View Full Version : Fleeing mobs can't be touched??

10-13-2010, 03:04 AM
Don't know if this has been posted recently but I think it's REALLY annoying when the mobs "flee" and can't be stopped, touched or killed on the way back. They just run and run, to safety and full health. This is especially booring when it's a boss doing it.

Why is this so, and please change it so they at least can be damaged while fleeing.


10-13-2010, 03:11 AM
I think most mobs have a "territory". When they are lured out of this "territory", they aim to go back to that area, when they do they are considered invulnerable and return to their area with full health.

You can see this as a good/bad thing. In a good sense its good for rushing, this allows the mobs you run through to eventually back off and go back to their spot. Bad thing is if for some reason you can't fight within a certain area, there is no moving them to a better area. (Corners/intersections with small mini-boss mobs).

10-13-2010, 03:53 AM
Yes, I can agree with the rushing but in a regular fight you move around, still trying to keep them in the same territory, then two stomps can send them 100 meters away, out of their territory and they come running back as nothing has happend. It happens to often I think. :)

But maybe the devs have a good reason for this?