View Full Version : Friends

05-28-2013, 08:38 PM
For those of you who dont know
i wana tell u all about an app called kik and encourage u all to download chat and be friendly its really simple to use and takes about 15 secs to download,its availible for iphones droid and pc
A couple of my sl buds have it and we make fun party chats me,javi,crio,kwad,sok and ton of other players i cant list em all but therez hundreds so i figure let others know who dont know about it
Anywho my kik is alchemis01
If any of you wana join in on the fun just post yur kik names here and we can get you added in!

05-28-2013, 08:41 PM
Yea guys, it's fun to talk to people on Kik. It's even better when it's SL friends, so much easier to communicate.

Just hmu if ya want, javieripod

05-28-2013, 08:43 PM
+1 Javi! And Ghosty!

I'm Aracnus.. If you spam.. i will never reply!!

05-28-2013, 08:47 PM
+1 Javi! And Ghosty!

I'm Aracnus.. If you spam.. i will never reply!!

We dont do spam lol

05-28-2013, 08:51 PM
very expert Lol

05-28-2013, 08:52 PM
+1 Javi! And Ghosty!

I'm Aracnus.. If you spam.. i will never reply!!

Ik what I'm doing tonight then ;)

05-28-2013, 08:53 PM
my old kik acc got messed up -_- had to make new one...oh well its quanabo now.

05-28-2013, 10:02 PM
it's an okay APP!

05-29-2013, 04:31 AM
There are better apps like glass board and the good old Facebook. Most ppl I know use what's app instead of kik. They don't even know what kik is

05-29-2013, 08:13 AM
kik outclasses by fb.

05-29-2013, 08:22 AM
add me on Kik

05-29-2013, 11:38 AM
Note- spammers will be ignored.

05-29-2013, 12:10 PM
Add me if you want.. name is Skirax

05-29-2013, 12:31 PM
For those of you who dont know
i wana tell u all about an app called kik and encourage u all to download chat and be friendly its really simple to use and takes about 15 secs to download,its availible for iphones droid and pc
A couple of my sl buds have it and we make fun party chats me,javi,crio,kwad,sok and ton of other players i cant list em all but therez hundreds so i figure let others know who dont know about it
Anywho my kik is alchemis01
If any of you wana join in on the fun just post yur kik names here and we can get you added in!

Yeah! About time, I was wondering if anyone would talk outside of SL. Add me, negroninja62 :D

05-29-2013, 07:13 PM
Yeah! About time, I was wondering if anyone would talk outside of SL. Add me, negroninja62 :D

we don't just talk pfft we like a family outside sl lmao ^^

05-29-2013, 09:54 PM
There are better apps like glass board and the good old Facebook. Most ppl I know use what's app instead of kik. They don't even know what kik is

U dnt have to get if u dnt want too noones forcing u and im pretty sure with that attitude your pobably no fun anyways so yeah enjoy dramafied facebook! Peace and keep yur negativity outa my thread please,have a nice day!

06-07-2013, 01:16 AM
Ownt by ghost lawl

06-07-2013, 09:36 PM
Funny thing is, ghost said that in a nice manner. +1 for ghost ya noob. ;)

06-07-2013, 11:27 PM
U dnt have to get if u dnt want too noones forcing u and im pretty sure with that attitude your pobably no fun anyways so yeah enjoy dramafied facebook! Peace and keep yur negativity outa my forrum please,have a nice day!


06-08-2013, 02:34 AM
U dnt have to get if u dnt want too noones forcing u and im pretty sure with that attitude your pobably no fun anyways so yeah enjoy dramafied facebook! Peace and keep yur negativity outa my forrum please,have a nice day!

What the hell are you talking about? You see a post you don't like and act like a drama queen? I wasn't negative at all, I published my opinion and you are not in the position to tell me what I may do and what not. Also I want to reminder you, it's not "your' forum.

Btw I have kik, so I can that say that from experience and Facebook isn't "dramafied". If you are looking for drama then you will find enough of it but who doesn't seek won't find any.

Peace and keep your arrogance out of your posts then you can expect some more friendly replies

06-08-2013, 02:41 AM
Ownt by ghost lawl

This is why you get hate posts, you provoke ppl to do it

06-08-2013, 12:31 PM
U dnt have to get if u dnt want too noones forcing u and im pretty sure with that attitude your pobably no fun anyways so yeah enjoy dramafied facebook! Peace and keep yur negativity outa my forrum please,have a nice day!

