View Full Version : Taking a break - love the creativity / hate the misuse of it

10-13-2010, 12:14 PM
I'll be back, but I need a break. This is not an "I'm leaving PL" thread.

I feel like whining, a lot. Problem is, I could care less if my main reaches 50, but I feel some sort of requirement to do so. I was having a lot more fun actually playing, using my xp-frozen characters in their appropriate levels, even though someone (who knows exactly that I am referring to her) called me a leech for it, and has yet to take it back. As most people who know me will understand, being called a leech by a rush farmer was almost incomprehensible to me.

But now there is this new campaign, and it's a grind. I can't find anyone to play with because nobody wants to actually play. They only want to grind xp or rush farm. So, naturally, I am deriving zero entertainment from it. For the money I've spent overall ($25), I was hoping for at least some entertainment.

The devs made a good campaign. I do not mind having to buy tank pots. Overall, they have paid for themselves. There are levels that could be played as a standalone. The one where you have to defeat the three lesser champions and then fight the ten times champion of the universe is GOOD. The one where you have to run for the orbs for protection when the Overlord growls is awesome.

But the thing is you can't find such games, and you can't even try to play a game correctly when someone is in there because it takes a team, and the team is all afflicted with greed. Either that or it's Mynas noobs on a deathmarch in some sort of Dantean circle of Hell, forever walking into groups of aliens, using zero teamwork, only to die, respawn and die again, or quit.

This greed is caused by the game's structure, which puts too much focus on the acquisition of rare, collectible, and expensive items. Skills mean next to nothing, and stats barely affect your performance. Only items give you the capability to succeed. For instance, as we discussed in the chatbox yesterday, you could never get 8 H/s through stats, and the items which confer this can only be obtained through farming. So that is how the game itself requires farming.

Which makes me wonder why they even bother being creative. I love the creativity that went into this campaign, but it is being ignored, and it seems to me, abused. And I read people speaking of their activities in this regard with pride. I see greedy behavior that would make me unfriend a person if they did it in real life, so I have to ask myself why I tolerate it in my cyber life.

My break will probably last only a few days, but I will try to stay away longer, at least a week but hopefully more. It's not really healthy to only do one thing. I'll be writing. The missing sense of story that I feel as I see people revelling in their acquisitiveness can be found by writing, I know, and the transference of my addiction will not take long. It was transfered to this game by way of the story elements, and can easily be transfered away now that the story is so widely ignored by so many other players.

And really, I am still insulted to the core for being called a leech for taking my level 25 into a map that is accessed from Glumdoll Cemetary and the loot is all level 25, in short, meant for level 25 players. Leeching is getting xp from other people's activity while you yourself do nothing but stand there. I have opposed leeching behavior, made many threads on it, offered people many alternatives. It really galls me because I bite my tongue when I see a bunch of level 45 characters running past the skeletons trying to get Vyxnaar to respawn. "Then solo the boss" the insulting person said. Yeah, let's see you solo any boss that is the same level as you! I'm sure. It was meant for a team, not for rush farmers.

When I come back, look for me playing low level PvE twinks, because I do not find much in the way of like-minded players among the l33t.

I apologize for being so harsh. It feels like I've been wasting my time and my money, but that's not true. I got my money's worth, surely. But I'm not a leech, and I'm not a rush farmer, and I find no pleasure in xp grinding, so what can I do?

When Alien Oasis has quests, there will be more story to entertain me. When we have guilds perhaps I will find like-minded players. If they change it so stats and skills predominate while items are just nice variations of reasonable bonuses, the rush farming will end. But for now, they have created this thing this way, and people are playing it this way, and I am simply not able to find people who want to clear the levels.

I don't blame those who say "Don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you." I feel the same way myself. But my play schedule (bus rides to and from work) does not seem to coincide with that of similar players.

See you all soon.


(Please don't move this thread to off-topic. It is totally on-topic and belongs in General.)

10-13-2010, 12:18 PM
Everyone knows you, of all people, are not a leech. Take a break and come back refreshed. Give me a holler, either on my main or my tank, Gyoza. Hopefully, I'll have him leveled up by then and we'll find a clump of like-minded people, clear levels, enjoy the teamwork and have fun. Take care, Snakey.

10-13-2010, 12:30 PM
I understand how you fel snake...It seems about only the first 2 days people were actually PLAYING the maps not just potting up and rushing to kill the boss or xp farming...But hey what can you do...There will LAWAYS be noobs there will always be xp farmers and rush farmers...no matter what you do they will always rush or farm...its like trying to get rid of crime...no matter what you do to get rid of it the criminals will always find a way to get around it...anyways I guess ill see you when you get back.

