View Full Version : Looking for a merching guild..

05-26-2013, 05:29 PM
Hi, my name is OhShiney. I've played pl for awhile and am just getting back into the game. I am still pretty noob (I just got to level 36) and I was wondering if I could join a merching guild (promise I wont beg lol just ask lots of questions) Mainly just so you guys can teach me how (what items I need to look for, what prices are up or down) an maybe do some farming with me. I've been in a few guilds already but almost nobody talks or they don't listen to the newer recruits..if not its cool. :) thanks anyways!

tl;dr. Looking for a guild to teach me how to merch and play the game with me :) I also promise not to beg ^.^

05-26-2013, 05:52 PM
Check out the new guild Play Pocket Legends!

05-27-2013, 03:05 PM
scramble is a great guild

05-27-2013, 03:08 PM
Imerch is a good merching guild.