What the hell are you talking about? You see a post you don't like and act like a drama queen? I wasn't negative at all, I published my opinion and you are not in the position to tell me what I may do and what not. Also I want to reminder you, it's not "your' forum.

Btw I have kik, so I can that say that from experience and Facebook isn't "dramafied". If you are looking for drama then you will find enough of it but who doesn't seek won't find any.

Peace and keep your arrogance out of your posts then you can expect some more friendly replies

Simply put idgaf about what u think take it how you want it this thread is for people who wanted to get in on our chats if you think facebook is better why are u even here posting a comment? This thread clearly is not for you and u said facebook is better so like why are u here if facebook is better this thread isnt for u and im pretty sure i dnt need you in chats anyways with yur negativity go back to facebook and post every moment of your unnecessary life on there that noone cares about,lol stop trolling a peaceful forrum because i clearly do not care about u,what u think,or any of your two bit oppinions
With that being said have a good day!

06-08-2013, 12:32 PM
Apparently kuero cant read the this thread is called friends,and umm sorry son u aint my friend enjoy :)

06-08-2013, 12:49 PM
You are the troll here. 1. I didn't say anything bad 2 This isn't your forum. I can post here all I want. "This thread isnt for u" yes whatever most threads here arent for you neither.I tell you what this forum doesn't need, arrogant people like you. You're the guy who's spreading negativity here so stop reversing facts.

So if you have nothing better to come up with as to call out me a troll for no reason then do us all a favor and stop spreading your non sense.

Oh and about that you do not care, neither do I value your opinion but I do not tell you where you may post and where not. So gimme a break with your nonsense

06-08-2013, 01:25 PM
Calm yourself fellas!

This thread was made to connect the SL community a little more via Kik. No need to flame one another, just stahp.

Sure Facebook is good in someways, sure there are a lot of better apps than Kik, but this is a Kik thread. If you think there's a better app, I don't recommend Facebook because Kik keeps your life a bit more private. Besides, Kik is simple and fun; sure it has a lot of things that it can be improved in, but all in due time.

For now, friends can connect through this simple and easy to use app.

06-08-2013, 01:33 PM
You are the troll here. 1. I didn't say anything bad 2 This isn't your forum. I can post here all I want. "This thread isnt for u" yes whatever most threads here arent for you neither.I tell you what this forum doesn't need, arrogant people like you. You're the guy who's spreading negativity here so stop reversing facts.

So if you have nothing better to come up with as to call out me a troll for no reason then do us all a favor and stop spreading your non sense.

Oh and about that you do not care, neither do I value your opinion but I do not tell you where you may post and where not. So gimme a break with your nonsense

If u want a break stop commenting dnt u have somewhere better to be like facebook?
First of all this thread is for friends which i do not nor have i ever considered u one,and yes this is my thread not my forrum but yes i created this thread,and who are u to tell somone what this forrum doesnt need? The fact of the matter is if you wouldnt have came in here running your fast acess dsl lips talkin about facebook is better blah blah blah when this thread is clearly about kik u would not have this issue and if you didnt even want.to participate you should never have commented on something that has no relevance to this thread noone stated nothing bout face book period lol stop being dumb like u dnt know wat yur doin point is stop runnin yur lips because it aint necessary and if ya keep talkin smack expect an outcome because i simply dnt care PERIOD.

feel free to post a response but expect another one from me and if you dnt want drama i suggest u leavin this thread that I CREATED and go troll someones facebook page!!!
Have a lovely day:)

06-08-2013, 01:35 PM
Calm yourself fellas!

This thread was made to connect the SL community a little more via Kik. No need to flame one another, just stahp.

Sure Facebook is good in someways, sure there are a lot of better apps than Kik, but this is a Kik thread. If you think there's a better app, I don't recommend Facebook because Kik keeps your life a bit more private. Besides, Kik is simple and fun; sure it has a lot of things that it can be improved in, but all in due time.

For now, friends can connect through this simple and easy to use app.

+1 i couldnt have said it better myself this was SURELY AND POSITIVELY A THREAD FOR KIK NOT FACEBOOK!

06-08-2013, 02:45 PM
Who are YOU to tell me where I may post and where not? Get your own message in your head before you start typing.
Even if u made this thread for your friends, it is a PUBLIC thread and everyone may post in it, neither you like it or not.

Tell me how much you want that you do not care, still you reply which means you do. Such a hypocrite.

And I don't understand why u argue about Facebook anyway, I said glass board and are Facebook are better. I did let the ppl know there are still other (better) apps.
Maybe you haven't realized it yet but my first post wasn't just for you, it was for all the ppl here. Do you actually realize that the world doesn't turn around you, do ya?

