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View Full Version : Other Attribute for Warriors

10-13-2010, 01:13 PM
So obviously strength is the main attribute for warriors and should come first, but what should be the #2 attribute, Intelligence or Dexterity? I have done a little bit of both. Not sure if there has already been a thread on this or not

10-13-2010, 02:12 PM
if you really want +1 m regen then put 11 into int but NO MORE. you should have a minimum str for items, and at least enough dex for 100% hit PvE (125% PvP) so as to be awesome.

10-13-2010, 02:15 PM
if you really want +1 m regen then put 11 into int but NO MORE. you should have a minimum str for items, and at least enough dex for 100% hit PvE (125% PvP) so as to be awesome.

What is the dexterity you need for 100% hit PvE? And I think I have 20 something in intelligence

10-13-2010, 02:20 PM
in depth explanation:
for a warrior (bear)
-int does next to nothing for you, so in fact you should put NO EXTRA POINTS in it and save them for dex and str.
-str is your main attribute raising your HP, armor, base damage and letting you use your warrior weapons.
-dex is always needed for every class due to how it raises your hit% chance.

=when fighting in campaigns (PvE) there are very few monsters with a hit% debuff so you only need to put enough dex points to get to 100%. exact number uncertain of, but you could be safe in putting two points a level every level till you get there.
=you could either put only the minimum str required to equip you gear and the rest into dex (so as to have a little bit more crit/dodge/hit% for PvP) or just have enough dex for 100% hit and rest into str, so as to capitalize on the bears primary stat.

10-13-2010, 02:26 PM
All right thanks for the tip, I guess I will re-spec my attributes and put only 11 into intelligence and put the extras into dexterity and strength. I guess that makes sense. Thanks for the help. I also have one more question. What are the benefits of Hellscream? I really haven't figured out how to use it yet so I haven't even putten a point into it.

10-13-2010, 02:31 PM
off my head i cannot remember exact use but I do know it is useful... i think it is -damage and -hit% to all enemies in range.
though the best usage for it is how if combined with a nightmare effect, you get a combo called terror. note=a bear alone cannot make this combo unless wielding a darkbolt wand or a darkblade (both with nightmare proc/debuff) but if in a team with a mage then it can be pulled off with their nightmare too, with awesome results.

10-13-2010, 06:45 PM
Oh alright. I still have not integrated it into my skills, but maybe someday I'll figure it out lol

10-13-2010, 07:14 PM
Check out the Ursan section, from the in-development Pocket Legend manual.

Ursan Section (https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1oUtaDxQ88iGJtbrJb4PZldriQtv6Q-iF9zYPFlvXTb0)

10-13-2010, 07:42 PM
since the new full rift set brings up no m/s, its actually quite useful for u to hit int up to point u get 2m/s. it saves ALOT of money since u require less mana pots.

10-13-2010, 08:15 PM
since the new full rift set brings up no m/s, its actually quite useful for u to hit int up to point u get 2m/s. it saves ALOT of money since u require less mana pots.

at most 11 int since for next m regen u need about 50... just wear a thoth helm under something.

10-13-2010, 10:22 PM
at most 11 int since for next m regen u need about 50... just wear a thoth helm under something.

Oh alright thanks for the tip. Very useful. I've got

How does that look?

10-13-2010, 10:42 PM
11 actually isn't the magic number. For Ursan, we need a minimum of 16 Int to get the 1 M/s. You will need to add a further 5 to your Int to get the benefit.

At level 35 you need a minimum of 111 Strength to use all available equipment. As far as equipment is concerned you don't need to touch Strength until you pass 45. At 45 no item needs more than 142 Strength.

Check my document from my previous post for all the information you need.

10-14-2010, 10:59 AM
Hell scream is a debuff. Why would you not have it almost immediately? It is also a component of one of the best, of not the best, combo in the game: Terror, after nightmare (mage) or shattering scream (bird). Why would you not have this attack combo for your party when you lead them?

10-14-2010, 11:13 AM
just go 142str for Lv45 and 158 for lv50, and other stats go dex.
if ur going on a sword/spear/lance bear.

10-14-2010, 03:16 PM
Alright. sounds good. Thanks for the tips