine that the next opening step would be bigger and more advanced areas between Townes... And Like making the entrance to skeller a offshoot trail into the fathom woods... 2 minimaps to get there (unless you just join game, boo) and frozen nightmare can be another tunnel off snowpeak town with progressively harder mobs to show you what your getting into.

10-13-2010, 11:59 AM
What I mean is more races to play. I would rather see more classes then content.

Well I do think you can walk from town to town. I can imagine that the next opening step would be bigger and more advanced areas between Townes... And Like making the entrance to skeller a offshoot trail into the fathom woods... 2 minimaps to get there (unless you just join game, boo) and frozen nightmare can be another tunnel off snowpeak town with progressively harder mobs to show you what your getting into.

I would love to see it like wow or Guildwars where you can travel between towns, cities and dungeons.

We need more classes and more races to play. Content is fine. there is alot of content, weapons, bosses and bla.