Stop being an arrogant wannabe. I'm not here to troll but since you came up with discriminating non sense I'm gonna defend myself.

06-08-2013, 02:52 PM
Calm yourself fellas!

This thread was made to connect the SL community a little more via Kik. No need to flame one another, just stahp.

Sure Facebook is good in someways, sure there are a lot of better apps than Kik, but this is a Kik thread. If you think there's a better app, I don't recommend Facebook because Kik keeps your life a bit more private. Besides, Kik is simple and fun; sure it has a lot of things that it can be improved in, but all in due time.

For now, friends can connect through this simple and easy to use app.

This phantasm dude was letting the ppl know about kik, I was letting them know about other apps like glass board and Facebook.
Then all of the sudden he tells me I shall stay away with my "negativity from his forums". After the next post I'm getting told I'm a troll with an unnecessary life?

Screw that. I'm not going to tolerate this. What about you? Would you tolerate it if i would call you out just for making a harmless post?
Alot of ppl open up threads and other reply and get off topic, but I do not discriminate them.
This phantasm guy needs to learn some behavior.

06-08-2013, 03:01 PM
Who are YOU to tell me where I may post and where not? Get your own message in your head before you start typing.
Even if u made this thread for your friends, it is a PUBLIC thread and everyone may post in it, neither you like it or not.

Tell me how much you want that you do not care, still you reply which means you do. Such a hypocrite.

And I don't understand why u argue about Facebook anyway, I said glass board and are Facebook are better. I did let the ppl know there are still other (better) apps.
Maybe you haven't realized it yet but my first post wasn't just for you, it was for all the ppl here. Do you actually realize that the world doesn't turn around you, do ya?

Stop being an arrogant wannabe. I'm not here to troll but since you came up with discriminating non sense I'm gonna defend myself.

Just gtfo! Why u still talkin? Let it go, your not worth the effort or the time,so stfu and keep it movin i know wat i said and i dnt give a damn watchu think or your stinkin *** comments and i simply dnt care who comments but wen u come up in a thread talkin bout things that has no relevance and u keep talkin blah blah blah yeah ima say something point blank!
And if u dnt like it why u still runnin dem lips? Noone is askin u to keep talkin or keep runnin back and lookin on this thread tryna see who said what so u can comment like a little school girl who loves gossip and drama no wonder u like facebook u talk like,act like,and sound like a groupie a crotch ridin chump lmao anyways like i said before if u dnt like it stop readin and leave have a lovely day :) u must like it u still here readin obviously yur butthurt ima just sit back and relax on kik WITHOUT U LOL

laughing at u and u dnt even know it
Your style is wack and u dnt even know it
Ghostface dnt care about u and u dnt even know it

For the rest of you readers look up the song rocko-u.o.e.n.o and then youll know it and laugh lmao!

Kuero is a true piece and he dnt even know it lmao

06-08-2013, 03:23 PM
In before lock :-)

Calm yo selves down lol
These forums are a way of open opinion and chat.
No right or wrong answer or view.
Remember we all have feelings and these can be over- exaggerative when written down in this format ;-)
Easy to get the wrong idea of the stick so in future try to be considerate to both the original poster, the respondents and the readers :-)
As the Star Legends loading screen says: Deleting Haters.... Lol XD

I have yet to try kik but I hear good things about it :-)

06-08-2013, 03:32 PM
In before lock :-)

Calm yo selves down lol
These forums are a way of open opinion and chat.
No right or wrong answer or view.
Remember we all have feelings and these can be over- exaggerative when written down in this format ;-)
Easy to get the wrong idea of the stick so in future try to be considerate to both the original poster, the respondents and the readers :-)
As the Star Legends loading screen says: Deleting Haters.... Lol XD

I have yet to try kik but I hear good things about it :-)

Finally someone on topic lol and yeah i hope it does get locked such a shame u cant make a thread nowadays with someone stayin on topic and not talkin smack about something else wen the stupid stuff they say aint even what were discussin in here,like why do it? Tired of hearin his poopy mouth anyways But anyways yeah it is bro we done expanded by the hundreds and still growin.in the chats we have new comers from sl daily and it would be excellent if you could join
Glad to see u back active i missed ya!

06-08-2013, 03:52 PM
another fight wut a shocker...wut has sl become now? :(

06-08-2013, 03:58 PM
another fight wut a shocker...wut has sl become now? :(

Lol! I wont answer that but ill kik u it asap lol!