10-13-2010, 12:35 PM
Hey Snakes, we very much appreciate you and understand. Please take a break and come back. 1.5 is coming with lots of cool new things. Also please don't take offense, but I will be moving this to off-topic. Goodbye (and taking a break) threads don't go in general imo.

I will leave a redirect there though!

10-13-2010, 12:43 PM
If you notice the top of his thread the first thing he states is "This is not a I'm leaving PL" thread....Any hints on what's coming with 1.5?

10-13-2010, 12:49 PM
Snake,I read all of your post.You understand ,as well as everyone else, there's always going to be Rush Farmers And Xp runs. That's just how it's always going to be. Trying to tell a Noob to play the whole campaign is like trying to tell a baby not to laugh when he/she is happy or cry when he/she is in pain. It's natural in life and that particular aspect of the game is typical in a virtual gaming world. As in are match (which was very fun and I hope to play with you again sometime:)) we talked about how this was are first MMO. I'm not highly knowledgeable but from what I accumulated from Pocket Legends atmosphere is Farming is essential(rush farming for most). Take a break. Come back your always welcomed:).I particularly like playing the whole map so when you get back I hope to play a whole map with you.
Bye Snake, Cya when you get back:)

10-13-2010, 02:08 PM
we had better play together when you get back, you sound like host we need!

10-13-2010, 02:27 PM
Enjoy your break man. If your up for some writing work join the manual writing team. Something creative and rewarding while the game doesn't give it to you.

I must say I agree with every one of your main points. I have dropped my play time considerably. I see the amazing game just around the corner. I just hope the Devs do too.

10-13-2010, 02:31 PM
Snake be back budd
Wanaa rush farm/grind xp with me?
Lol jokes aside a totally agree, it's "a come to the dark side we have cookies" moment. u wanna be rich so u farm allday and get nothing like me and u give up and actually want to have the feeling of owning the boss old school but we as others are caught up in the race to be the best.
Breaks a good idea, might rake one later next year.
But life goes on. you look at your faliuires and hope for a better day..
Lol I normally never write something this long unless I really mean it :P

10-13-2010, 05:09 PM
Sad to see you go, Snake. :/

10-13-2010, 05:38 PM
I actually agree with most of your comments snake. Its funny but when the hardcore player and casual player are finding the same faults with the game... obviously there are problems. hope to see ya again.

10-13-2010, 06:03 PM
snake...no. why? well i know why? but...i just got teddybean to 14. argh.

i understand the whole notion of "HEY IM 50 LETS RUSH FARM". sadly the devs dont do much about nerfing rushing. ive lost interest in my lvl 50...and PL in general.

but nonetheless. if im not here for your return, it was nice talking to you. youre a really nice person. ill miss talking to you in the mornings... I ordered Pattern Recognition, Spook Country and Zero History. Maybe one day we can talk about them...maybe.

adios amigo.

10-13-2010, 06:06 PM
Hey Snake, enjoy your break, see you when you return.

10-13-2010, 07:10 PM
Thanks all! It is really a test of my will power. I find it very hard NOT to play. But as Captain Sisko once said to his son, ...

[edit] found the quote:

Benjamin Sisko: I'm no writer, but if I were it seems to me I'd wanna poke my head up every once in a while and take a look around - see what's going on. It's life, Jake! You can miss it if you don't open your eyes!

10-13-2010, 10:11 PM
Sad to see you go, Snake. :/

He said this is N07 a leaving thread. See you soon... maybe.

10-13-2010, 10:40 PM
You mention the fuel for your addiction was the story. The fuel for my addiction was the pinks. I am quite the gambler, and I love playing the slot machines. To me getting the pink drops was like hitting a nice bonus on a slot. Still never hit my big jackpot (Galzyx Staff), but I have gotten some really nice pink drops in the past, and it was always fun to see an item I wanted then to go after it. Problem with AO3 is the slot machines have become the new style that makes you 'think you won, even though you won less then you paid'. So I am getting pink after pink after pink, and they are all junk. So what to do? Maybe I will go back and hunt the Galzyx. Or maybe I will just take a ~break~, because with me, my attention follows my addictions, and there is no middle ground. Really surprised my attention has been held to this game for so long, but I think that is more the people here on the forum then the game itself.

10-13-2010, 10:56 PM
Hey snake, when your back and refreshend, hit me up on my Bear, I usually make ao3 maps for the fun of just clearing the maps :)