View Full Version : New up and Coming Guild: Play Pocket Legends

05-26-2013, 05:50 PM
Hey guys, this is peanutbritle(a lv 60 mage) and I have made a new guild named Play Pocket Legends. This is a guild is for just about anybody. To get this out of the way, let me set down the rules :)

1. NO SCAMMING! As soon as someone notifies me about you scamming, you're out.
2. No picking on others. Sarcasm is understood in a humorous manner but is not tolerated in a hurtful manner.
3. Please be active, if you aren't active you aren't helping the guild community.

Anyway, those are pretty basic rules. To get on a lighter note, I am happy to say that the co-master Walil is going to make a youtube channel for the guild members and people outside the guild to watch and learn about the world of Alterra! This youtube channel will go live this summer(named Play Pocket Legends) and I hope that you all appreciate this as I believe this is the first guild with a youtube channel.

Now to getting in, like I said, this is a guild for anyone. There are a few things though. A member is promoted to a recruiter at lv 25 and an recruiter is promoted at lv 55.

For me to get to know the members I do want you to list these crucial pieces of information about your character in your replies :) (you can also just contact me or walil in-game)

1. Class of your character
2. The name of your charcter
3. What your play style is. Example: PvP, Questing, Endgame, etc.

So please reply below!

P.S. I have noticed that the guild Clueless has tried to take me and Walil's idea of a youtube channel. Well let me tell you all something. Step off our idea and stop. I am some things, but not a pushover. If the guild Clueless wanted to take my idea, just ask! This is so wrong on so many levels. I will show the Clueless big shots who I am. A knowledgeable pl player who is not afraid to speak up. They didn't even ask! If you support me. Join the guild and stop the relentless siege to take my ideas. Thanks for reading.

05-26-2013, 07:28 PM
Good luck on your new guild

05-26-2013, 07:52 PM
Thanks :)

05-27-2013, 11:11 AM
Oooo a youtube channel sounds awesome. This guild looks to have lots of potential, and both u and walil look like great players. I expect this guild to become one of pocket legends new best guilds and hope to c u guys in game!:)

05-27-2013, 11:16 AM
Ya we are good. We are trying to contribute to the community with an original guild.

06-05-2013, 06:58 PM
Wow. Seems like the new generation of guilds. I love the idea of a youtube channel and would love to join.
Class: Ranger
IG name: Outcastranger
Play style: Questing/lving

06-22-2013, 08:27 PM
Thanks for joining! :)

07-14-2013, 07:34 PM
Hey everybody! Ertuk here, from Play Pocket Legends. The guilds YouTube channel will be starting up in the next few weeks and I can't wait for it to get going. Before I start recording though, I wanted to ask you guys (and gals!) on the forums what you would like to see in the videos. Interested in watching PvP, questing, PvE, farming etc. you name it, we can record it, (as long as it's related to Pocket Legends of course!). This channel is for everyone in the Spacetime Studios community and I hope that people enjoy it. If your interested in seeing specific class gameplay let us know, and we will do it. Peanutbritle and myself will be the two people recording the videos and we will try to release a video upload schedule once our channel is up and running. If you would like to be featured in one of the videos, just let us know. If your a member of the guild we will release a guild notice to let people know when we are recording. Not a member, no problem! Feel free to ask us if we're recording and we will be happy to tell you. Our last thought was to make a "let's play series", documenting Peanutbritle and I making our way from level 1-76 (or whatever the level cap is at that time). If that's something you guys are interested in watching please let us know in the comment section below. Thanks again for taking the time to read this and I can't wait to see you in game!

Have any other questions regarding either the guild or channel? PM either Peanutbritle or myself and we will get back to you as soon as possible