06-08-2013, 04:17 PM
This is some funny stuff right here and y'all don't even know it. If you two (Kuero & Ghost) would like some alone time in kik you didn't have to go all out on here. Js lol.

06-08-2013, 04:22 PM
This is some funny stuff right here and y'all don't even know it. If you two (Kuero & Ghost) would like some alone time in kik you didn't have to go all out on here. Js lol.

And they dnt even know it lmao

06-08-2013, 04:25 PM
Phantasm wannabe your not in the position to give any orders so you better keep your mouth shut

06-08-2013, 04:29 PM
Phantasm wannabe your not in the position to give any orders so you better keep your mouth shut

Lmao Kuero you are not in order to tell ghost what he should do with his mouth. Do us a favor and stop posting comments cause you're embarrassing yourself in front of these Sl peers.

06-08-2013, 04:32 PM
Btw I haven't seen a larger raging person than you yet.

06-08-2013, 04:33 PM
Phantasm wannabe your not in the position to give any orders so you better keep your mouth shut

Your most deff not anyones dad in here if u dnt like it stop commenting and simply leave u acting like a sensetive female lol
You come shut me up please sir?
Yea ima wanabe as in if u were closer id wanabe slappin yur face!

06-08-2013, 04:35 PM
Lmao Kuero you are not in order to tell ghost what he should do with his mouth. Do us a favor and stop posting comments cause you're embarrassing yourself in front of these Sl peers.

Neither are you, don't get your own irony? Such a retard

06-08-2013, 04:36 PM
Your most deff not anyones dad in here if u dnt like it stop commenting and simply leave u acting like a sensetive female lol
You come shut me up please sir?
Yea ima wanabe as in if u were closer id wanabe slappin yur face!

As u wouldn't keep your mouth shut urself. You throw random things out in the hope to look cool, so ridiculous

06-08-2013, 04:37 PM
Your most deff not anyones dad in here if u dnt like it stop commenting and simply leave u acting like a sensetive female lol
You come shut me up please sir?
Yea ima wanabe as in if u were closer id wanabe slappin yur face!

Lmao you gonna slap him in the face and he don't even know it!

06-08-2013, 04:40 PM
Lmao you gonna slap him in the face and he don't even know it!

Another wannabe and he doesn't even realize it

06-08-2013, 04:40 PM
Your most deff not anyones dad in here if u dnt like it stop commenting and simply leave u acting like a sensetive female lol
You come shut me up please sir?
Yea ima wanabe as in if u were closer id wanabe slappin yur face!

Lmao you gonna slap him in the face and he don't even know it!

Hes pure crap and he dnt even know it

06-08-2013, 04:46 PM
Hes pure crap and he dnt even know it

Your rage attacks are amusing me now

06-08-2013, 04:54 PM
Lol this is funny. Kuero you're doing a fine job of not shutting up and making me burst out with laughter! Keep doing a good job. :)

06-08-2013, 04:54 PM
Hes pure crap and he dnt even know it

Your rage attacks are amusing me now

So happy they are anything to please u my dear sir!

06-08-2013, 04:56 PM
So happy they are anything to please u my dear sir!

06-08-2013, 04:58 PM
This phantasm dude was letting the ppl know about kik, I was letting them know about other apps like glass board and Facebook.
Then all of the sudden he tells me I shall stay away with my "negativity from his forums". After the next post I'm getting told I'm a troll with an unnecessary life?

Screw that. I'm not going to tolerate this. What about you? Would you tolerate it if i would call you out just for making a harmless post?
Alot of ppl open up threads and other reply and get off topic, but I do not discriminate them.
This phantasm guy needs to learn some behavior.

No I wouldn't tolerate it, but you guys are going too far.

Yes, I get what you were trying to do with your post and all but he wanted this thread to be soley for Kik. I really don't see the initial negativity, but I see loads of it now.

You guys should really calm down, is getting banned worth an argument of which app is better ? Na, come on guys relax.

Dt, don't add fuel to the flame.

06-08-2013, 05:01 PM
Lol this is funny. Kuero you're doing a fine job of not shutting up and making me burst out with laughter! Keep doing a good job. :)

I bet you are that immature that you also laugh when you see naked person

06-08-2013, 05:02 PM
^Now THIS picture is art.

06-08-2013, 05:03 PM
No I wouldn't tolerate it, but you guys are going too far.

Yes, I get what you were trying to do with your post and all but he wanted this thread to be soley for Kik. I really don't see the initial negativity, but I see loads of it now.

You guys should really calm down, is getting banned worth an argument of which app is better ? Na, come on guys relax.

