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View Full Version : ideas for (better)sorcerer weapons

05-28-2013, 04:12 PM
For example ...rouges have better weapons: today I saw a rouge lvl 25 with 265 DPS and I'm lvl 31 ...I have clever flame strike of assault lvl 25 and also best rings with high damage. And I have 282 DPS and I'm lvl 31!!! And the rouge is lvl 25 :0
Please good new weapons ... We only have three good legendary : nordr jewel | clever flamestrike | firesquid ...

Or clever flamestrike for a higher lvl ... For example clever flamestrike lvl 30 .

If u think the same or if you have other things that they may change, leave ur comment below.


05-28-2013, 04:48 PM
Yes and no... Although I never want to prevent the further improvement of our class, as I feel we need all the help we can get, the max damage and dps of mages are actually pretty good now. If you look on the post you screenie development threads for mages and rogues, you will see:

mage with a full mythic set: 346 damage and 430 dps
rogue with a full mythic set: 310 damage and 372 dps
rogue with mythic gear and hooks: 278 damage and 500 dps

But you also have to keep in mind that damage and not dps is most important for a mage and his skill damage (please refer to Jaytb's sticky on damage versus dps http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?88373-DPS-vs-Damage-a-detailed-comparison). When you get to more real world weapons and gear that most mages can afford I would agree that the stats are somewhat underpowered. Have you tried the guns? Have you tried the borean cage rifle of brutality? I believe it is the best weapon for the price, at the moment, with an excellent damage...

05-28-2013, 07:23 PM
Push proc weapons for end gamers would be nice

05-29-2013, 07:21 AM
Push proc weapons for end gamers would be nice

Push procs is nice in PVP but annoying when fighting bosses at times. I like weapons that have good procs such as the nordr/flamesquid/firestrike ones that proc without a charge. In addition I think our weapons should have a chance to proc using skills like a warriors.