View Full Version : Advanced looting system.

10-13-2010, 02:40 PM
Hey, I have been playing pocket legends for a couple of weeks now. I really love the game, but there is not a lot of variety in items. Ofcourse there are a lot of different items, but at the top levels (45-50) everyone is wearing the same gear.

My idea, to make obtaining 'good' items a little more difficult:
Make items have variable stats. Meaning the stats of a pink item dropped would not always have to be the same to a similar one.
I might make myself clearer by showing an example:

Situation A (As it is right now)
Let's say, a Havoc's Cowl of Fate is dropped.
The stats of this helm are:
8 Int, 3% hit, 5% crit, 3 M/s, 4 damage, 10 armor.

All Havoc's Cowl of Fate helms have the exact same stats.

Situation B (My suggestion)
Let's say, a Havoc's Cowl of Fate is dropped.
The procs would be variable, meaning chance of:
6-9 int, 1-4% hit, 2-6% crit, 2-4 m/s, 3-5 damage, 8-12 armor. (RANDOM! SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY GAME SYSTEM UPON LOOTING)

Meaning upon looting this item, you could have been lucky with the procs on it and you looted a Havoc's Cowl of Fate with the stats:
9 int, 3% hit, 6% crit, 4 m/s , 4 damage, 11 armor

which would be near perfect!
Or you could have looted a not-so-good Havocs cowl of fate, meaning one with low procs on it. For example:
6 int, 2% hit, 2%^crit, 2 m/s , 4 damage, 8 armor

This way there would be dozens of different Havocs Cowl of Fate helms.
Do you see where I'm going with this? Of course, the item would have some base stats, but it would be really neat if these stats could be different than other items with the same name. For example this would bring more fun for people merchanting, collectors (seeking for 'perfect' or absolute 'unperfect' items)

What do you think?

10-13-2010, 03:21 PM
the problem with this as I understand it (and also with all suggestions involving crafting, upgrading, etc) is that it means there will be a heck of a lot more variables entering every single equation. when someone joins a map, the number of variables going into the servers and then into people's weak idevices will go up mightily.
i can see so much more general lagg... just better to stick to normal loot system and have new items instead.

edit: someone calculate the factorial for me pls... really not bothered.

10-13-2010, 03:29 PM
This seems to be a nightmare to code. Also how would you trade/sell such an item with the same name yet dozens of different stat amounts?

I rather like the loot production system they have now. It is simple and effective. I might not agree with the stats on all the top end gear, but thats another problem. As I read it the first name of an item controlls one set of stats, the middle is how it is used, and the last controlls another set of stats. The color further changes the stats, the more rare color the better stats. This is the smoothest loot creating system I have seen over many MMO games.

I am a long way out of school, but if my math is correct there are somewhere around 10 million variations of loot, including the 4 equipable slots, prefixes, and suffixes stated in the loot explination post by the devs. This does not include the different kinds of weapon types, so that number could be on the low end.

10-13-2010, 10:47 PM
This is a really good idea. But like arterra said might make servers get clumsy and confused. If they can do it without adding lag this is great idea.

10-14-2010, 03:42 PM
Well, it wouldnt necesarily have to increase the server traffic by that much!
I'm a complete noob in this so please correct if wrong, but the packets for each of these items would only have to be 'requested' when engaging trade? When viewing characters with equipment, the only packet sent would have to be the one containing the 'stats' of the character, not a complete sum of the packets with the stats of each item equipped, added up and thus creating the viewable character outcome.

I'm sorry, this probably sounded like jibberish but it was hard for me to translate what I meant in English!

and @Strato:
This wouldn't have to be a nightmare to code. The essential (and basic) part would just have to be adding a little code in the looting system.
Let's say the chance on a Havoc's Cowl of Fate for boss A is 0.4%.
If you do farm him and you loot a Havoc's Cowl of Fate, there would have to be a little code inbetween, which randomizes these 'base stats' (i.e. base stat being 8-12 int -> #Ran (random) script -> outcome:11 int on item)

1)Player 1 kills boss A.
2)Boss A drops Havoc's cowl of fate.
4)Player A receives Havocs cowl of fate.

This is my interpretation of how the looting system works. I could be horribly wrong but if it works this way, it wouldn't have to be such a nighmare to code!

10-14-2010, 04:08 PM
Actually it seems the code is already in place for this. U don't see it in the stats but u do see it in the req lvl. U know how there are ao2 items that are lvl 39? Rare lvl 45 ao3 pinks, and all the accidental items that seem to show up in new patches. Items that are higher lvl than the lvl cap.