Dt, don't add fuel to the flame.

Idk about them, but I would surely love to get banned. :) it would be so much enjoyable. Btw, didn't know posting my opinions on a virtual person was "add(ing) fuel to the flame." Lol. I'm not worried about it one bit.

06-08-2013, 05:06 PM
No I wouldn't tolerate it, but you guys are going too far.

Yes, I get what you were trying to do with your post and all but he wanted this thread to be soley for Kik. I really don't see the initial negativity, but I see loads of it now.

You guys should really calm down, is getting banned worth an argument of which app is better ? Na, come on guys relax.

Dt, don't add fuel to the flame.

Well, I get your point but its not the first time that these hormone overflowing kiddies are raging at other players. Didn't they do th same thing on shadowgun too? Well I'm not sure I didn't read the full story

06-08-2013, 05:06 PM
I bet you are that immature that you also laugh when you see naked person

Depends whose naked. Lmao!

06-08-2013, 05:07 PM
Depends whose naked. Lmao!

I thought so

06-08-2013, 05:10 PM
I thought so

I agree, I'm being way too immature. Do I mind? Not one bit.

Do you mind? Haha probably.

06-08-2013, 05:14 PM
I thought so

I agree, I'm being way too immature. Do I mind? Not one bit.

Do you mind? Haha probably.

Bro even if we stopped commenting kuero would still run his sour lips he shoulda just left long time ago from this thread,do i care if he doesnt like? Do i care what anyone thinks? i sure DONT

06-08-2013, 05:18 PM
Bro even if we stopped commenting kuero would still run his sour lips he shoulda just left long time ago from this thread,do i care if he doesnt like? Do i care what anyone thinks? i sure DONT

You are raging at me that I won't stop replying but you don't seem to realize that you aren't stopping either. Now raging at me becuz I'm not doing so is just hypocritical

06-08-2013, 05:18 PM
Bro even if we stopped commenting kuero would still run his sour lips he shoulda just left long time ago from this thread,do i care if he doesnt like? I sure DONT!

Haha hey we always have kik! It's a friendly chat app that we can all talk about off topic discussions. Lets bring this too kik. What do you say Kuero, you down? :3

06-08-2013, 05:23 PM
Well, I get your point but its not the first time that these hormone overflowing kiddies are raging at other players. Didn't they do th same thing on shadowgun too? Well I'm not sure I didn't read the full story

Lol, shadow just comes off as a troll but he doesn't know it bc that's the way he is.

06-08-2013, 05:23 PM
Haha hey we always have kik! It's a friendly chat app that we can all talk about off topic discussions. Lets bring this too kik. What do you say Kuero, you down? :3

I say I can't wait until 1 or 2 players here get banned for violatin the terms of this forum

06-08-2013, 05:27 PM
Haha hey we always have kik! It's a friendly chat app that we can all talk about off topic discussions. Lets bring this too kik. What do you say Kuero, you down? :3

I say I can't wait until 1 or 2 players here get banned for violatin the terms of this forum

Such a female thing to say lmao and you dnt even know it

06-08-2013, 05:28 PM
Lol, shadow just comes off as a troll but he doesn't know it bc that's the way he is.

I see, well I'm not a troll but every person has the freedom to speak and defend himself. Doesn't matter if others are saying the opposite. But I'm not trying to explain this to you. I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. But some others here still need to learn it

06-08-2013, 05:31 PM
Such a female thing to say lmao and you dnt even know it

There was a troll like you but he is on Facebook. He made it on Wikipedia as the pink- panties wearing troll. He was discriminating women and now you can read his story on Wikipedia. Continue like this and you could also make it on Wikipedia someday

06-08-2013, 05:35 PM
Lol look at how you just went even more off topic.

06-08-2013, 05:41 PM
Lol look at how you just went even more off topic.

You are the guys here whose cant handle a normal conversation and shout random things out in hope to hurt me. Thank urself and your little buddy phantasm over there

06-08-2013, 05:50 PM
You are the guys here whose cant handle a normal conversation and shout random things out in hope to hurt me. Thank urself and your little buddy phantasm over there

Thank you ghost for supposedly putting out random words in hope too hurt this kid. How was that Kuero? Does that satisfy it? :)

06-08-2013, 05:53 PM
You didn't even mean it. Bad poker face

06-08-2013, 06:18 PM
I was supposed too mean it? Darn! :(

06-08-2013, 08:53 PM
Thread closed. Please everyone just play nice.

In the future please report posts such as these. Thanks!